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Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/6/2005 12:46:58 PM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
Status: offline
I didnt knew where else to put this and this section looked the best choice ..
Ive got :
AMD Athlon XP 2000+  (not overclocked)
Gigabyte GA-7VAX
2x Samsung 256MB DDR PC2700 333MHz
WD HDD 80GB 7200RPM 8MB Cache
Leadtek Geforce4 Ti 4200 128MB AGPx4
I got 4 case fans, 1 fan on the Graphic card, 1 or 2 Fans in the Power supplier, 1 Thermaltake Fan on the CPU - Volcano type, 2 years old fan .. - has 3 speeds modes, currantly on low because its quiet (3600rpm) :) it can get to 6200rpm+ (other than the CPU Fan all the others are the original parts I got with my PC)
My case is a ANTEC midi or High tower ... its preaty large and heavy..

My CPU temps. are 54c-60c mostly on 58c
and the Case temps. are 44c-49c mostly on 47c

Should it be this hot ? cause people tellin' me this is whack and that something is wrong ..
what should I do ? please help me guys...

Thanks in advance,
                         Yair :)

< Message edited by major9686 -- 7/6/2005 1:01:32 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/6/2005 4:04:55 PM   

Posts: 169
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
Status: offline
Hi major9686 and Welcome!

Well...You got almost the same cooling configuration as I do...4 case fans, 2 in PSU, 1 on Graphic card,....I dont have Thermaltake Fan (but am still on stock CPU cooler)...the only exeption is that I have Intel's P4 2.4Ghz and You have AMD's XP2000+

So with all this...and with CPU at full load (100% all the time) for more than 4 hours now...temperatures are...System 34-35 degress Celsius, and CPU 46-48 degrees Celsius...Cpu fan is on 3000 RPM and room temperature around 25 degrees...and thats mostly all there is to say... Under idle...System temp is around 27-29 and CPU around 33-35 degrees...

I also know that our CPU's cant be compared this way....cause Intel is known to have lower operating temperatures...sooooooo....I did a little research...and found this and this 

They are both forum threads...with interesting info about Athlon XP 2000+ (and other XP Cpu's also) check them out.... From what I could read....60-65 degrees is maximum under full load (some people said they also reached 70 without problems...but...i wouldnt recommend that ) the question is...were your 54-60 under idle or load? and is case really so hot? 44-49? well if the cpu is constantly around 60 then case could be as you said....but i just cant imagine how you must feel sitting beside that smoking hot stuff...hahahahaha...i mean...dont get me wrong...but....I just wonder what the room temperature is after some 4 hours of playing some games under heavy load? 35+ degrees? like in some desert... 

Some people there (as you could read) also said they run their AMD Athlon XP Cpu's at "only" 40 degrees and i guess its all about good cooling solution....ohhhhh...and one more thing....although i dont know exactly how your cpu fan looks like...I would recommend you to take it out and clean it well in case its dirty....i may give you an example here...i didnt clean the case for 1 year or so...and the idle temp of Cpu was around 40-44 (full load around 50-55!) and still i also thought something was wrong....then I took cooler out...cleaned all that dirt and dust out of its ribs (which was really blocking effective airflow!)...put it back in place...added some thermal paste...andddd...the result was 27-29 degrees Cpu temp... Thats why i would advice you to at least check it out  and see if it needs to be cleaned...

Check this one...its almost like i said above...and look what result this guy achieved....

I have an Athlon XP 1700+ (1440 mhz), I never had any problems with it until this month (I bought a good heatsink and fan)...

The problem arise not from the heat (it's closer to 40ºC outside and I have no AC), last year in the summer the temperature reached 47ºC, and no problems at all
In the house (summer) it's 10 degrees bellow comparing with outside...

I thought I should take a closer view of my cpu...maybe the fan was dying... (My system was crashing more than usual...)

I take out my copper heat dissipator (heatsink) and it was FULL of CRAP.. consistent DUST...allmoust cotton.
No wonder my cpu was getting 65-70ºC...

In the process I broke up my motherboard (excelent with a decent chipset not via but SIS, never had any problem with that chipset, Now I am having problems with my soundblaster live...
I have to to open SEVERAL PROGRAMS to prevent scratchy sound...
really crap chipset VIA makes...
(KT600), I should bought another SIS motherboard...
that bothers me...why I didn't?

It was my sweat that might had broken that motherboard...I was with extreme care, but ....I was sweating like crazy...
maybe some drop with magnificent conductivity properties (water with salt)..

