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SONY DRU-710A first information + FIRMWARE!   Logged in as: Guest
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SONY DRU-710A first information + FIRMWARE! - 8/27/2004 7:37:52 AM   

Posts: 7002
Joined: 4/28/2004
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Finally, the SONY DRU-710A arrived, the drive supports:

16X +R
8X -R
48X CD-R
16X DVD-ROM Reading
48X CD-ROM Reading

Below are the supported media with current firmware:

Firmware revision: BY01
Drive type: SOHW-1633S
File name: SONY_DRU_710A_BY01.BIN

+R Media Codes (73)
AML /001/00 [ 4x ]
AML /002/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
BeAll000/P40/00 [ 4x ]
BeAll000/P80/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
CMC MAG /E01/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
CMC MAG /F01/00 [ 4x ]
CMC MAG /F01/01 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
CMC MAG /M01/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x ]
CMC MAG /R01/00 [ 2.4x ]
DAXON /AZ1/00 [ 4x ]
DAXON /AZ2/00 [ 4x, 6x ]
DAXON /AZ3/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
DT-D02 /02 /00 [ 4x ]
DT-D03 /004/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
GSC502 /002/00 [ 4x ]
INFODISC/R10/02 [ 4x ]
INFODISC/R20/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
ISSM /001/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
LD /001/00 [ 2.4x ]
LD /A02/00 [ 4x ]
LD /S03/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
LONGTEN /002/00 [ 4x ]
MAXELL /001/00 [ 4x ]
MAXELL /002/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MAXELL /003/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MBIPG101/R03/00 [ 4x ]
MBIPG101/R04/01 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MCC /001/00 [ 2.4x ]
MCC /002/00 [ 4x ]
MCC /003/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MCC /004/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x ]
MPOMEDIA/001/00 [ 2.4x ]
MPOMEDIA/040/00 [ 4x ]
MPOMEDIA/080/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MUST /002/01 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MUST 002/ /02 [ 4x ]
NANYA /CHX/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
NANYA /CLX/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
NANYA /DR /00 [ 2.4x ]
NANYA /RJB/00 [ 4x ]
OPTODISC/OP1/00 [ 2.4x ]
OPTODISC/OP2/00 [ 2.4x ]
OPTODISC/OR4/00 [ 4x ]
OPTODISC/OR8/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
Philips /081/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
PHILIPS /C08/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
PHILIPS /C16/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
Plasmon /c01/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
PRODISC /R01/00 [ 2.4x ]
PRODISC /R02/00 [ 4x ]
PRODISC /R03/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
PRODISC /R04/04 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
RICOHJPN/R00/00 [ 2.4x ]
RICOHJPN/R01/02 [ 4x ]
RICOHJPN/R02/03 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
RICOHJPN/R03/04 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
RITEK /M02/01 [ 4x ]
RITEK /R01/00 [ 2.4x ]
RITEK /R02/01 [ 4x ]
RITEK /R03/01 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
RITEK /R03/02 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
RITEK /R04/01 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
SKYMEDIA/R01/00 [ 2.4x ]
SONY /D01/00 [ 4x ]
SONY /D11/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
SONY /D21/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x ]
TDK /001/00 [ 4x ]
TDK /002/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
TDK /003/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
VDSPMSAB/001/01 [ 4x ]
YUDEN000/T01/00 [ 4x ]
YUDEN000/T01/01 [ 4x ]
YUDEN000/T02/00 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]

+R9 Media Codes (3)
MKM /001/00 [ 2.4x ]
RICOHJPN/D00/01 [ 2.4x ]
RITEK /D01/01 [ 2.4x ]

+RW Media Codes (25)
CMC MAG /W01/00 [ 2.4x ]
CMC MAG /W02/00 [ 4x ]
DAXON /D41/00 [ 4x ]
DAXON /D42/00 [ 4x ]
INFODISC/A01/00 [ 2.4x ]
INFODISC/A10/00 [ 4x ]
MBIPG101/W03/00 [ 2.4x ]
MCC /A01/00 [ 2.4x ]
MKM /A02/00 [ 4x ]
NANYA /DRW/00 [ 4x ]
NANYASC /DRW/00 [ 2.4x ]
OPTODISC/OP1/00 [ 2.4x ]
OPTODISC/OP4/01 [ 4x ]
PHILIPS /010/02 [ 4x ]
PHILIPS /041/00 [ 4x ]
PRODISC /W01/00 [ 2.4x ]
PRODISC /W02/00 [ 4x ]
RICOHJPN/W01/00 [ 2.4x ]
RICOHJPN/W11/01 [ 4x ]
RITEK /001/01 [ 2.4x ]
RITEK /004/30 [ 4x ]
RITEK /W04/00 [ 4x ]
SENTINEL/W01/00 [ 2.4x ]
SENTINEL/W02/00 [ 4x ]
SONY /S11/00 [ 4x ]

