Vinpower Acquired Rights and IP’s Related to ACARD Technology’s Duplication Products
Digital duplication equipment maker Vinpower Digital has acquired the digital duplication product line from ACARD Technology Corp., potentially advancing its uplication product line.
Trhough the acquisition, Vinpower Digital gains access to ACARD’s proprietary native SATA IC’s and storage CPU / SOC technology, in addition to other related IP’s. Vinpower is also committed to providing worldwide technical support for ACARD’s existing global customer base.
Vinpower plans to utilize the technology and IP’s acquired from ACARD to advance development in its own duplication and storage hardware. The company will soon develop and release affordable duplication and storage products for nearly any storage technology available.
The ACARD CPU / SOC includes added storage interfaces and the ability to implement virtually unlimited internal and/or external daisy chain functionality.
ACARD, active in the digital duplication and storage market since its inception in the mid 1990’s, invested in the development of its own proprietary SCSI IC chips, CPU / SOC, and native SATA technology.