Now, I am having no problems...(only that annoying sound problem)
system 47ºC cpu 53ºC
I guess considering the enviroment temperature this is excellent.

So massive 20+ degrees difference !!!

I hope that all my mambo-jumbo novell writing above will be at least in some way helpfull to finding solution to your problem...although if those temperatures were already under full load...then they are ok...i mean...they could be lowered for some 10 degrees (by cleaning cpu cooler or with making current fans to cool more effectively) but its nothing wrong even if you leave it as it least if desert effect doesnt bother you... ( room temperature goes to some around 30 degrees...and its already way too I really cant imagine how you manage to survive that CrossFire there...maybe with 2 packs of beer everyday?

Ok thats it...enjoy...and wish you all the best with your experimenting...and keep us up-to-date with progress...

*SiliconFreak logout*

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 2
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/6/2005 10:53:04 PM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
Status: offline
Ok reply without a quote ;) too much ...
but thank you !
hmm .. Ive got chronical bowel disease so heat affects me more than other people :(
I will probably clean the case again today ..
2 weeks ago I cleaned it out .. I mean the case .. with a vaccum cleaner, you wont believe how much dust was in there ...
I should get some little dust cleaner and that coolin' gel that you put on your CPU .. or maybe I still got some left in my tube from my first time of usin' it :)
I also need to go today to buy some PC Speakers .. I cant handle without sound !!!
also- Ive read that you can clean the fans with some special oil or spray .. and also with compressed air ... I will try all of the above :)
Thanks again mate !!!

P.S. I will publish my results here later today, I hope :)

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 3
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 1:26:36 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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I think the cpu tempratures for the specific AMD are logical.

You can get a new cooler if you want from to lower the temp of your cpu.

Your Antec case does it has any fans on it?

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 4
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 2:53:14 AM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
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I think the cpu tempratures for the specific AMD are logical.

You can get a new cooler if you want from to lower the temp of your cpu.

Your Antec case does it has any fans on it?

on my Antec\Chieftein dont remember which is it ..
it has 1 fan above\infront of the HDD ..
2 fans in the back of the case, 1 in-1out ...
1 fan on the side door of the case which I took out today to clean it but it seems that with the side panel removed the air flow is better ..
the case temp. is 39c-40c
the cpu temp. is 49c-50c
I also switched the speed of my CPU fan to high speed -> 6250rpm-6367rpm .. which is fast but very noisy !
also I got on my motherboard except for the cpu fan, another small fan on the AGPx8 ..
and 2 fans in my power supplier ..
and 1 fan on graphic card ...
in Total there are 9 fans :)

by the way .. are there new fans for the CPU that fit my cpu and motherboard ? because they are very old ...

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 5
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 6:44:47 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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2 fans in the back of the case, 1 in-1out ... ??? The fans at the back should blow the air out of the box, while the front fans in.

There is no need of several fans. This can make things worse than improve them.

Thus the temprature is much depending on the room temprature. In summer 5~6 degrees higher is logical than in winter.

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 6
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 8:31:30 AM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
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ok .. with the CPU fan at 6300 RPM which is makin' alot of noise !! I got the Cpu to 49c and the Case to 40c ...
is there some other fan that can do 6000+ rpm but is makin less noise ?
If my currant fan wouldnt do so much noise I would have keep it at 6000+ rpm because its takin' about 5-6 celcius temp. out ..

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 7
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 9:10:27 AM   

Posts: 169
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From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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Hi again,

so you managed to cool down your system a bit....around 50 degrees Cpu...and around 40 for system...thats normal ( that at idle or full load)? Even if its at idle...cpu temperature shouldnt go above 60 under full load...whats good enough (if the noise at 6000+ rpm's doesnt bother you) 

What Iggy said is also true....that fans at the back should blow out...but in case you have 1-1 now...just make sure that the upper one blows out, and lower one in...because hot air is going its at the top of the case...(btw...I also have 1 fan directly at the top of the case....which blows out offcourse...) best way is to have lower fans (looking at the case height) blowing in....and higher ones out....that all there is...

Iggy...the more the better is the key more fans lower temperatures...but they must be properly installed to make effective airflow...otherwise its like you said....can make it even worse...and also...more fans more noise...thats another negative issue here...but we are used to that arent we? At least until we save some 900US$+ to buy some sub-zero solution like VapoChill Extreme Edition II (check it out here and here)...

