8. TEAC CD-RW280PU vs. Plextor PX-S88TU
Review Pages
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4. RW reading tests
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8. TEAC CD-RW280PU vs. Plextor PX-S88TU
TEAC CD-RW280PU vs. Plextor PX-S88TU - Page 8
PleXWriter PX-S88TU Conclusion
Positive (+): | Negative (-): |
- Elegant design - Supports USB 1.1/2.0 interfaces - "BURN-Proof" anti-coaster technology - Very good tray design - Very good data reading performance with both CDR/pressed media - Very good DAE speed - Produces better quality CDs (when using low quality media) - Supports DAO-RAW - Supports overburning (up to 89minutes) - Supports reading/writing of SubChannel Data - Supports CD-Text (reading/writing) - Low CPU Usage while operating - Weights 500gr |
- Higher recording times than TEAC CD-RW280PU
- DAE quality is not perfect with scratched CDs - Failed to backup SD2 protected CDs - Loud noise when executing Nero CD Speed Advanced DAE! - Higher price than competition ($285) |
TEAC CD-RW280PU Conclusion
Positive (+): |
Negative (-): |
- Futuristic design |
- Drive sold only in Japan |
After the end of our roundup, one thing was in our minds. How dramatically technology changes for the sake of end users. USB 2.0 solves, at last, the previously limited 4/4/6 CD-RW solutions and gives the users a fast and very easy way to backup their important data. Both the tested CD-RW drives will make their users happy, and it would be nice to see even faster portable solutions in the future.
Even if TEAC and the PleXWriter share the same writing/re-writing/reading speeds (8/8/24) the final results show some interesting differences. Each drive has its own positive and negative points, which should be studied carefully by the possible buyer. Our Japanese visitors are lucky to have the choice between both recorders, but for the rest of the world the PleXWriter PX-S88TU is the only way to go. Now if you keep asking for the best, that small window on the top does make the difference ;-)
Review Pages
2. Installation
3. Data Tests
4. RW reading tests
5. DAE Tests
6. CDR Tests
7. RW Writing Tests
8. TEAC CD-RW280PU vs. Plextor PX-S88TU