Sony HTR-6000
10. Writing Quality Tests
The following screenshots present the PI/PO results for the media recorded with the Sony recorder.
The software used for the measurements was Nero CDspeed (v3.75) and Plextools Professional v2.20. The ECC was set to 8 and the reading drive was the Plextor PX-712A with firmware v1.05. The specific methodology is very dependent on the drive used as a reader, while the reliability of the PI/PO provided output is also not technically confirmed. Consequently, we could not safely come up with any conclusions, but still, we did make a comparison of the drive's behavior when using various DVD recordable/rewritable media.
Verbatim DVD-RWTraxdata DVD-RW
Ridisc DVD-R
Verbatim DVD-R
Philips DVD+RW
Datawrite DVD+RW

Generally, the drive offers good writing quality.