Enough for now...just 2 more links to coolers that fit Athlon XP...

- Thermalright SI-97 Socket A Heatsink (34.99US$)
- Cooler Master Hyper 6+ Heatsink Fan (49.99US$) - this one rocks!!!
Well thats all...i hope you find some solution that suits you best! (but you could also stay with what you have right now....cause there is nothing critical there...and...maybe upgrade some other components instead of spending money on cooling which is not urgently needed nor it will improve performance...its up to you...Good Luck!)


(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 8
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 9:17:33 AM   

Posts: 169
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From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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I was writting previous reply so long that you posted another one in that time...

So let me say that the answer to your question is Cooler Master Hyper 6+ Heatsink Fan ! It manages to lower 5 degrees at low speed (which is 1800 RPM's I gues -because it operates from 1800-3600)...but even at full speed it shouldnt do much more noise...still much less than your cooler makes now...(and it will also lower temperatures for some 10 degrees if not more - at least it cooled down AMD Athlon 64 3200+ for that amount against its stock cooler!)

Have a nice day/night.


< Message edited by SiliconFreak -- 7/7/2005 9:18:27 AM >

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 9
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 9:55:37 AM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
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WOW thx for the reply .. both of them ;)
hmm .. the only fan that makin' noise is the 6000+rpm fan ..

Im now searchin' for that Cooler Master Hyper 6 you talked about ..
also .. another question .. should I buy those neat round IDE cables ?

EDIT -> The Cooler Master Hyper 6 costs 65US$ here in israel ...
I will consider it for my next shoppin' spree ;)
also .. regardin the round cables .. beside bein' all nice and preaty .. are they really allow more air flow ?

EDIT 2 -> My computer is on for about 12 hours ..
and its been on idle for the last hour .. and the house is air conditioned .. about 20c ...
the Case temp. is 36c. and the CPU temp. is 48c. which is great but also with the fan on 6300+rpm ...

EDIT 3 -> heres the MBM5 reads :
|Sensor                       | Current  | Low      | High     | Average  |
|Case                         | 38° C    | 36° C    | 45° C    | 40° C    |
|CPU                          | 52° C    | 48° C    | 56° C    | 51° C    |

< Message edited by major9686 -- 7/7/2005 12:10:26 PM >

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 10
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 1:43:37 PM   

Posts: 169
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
Status: offline 65$ for Hyper 6? i said before...if you need it...its worth the price (at least from all those reviews and tests)...

Round IDE cables? I wanted to buy them a while ago...but not for better cooling...but for nicer look and more free space inside the case...but i changed my mind...cause i had some other more important components to add... You wonder about better airflow with those cables? will surely be...but my opinion is that it wont affect temperatures drastically...btw...if you nicely fold you existing could provide the same airflow as with round cables...and also make sure they arent in a way between fans and components that they should cool down...

Thats it...its again entirely up to you to my opinion...those cables are more eyecandy beauties than some real comes your turn to make a decision...

Btw...your temperatures look cool enough now...its only that 6000+ rpm cooler that needs to be replaced or silenced... What about that sub-zero solution for 900$? Not interested?

Enjoy and good luck...

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 11
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 1:53:39 PM   

Posts: 258
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From: Holon, Israel
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ORIGINAL: SiliconFreak 65$ for Hyper 6? i said before...if you need it...its worth the price (at least from all those reviews and tests)...

Round IDE cables? I wanted to buy them a while ago...but not for better cooling...but for nicer look and more free space inside the case...but i changed my mind...cause i had some other more important components to add... You wonder about better airflow with those cables? will surely be...but my opinion is that it wont affect temperatures drastically...btw...if you nicely fold you existing could provide the same airflow as with round cables...and also make sure they arent in a way between fans and components that they should cool down...

Thats it...its again entirely up to you to my opinion...those cables are more eyecandy beauties than some real comes your turn to make a decision...

Btw...your temperatures look cool enough now...its only that 6000+ rpm cooler that needs to be replaced or silenced... What about that sub-zero solution for 900$? Not interested?

Enjoy and good luck...

In the mean while I will save my money ..
I already spent alot of money on the BENQ1640 and 75 DVD-+R and 100 CD-R and Creative Inspire 4.1 4400 ... and Some chinese food ;)
I need a break ..
maybe I will upgrade my PC next year .. just maybe :)
and I will stay with that 6000+fan for now ..
and I wont spend 900$ on some stupid component ... I can buy a complete computer with that sum of money !!! I aint rich you know ...

