Hi major9686 and Welcome!
Well...You got almost the same cooling configuration as I do...4 case fans, 2 in PSU, 1 on Graphic card,....I dont have Thermaltake Fan (but am still on stock CPU cooler)...the only exeption is that I have Intel's P4 2.4Ghz and You have AMD's XP2000+
So with all this...and with CPU at full load (100% all the time) for more than 4 hours now...temperatures are...System 34-35 degress Celsius, and CPU 46-48 degrees Celsius...Cpu fan is on 3000 RPM and room temperature around 25 degrees...and thats mostly all there is to say... Under idle...System temp is around 27-29 and CPU around 33-35 degrees...
I also know that our CPU's cant be compared this way....cause Intel is known to have lower operating temperatures...sooooooo....I did a little research...and
found this and
this They are both forum threads...with interesting info about Athlon XP 2000+ (and other XP Cpu's also) temperatures....so check them out....

From what I could read....60-65 degrees is maximum under full load (some people said they also reached 70 without problems...but...i wouldnt recommend that

)...so...now the question is...were your 54-60 under idle or load? and is case really so hot? 44-49? well if the cpu is constantly around 60 then case could be as you said....but i just cant imagine how you must feel sitting beside that smoking hot stuff...hahahahaha...i mean...dont get me wrong...but....I just wonder what the room temperature is after some 4 hours of playing some games under heavy load? 35+ degrees? like in some desert...
Some people there (as you could read) also said they run their AMD Athlon XP Cpu's at "only" 40 degrees and lower...so i guess its all about good cooling solution....ohhhhh...and one more thing....although i dont know exactly how your cpu fan looks like...I would recommend you to take it out and clean it well in case its dirty....i may give you an example here...i didnt clean the case for 1 year or so...and the idle temp of Cpu was around 40-44 (full load around 50-55!) and still increasing....so i also thought something was wrong....then I took cooler out...cleaned all that dirt and dust out of its ribs (which was really blocking effective airflow!

)...put it back in place...added some thermal paste...andddd...the result was 27-29 degrees Cpu temp...

Thats why i would advice you to at least check it out and see if it needs to be cleaned...
Check this one...its almost like i said above...and look what result this guy achieved....
I have an Athlon XP 1700+ (1440 mhz), I never had any problems with it until this month (I bought a good heatsink and fan)...
The problem arise not from the heat (it's closer to 40ºC outside and I have no AC), last year in the summer the temperature reached 47ºC, and no problems at all
In the house (summer) it's 10 degrees bellow comparing with outside...
I thought I should take a closer view of my cpu...maybe the fan was dying... (My system was crashing more than usual...)
I take out my copper heat dissipator (heatsink) and it was FULL of CRAP.. consistent DUST...allmoust cotton.
No wonder my cpu was getting 65-70ºC...
In the process I broke up my motherboard (excelent with a decent chipset not via but SIS, never had any problem with that chipset, Now I am having problems with my soundblaster live...
I have to to open SEVERAL PROGRAMS to prevent scratchy sound...
really crap chipset VIA makes...
(KT600), I should bought another SIS motherboard...
that bothers me...why I didn't?
It was my sweat that might had broken that motherboard...I was with extreme care, but ....I was sweating like crazy...
maybe some drop with magnificent conductivity properties (water with salt)..
Now, I am having no problems...(only that annoying sound problem)
system 47ºC cpu 53ºC
I guess considering the enviroment temperature this is excellent. So massive 20+ degrees difference !!!
I hope that all my mambo-jumbo novell writing above will be at least in some way helpfull to finding solution to your problem...although if those temperatures were already under full load...then they are ok...i mean...they could be lowered for some 10 degrees (by cleaning cpu cooler or with making current fans to cool more effectively) but its nothing wrong even if you leave it as it is....at least if desert effect doesnt bother you...

(btw...my room temperature goes to some around 30 degrees...and its already way too much...so I really cant imagine how you manage to survive that CrossFire there...maybe with 2 packs of beer everyday?

Ok thats it...enjoy...and wish you all the best with your experimenting...and keep us up-to-date with progress...
*SiliconFreak logout*