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RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/20/2005 1:50:17 AM   


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Nevermind.   I got the exploit working.  Works awesome.  Now I just have to get use to this and find better ways to do things.  A lot different and much better.

(in reply to NoFear1183)
Post #: 321
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/21/2005 10:32:13 PM   


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@ nofear, congrats on getting it working.  But, you seem to miss the point of the exploit.  The whole idea is that the exploit allows you use an unmodded ps2 to access your hdd, if your already using a mod chip and hda isn't that all you need, why waste time on\or aggrevation on using the exploit just burn a copy of hdloader on a dvd.  also i've encountered numerous problems loading games with the patched version of hdl so if u can use a burned copy of hdl it always works

(in reply to NoFear1183)
Post #: 322
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/22/2005 5:45:08 PM   


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Hi torrentmaster

You mentiontioned recently using the memory card exploit, couls you give some more info on what this is and how to go about it?

I have recently purchased a network adaptor and a 120gb hd, where should i go next, what is differance between hd loader and hd advanced and do i need to purchase either ?

Your help would be greatly appreciated as i seem to have read so much info in so many places that i am getting rather confused

Many thanks

(in reply to torrentmasta)
Post #: 323
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/23/2005 9:53:37 PM   


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the memory card exploit is a application that is small in size which allows you to access a hdd.  There are other applications which you can run from your memory card which are FAPlink, hdl dumb server, media player, execFTP, PS2menu-k, and there are a few more.......

In order to do this you need acces to a modded ps2, swap magic, or someone with a memory card exploit already set up.  first you insert a ps1 or psX cd into your computer and open the system file with a text editor, than copy the number SLUS/SCUS...........  down on paper then find the files on the web and edit the system file that is included with the file and change the SCUS/SLUS ........ with your number from the ps1/psX disk you used then you save a bunch of files to a blank cd.  You put that blank cd in a modded ps2 and it transfers the files to your memeory card.

Then you insert a psX or ps1 disk into your ps2, put the memory card into slot 1, with a hard drive installed with the network adapter plugged into the back.  And VIOLA it sees your hdd and it even formats it for you.

The differance between hd loader and hd advance is NOTHING ,both the same application witha differant visual gui

(in reply to serafin10)
Post #: 324
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/26/2005 3:43:40 AM   

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since many people are talking about the exploit i decided to test it, but i have some problems making a valid ISO image of the execftp application, still investigating, the Guides i have so far read are either confusing or missing important information, still investigating, when I manage to work it out, I will post an full HowTo

(in reply to torrentmasta)
Post #: 325
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/26/2005 8:34:39 AM   


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@emporer as I recall making the execFTP disk was a bit of a run around.  I downloaded the execFTP files from a few sources and combined different files together to make the disk.  For example one set of files did not have a dummy file, the other did.  Here's a good guide to getting it working, but remember to add a dummy file to increase the size of the disk

Here's the bomb guide to getting the exploit working

but in the end after getting everything working when you install a game using hdloader the game works but after I restart the ps2 ps2menu-k will not mount the filesystem which means that you can no longer load hdloader because the hdd won't mount.  however if you plug the hdd into your computer you can erase the game with hdl dumb or winHIIP.  I personally had more success installing backup games with hdl dumb than installing retail games with hdloader, this problem is directly related tp ps2menu-k because if i use a modded ps2 and use a hdloder copy it loads the menu with out a problem and plays the games

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 326
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/28/2005 4:35:52 AM   


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Thanks Torrentmaster

As i don't have access to chipped units etc i will follow the hdloader and probably load the games via hd dumb.

On trying to format my hd i get a message from winhiip saying that there is no ps2 boot record, i guess that this is due to it not being formatted and that i should proceed, second should i just leave all settings as per the defaults, third, i get a message saying that the formatting is not reversible, does this mean that i can never use the hd for any other purposes in the future ?


(in reply to torrentmasta)
Post #: 327
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/28/2005 11:17:14 AM   


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this is all AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!!!

