Google Lens Come to Google Images
As Google announced during its 20th anniversary event last month, updates made to Google Images include support for Lens, and these changes are available now.
Starting today, when you see something in an image that you want to know more about, like a landmark in a travel photo or wallpaper in a room, you can use Lens to explore within the image.
Similar to Lens in the Google Assistant and Google Photos, Lens in Google Images identifies things within an image you might want to learn about, and shows you similar ones. When you press the Lens button in Google Images, dots will appear on objects you can learn more about.
Lens in Google Images can also make it easier to find and buy things you like online. For example, you might come to Google Images looking for ideas to redecorate your living room. During your search, you come across a couch you like in an image, but you may not know what style it is or where to buy it. All you need to do is press the Lens button, then either tap on a dot on the couch, or draw around it, and Google Images will show you related information and images. From there, you can learn more about it, or find places where you might be able to buy a similar couch.
To start, the dots will appear on products and other objects Lens has identified, and in the coming months the dots will appear in more types of images, such as landmarks, animals and plants. You can still draw around anything you're interested in inside of an image to get more information and see related content.
Lens in Images is now live on the mobile web for people in the U.S. searching in English, and will soon be rolled out to other countries, languages and Google Images locations.