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 12
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 2:22:30 PM   

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From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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Ok! Its your $$$ afterall...I just hope Chinese food was tasty (oh didnt buy some roasted dog, or did you? Snakes are better...more crispy....and they also go along with beer much better...especially Mamba taste so gooooooooddddd...

Lets get real...

Ok...I agree with you....its ALWAYS better to wait a while before upgrading (at least if its not very urgent)...because with each month that will get more performance for less money...

But...meanwhile....try lowering the fan to at least some 3000-4000RPMs....cause sometimes i feel like i hear it all the way to my place...really....mine CPU fan runs around 2500-2800 rpms...and its already way to much...even more at quiet nights...damn...the good point is that i have plently of music to listen to it...otherwise i would go thats why i really cant imagine how it must have been at driving some Honda R-Type at full speed....

Btw...just tried your temp....32 degrees...CPU temp 34 i am so happy...hahahaha....but...i would really like to try that 900$ baby...but i would have to buy gloves and other winter equipment (worth another 900$) its a no go zone for me...cause i also aint rich...

Ok enough...cya around...enjoy...

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 13
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 2:31:24 PM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
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LoL .. Im a jew .. so I dont eat that kind of stuff ..
just ate some chicken wings ..and some stuff .. :)
hmm .. I will probably upgrade my PC when TES4 comes out .. I really wanna play that game in VERY HIGH settings :)
now that the fan is on low speed : 3552rpm .. kinda quiet .. the case temp. is 41c. and the CPU temp. is 53c. .. but the house is still cold from the AC .. and its night here so ..
the middle speed is 4500-5000 rpm .. which is on almost never .. :)
Maybe if I will rob some bank  I will buy you those 1800$ toys :)
Im goin' to watch some TV and then Ill go to bed .. those drugs Im takin' for my bowels are killin' me ..
Talk to you tomorrow with more applications ! ane temp. results ..
Night mate !

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 14
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 5:00:24 PM   

Posts: 169
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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Good night mate...

ok chicken wings...I just hope they were ok...thats all...hmmm...i could have some also....mmmmm....why did you mentioned them? now i am hungry....grrrrrrrrr...

Btw...i just got an idea....if you have AC in the house...why dont you somehow connect it to your case and/or cpu....??? add those few pipes and off you go....20 degrees cpu and case temp....wouldnt it be nice?  Or you prefer that heat anyway?

Thank You for your offered help with those 1800$ toys...I appreciate that....but dont do something like that....because I dont believe that in your jails you have internet better dont do nothing and stay here, rather to enjoy in that 1x1m cell with 5 degrees temp inside....(man...there you would pray to have some hot thingy like your cpu is at the moment (53 degrees) beside you, to warm you....).

and limit those drugs....100% natural solutions are best....and i bet there is some solution like that for your health problems shall visit some witch doctor(shaman) to tell you what to wishes!

Cya around...bye.

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 15
RE: Temperatures Issues - HELP! - 7/7/2005 11:08:03 PM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
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ORIGINAL: SiliconFreak

Good night mate...

ok chicken wings...I just hope they were ok...thats all...hmmm...i could have some also....mmmmm....why did you mentioned them? now i am hungry....grrrrrrrrr...

Btw...i just got an idea....if you have AC in the house...why dont you somehow connect it to your case and/or cpu....??? add those few pipes and off you go....20 degrees cpu and case temp....wouldnt it be nice?  Or you prefer that heat anyway?

Thank You for your offered help with those 1800$ toys...I appreciate that....but dont do something like that....because I dont believe that in your jails you have internet better dont do nothing and stay here, rather to enjoy in that 1x1m cell with 5 degrees temp inside....(man...there you would pray to have some hot thingy like your cpu is at the moment (53 degrees) beside you, to warm you....).

and limit those drugs....100% natural solutions are best....and i bet there is some solution like that for your health problems shall visit some witch doctor(shaman) to tell you what to wishes!

Cya around...bye.

Hmm .. well, There isnt a cure for my disease .. its chronical, for life .. very common so you would expect a cure .. but there isnt ..
so at the moment Im on steroids to reduce the pains and inflammatory .. its for 15 days until I will visit my doctor and get other medicine ..
hmm.. the AC here is in the ceiling ... devided to all the house .. so I cant connect it to my case .. but I did thought about buyin' a small AC that you can drag all over the house ... just like a vaccum cleaner :) maybe I will buy it next year ... :)

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 16
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