1Ghz or higherCPU, Win 98/SE/ME/2000/XP, 256MB memory, 8x or faster CD-ROM,
Ati 8500 or GeForce 3 or higher, 1.4GB free space

few games were expected with the enthusiasm from the game community as
Sid Meier's Pirates! Pirates has its own distinct history. It was in 1987 that
Microprose issued the first Pirates which immediately became a hit. The role
of a pirate who crosses the Caribbean, capturing
ships, searching for treasures and looting wealthy towns, kept millions of gamers
glued to their screens (myself among them!). Six years later, Microprose
released "Pirates Gold!" a remake of the original game. The game had
many bugs - a patch later fixed many of them - but it also became a classic.
Now, 18 years after its first release, a new Pirates (again from Sid Meier) is
and has to reach the high expectations set by its two "hall-of-fame" predecessors.
Some Sid Meier's Pirates scrennshots