Sony to Introduce Playstation Logo Licensing Program
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced the
introduction of PlayStation "Logo Licensing Program"
targeted for variety of products from apparel to everyday
items as part of the Official Licensing Program.
Licensees who enter into an agreement with SCE through the
"Logo Licensing Program" will be able to design their
product using the PlayStation logos and or the iconic
△○×□ marks, Sony said. The program
is applicable to a variety of lifestyle products such as
apparel, accessories, house wares and more. Furthermore, SCE
will provide "Official Licensed Product logo" to be used on
product packages, proving that the products comply with the
guideline and have been approved by SCE.
Further details on the licensing program are available on the official site (http://www.scei.co.jp/olp/index_e.html).
Further details on the licensing program are available on the official site (http://www.scei.co.jp/olp/index_e.html).