New 'HD ready 1080p' logo from EICTA
EICTA, the body representing consumer electronics industries in the European Union, recently announced their new "HD ready 1080p" product qualifier.
Up until now, there have been many company proprietary logo?s on the market attesting to "full high definition" or "Full HD" capabilities of a flat screen TV. But from now on, products in Europe that meet a set of minimum technical criteria will carry the ?HD ready 1080p? logo. It has been designed for flat screen televisions that can receive, process and display high definition 1080p signals.
HD ready 1080p
Designed for equipment devices including plasma and liquid crystal display (LCD) televisions that can receive, process and display High Definition 1080p signals.
HD TV 1080p
Designed for display capable of receiving and decoding High Definition television signals and featuring a display compliant to "HD ready 1080p"
Display products bearing the 1080p qualifier logos not only feature a minimum 1920 x 1080 resolution, but also guarantee that the relevant 1080p signal variants ? 24 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz ? can be acquired, as well as reproduced with the same or higher frame rate.
HD ready 1080p

HD TV 1080p

Display products bearing the 1080p qualifier logos not only feature a minimum 1920 x 1080 resolution, but also guarantee that the relevant 1080p signal variants ? 24 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz ? can be acquired, as well as reproduced with the same or higher frame rate.