Alliance Storage Technologies Unveils a New Upgrade Program for End-of-Service Optical Data Libraries
To assist its customers in transitioning from unsupported
IBM 3995 libraries, Alliance Storage Technologies, Inc,
(ASTI) is offering a new Upgrade program.
This program makes it easy for ASTI's customers to
transition from legacy IBM 3995 units to new ASTI
libraries. ASTI and IBM libraries use MO
(Magneto-optical) media, making it possible to move
current media to new systems without the complications
and risks of data migration.
Archiving capacities can be increased in a range from 220GB up to 76TB. Additionally ASTI's customers can trade in their legacy systems and receive a discount on a new ASTI library.
After data is permanently written on the media on ASTI libraries, it no longer requires a constant power source to maintain the data. 50 year UDO media life also reduces media maintenance and decreases the frequency of data migration. This potentially reduces operating costs up to 75% (power and cooling), significantly lowering TCO throughout the life of the archive.
For more information on the program call 719-593-4425.

Archiving capacities can be increased in a range from 220GB up to 76TB. Additionally ASTI's customers can trade in their legacy systems and receive a discount on a new ASTI library.
After data is permanently written on the media on ASTI libraries, it no longer requires a constant power source to maintain the data. 50 year UDO media life also reduces media maintenance and decreases the frequency of data migration. This potentially reduces operating costs up to 75% (power and cooling), significantly lowering TCO throughout the life of the archive.
For more information on the program call 719-593-4425.