Philips DVDR1648P
24. Booktype Setting
Review Pages
2. Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Audio Protections Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. C1/C2 Errors Measurements
10. Writing Quality - Clover System Tests
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
17. Writing Quality - Almedio AEC-1000
18. DVD+R DL - Page 1
19. DVD+R DL - Page 2
20. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 1
21. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 2
22. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 3
23. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 4
24. Booktype Setting
25. Conclusion
As expected, like any other Philips drive, the DVDR1648P is capable of changing
the default booktype setting for both Single Layer and Double Layer media.
Using the DVD-ROM booktype setting greatly increases compatibility with other
players and drives. The booktype is set by default to DVD-ROM for all plus
media formats.
The booktype can be changed easily. Nero CDSpeed can help you with this.
You can also use the BenQ QSuite or DVDinfoPro utilities in order to change the booktype for the DVDR1648P burner.
In Nero, you can set the drive to burn all plus format media as DVD-ROM booktype, from the recorder's properties. This option is also set by default.
Review Pages
2. Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction
4. DVD Error Correction Tests
5. Protected Disc Tests
6. DAE Tests
7. Audio Protections Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. C1/C2 Errors Measurements
10. Writing Quality - Clover System Tests
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 1
13. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 2
14. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 3
15. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 4
16. CDSpeed/PlexTools Scans - Page 5
17. Writing Quality - Almedio AEC-1000
18. DVD+R DL - Page 1
19. DVD+R DL - Page 2
20. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 1
21. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 2
22. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 3
23. Philips DVDR1648P vs SA300 - Page 4
24. Booktype Setting
25. Conclusion