I never got a message about boot records, I plugged my hdd in used a burned copy of hdloader and the mc exploit to format my drive without a problem.  Secondly yes leave as defaults, and thirdly I'm not sure about being reversible.  I personally don't believe that for a second but I don't want to give you the wrong advice.  I bought a hdd specifically for the ps2 and I have no intention of reverting it back to NTFS or FAT.

(in reply to serafin10)
Post #: 328
RE: PS2 HD Loader Info - 8/28/2005 5:23:36 PM   


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Thanks Torrentmaster

You mention specifically that you used the exploit with a burned version of HDloader, is the exploit required for the burned version to work? i have not yet been successful with downloaded versions of hdloader, as i have read that it is freeware do you know where i can get it from?


(in reply to torrentmasta)
Post #: 329
RE: Advanced HDLoader Compatabilty list - 8/30/2005 3:32:22 PM   


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Hello all.. I like to know if it posible to make a copy of hdloader or hdvanced. And then boot them up with swapmagic v3.

(in reply to deviljr)
Post #: 330
RE: Advanced HDLoader Compatabilty list - 8/30/2005 7:27:42 PM   


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@ serafin yes the exploit is required to make hdloader work and the actual program hdloader runs from my memory card using a ps1 disc.A downloaded copy of hdloader will only work with a modded ps2 or swap magic.  The "exploit" is where you install programs that will run from your memory card, there is more than just hdloader.  There are several FTP clients, media centre for watching movies, ps2-menuk. And to answer your last question it is not freeware you have to actually purchase this software in order to use it legally



(in reply to jesdaking)
Post #: 331
RE: Advanced HDLoader Compatabilty list - 9/1/2005 3:39:29 AM   


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So i have taken the easy route and bought HDAdvance 3.0, loading games either from the ps2 or the pc using winhiip has been very easy, my only problem so far is with NFS Underground 2, this comes up with a blank screen, i have read on these forums about trying different options, especially no.3 for some reason, how do i access these options as i see nothing on screen apart from the games to select, run, convert, delete and relabel, any info anyone?


(in reply to torrentmasta)
Post #: 332
RE: Advanced HDLoader Compatabilty list - 9/4/2005 9:57:43 AM   


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hello everyone,
I would like to know some things about the HD for PS2:

1st. What kind of formats can I use in my HD? (iso?)
2nd. Can't I just stick my HD into the USB hole of the PS2 and then use  HDloader to load my HD?


(in reply to serafin10)
Post #: 333
RE: Advanced HDLoader Compatabilty list - 9/26/2005 5:15:52 AM   


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I wonder if anyone can help with either of the following

1   Some games i obtained come in the form of multi files with the extensions just being numbers 001,002,003 etc, how do i convert these for use on the hd ?

2   While trying to load a game called flatout, which i have as an image, winhiip tells me there is already an existing file which has the same 24 characters, and that i should check or change these, how do i go about this ?

Thanks for any assistance to either

(in reply to yopakfu)
Post #: 334
Try this.. - 9/30/2005 4:17:16 PM   


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(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 335
RE: Try this.. - 10/1/2005 5:34:06 PM   


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I use hdloader and you press the select button to access the mode select screen, not sure if that helps.  Also if you use winHIIP to install backups you can change the mode on the install screen before the game even makes it onto your hdd.  Oh ya some games just do not work, for example I can't get gran turismo4 to work or god of war so the games are hit or miss you just have to try all the modes and if it doesn't work than back it up and then delete it to make more room for games that do work.


In my experience you can install retail games(obviously) and iso image files.  I'm not sure if mdf work or not cuz most disc images are usually iso.   And as for the usb hdd i'm not sure cuz i use a internal so "plug and pray".

@serafin10 part2

If I understand what you are asking, it sound like you have a winRAR archive.  What you do is get winrar and highlight all the files (not the NFO or text instruction) just the files with the numbers behind them.  Then click to extract the files to a directory.  AS for the next question i'm not sure but it sounds like you are naming the same file twice.  Please elaborate a little more if you can


(in reply to danyboy)
Post #: 336
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