NEC ND-4571A
16. DVDR DL Tests
Review Pages
2. CD - DVD Reading
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction
5. Audio - Data Protection Tests
6. CD Burning Tests
7. CD Writing Quality - PlexTools
8. CD Writing Quality - Clover Systems
9. DVD Writing Times
10. 16x DVD+R Writing Quality Tests
11. 8x DVD+R Writing Quality Tests
12. 16x DVD-R Writing Quality Tests
13. 8x DVD-R Writing Quality Tests
14. DVDRW Writing Quality Tests
15. DVD Writing Quality Tests - Almedio
16. DVDR DL Tests
17. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 1
18. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 2
19. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 3
20. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 4
21. BitSetting Tests
22. Final Thoughts

We burned several media with the "Create Data Disc" procedure, but unfortunately, the drive could not achieve accurate backups, reporting errors during the process. The only media that was burned and recognized was the Verbatim -R DL 8X media.
Verbatim DVD-R DL 8X @ 8X
The test started at 4.14X and writing speed maxed out at 8.28X with an average speed of 6.02X, completing the burn in 20:04mins.
An issue arrises from this test, concerning the DL burning quality. A firmware addressing this issue would be most welcomed. Also notice in the above graph the trend line. The actual 8X is achieved only during the second half of the first layer.
Unfortunatelly, the burned media could not be scanned with the quality check utilities, so a DL quality page is not included in this review. With a feature firmware release we will add some burnings to re-check the DL burnign mechanism capabilities.
Review Pages
2. CD - DVD Reading
3. CD Error Correction Tests
4. DVD Error Correction
5. Audio - Data Protection Tests
6. CD Burning Tests
7. CD Writing Quality - PlexTools
8. CD Writing Quality - Clover Systems
9. DVD Writing Times
10. 16x DVD+R Writing Quality Tests
11. 8x DVD+R Writing Quality Tests
12. 16x DVD-R Writing Quality Tests
13. 8x DVD-R Writing Quality Tests
14. DVDRW Writing Quality Tests
15. DVD Writing Quality Tests - Almedio
16. DVDR DL Tests
17. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 1
18. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 2
19. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 3
20. SA300 Correlation Tests - Page 4
21. BitSetting Tests
22. Final Thoughts