Foxconn 7900GS
10. Overclocking
- Overclocking
As most enthousiasts, we were very curious how well Foxconn 7900GS would overclock. With stock settings, the Foxconn 7900GS runs at 450MHz core and 660MHz memory clock:
Using coolbits registry "hack" we enabled overclocking features at Nvidia's control panel. Next step was to test and trial procedure, rise up frequency, run 3D Mark 06 to stress VGA card until we had a safe state. Our best trials came down to 525MHz core and 800 MHz memory, a 16.89% (core) and 21.21% (memory) improvements:
Usually overclocking does affect gaming experience, but we had to find out how much exactly:
By looking at the results, the performance differences are noticable (14.42% for 3DMark06, 18.25% for Prey and 31.89% for COH). Imagine a 7900GS SLI overclocked how would perform...Lastly, GPU runs hot enough, at idle mode reaches 53 celcious, while at full load, tops 70 celcious.