-R Media Codes (87)
4M SYS 202C1/52 [ 4x ]
AML /52 [ 4x ]
AN30 /52 [ 4x ]
AN31 /52 [ 4x ]
AN32 /52 [ 4x ]
Auvistar /50 [ 2x ]
BeAll G00001/50 [ 2x ]
BeAll G40001/52 [ 4x ]
CMC MAG. /50 [ 2x ]
CMC MAG. AE1/52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
CMC MAG. AF1/52 [ 4x ]
DATA TRACK /52 [ 4x ]
DAXON004 /52 [ 4x ]
DAXON008 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
DKM_01 /52 [ 4x ]
Dvsn /52 [ 4x ]
FORNEX001 /50 [ 2x ]
FORNEX101 /52 [ 4x ]
FUJIFILM03 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
GSC001 /50 [ 2x ]
GSC001 /52 [ 4x ]
GSC002 /52 [ 4x ]
GSC003 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
INFODISC-R01/52 [ 4x ]
INFODISC-R20/52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
LD /50 [ 2x ]
LEADDATA /50 [ 2x ]
LEADDATA S03/52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
LEADDATA01 /52 [ 4x ]
LGE04 /52 [ 4x ]
LGE08 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
LONGTEN 001 /52 [ 4x ]
LONGTEN 009 /52 [ 4x ]
MAM4XG01 /52 [ 4x ]
MBI /50 [ 2x ]
MBI 01RG20 /52 [ 4x ]
MBI 03RG30 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MCC 00RG200 /50 [ 2x ]
MCC 01RG20 /52 [ 4x ]
MCC 02RG20 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
MCI4XG01 /52 [ 4x ]
MCIG01 /50 [ 2x ]
MEI 00V001 /50 [ 2x ]
MUST 001 /52 [ 4x ]
MXL RG01 /50 [ 2x ]
MXL RG02 /52 [ 4x ]
MXL RG03 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
NANYA-JC001 /52 [ 4x ]
ONIDTECH /52 [ 4x ]
OPTODISCK001/50 [ 2x ]
OPTODISCK001/52 [ 4x ]
OPTODISCR004/52 [ 4x ]
OPTODISCR008/52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
Plasmon1A /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
POSG04 /52 [ 4x ]
POSJ 01 /50 [ 2x ]
PRINCO /50 [ 2x ]
PRINCO /52 [ 4x ]
PRINCO8X01 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
PRINCO8X02 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
ProdiscF01 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
PRODISCG02 /50 [ 2x ]
ProdiscS03 /52 [ 4x ]
ProdiscS04 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
PVC001001 /00 [ 2x ]
PVCR001002 /52 [ 4x ]
RITEKG03 /50 [ 2x ]
RITEKG04 /52 [ 4x ]
RITEKG05 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
RITEKM02 /52 [ 4x ]
SKC Co.,Ltd./52 [ 4x ]
SONY /50 [ 2x ]
SONY04D1 /52 [ 4x ]
SONY08D1 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
TAIYOYUDEN /50 [ 2x ]
TAROKO-MX4 /52 [ 4x ]
TDKG02000000/50 [ 2x ]
TTG01 /52 [ 4x ]
TTG02 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
TTH01 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
TYG01 /52 [ 4x ]
TYG02 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
UME01 /52 [ 4x, 6x, 8x ]
VANGUARD /52 [ 4x ]
VDSPMSAB 01 /52 [ 4x ]
VDSP­SAB 01 /52 [ 4x ]
Yi Jhan 001 /52 [ 4x ]

-RW Media Codes (28)
CMCW02 /00 [ 2x ]
CMCW03 /00 [ 4x ]
DAXON_RW2X01/00 [ 2x ]
JVC/VictorT7/00 [ 1x ]
JVC0VictorD7/00 [ 4x ]
JVC_VictorW7/00 [ 2x ]
MCC 00RW11N9/00 [ 1x ]
MCC 01RW11n9/00 [ 2x ]
MCC 01RW4X /00 [ 4x ]
OPTODISCK001/20 [ 1x ]
OPTODISCK001/21 [ 2x ]
OPTODISCW002/21 [ 2x ]
OPTODISCW004/21 [ 4x ]
PRINCO /20 [ 1x ]
PRINCO /21 [ 2x ]
PRINCORW0004/31 [ 2x ]
Prodisc DW04/21 [ 2x ]
Prodisc DW06/00 [ 4x ]
ProdiscDVDRW/00 [ 1x ]
PVCW00D002K9/21 [ 2x ]
PVCW00V00245/00 [ 2x ]
RITEK000V11A/00 [ 1x ]
RITEKW01 /00 [ 2x ]
RITEKW04 /00 [ 2x ]
SONY000000U9/00 [ 1x ]
TDK501saku]3/20 [ 1x ]
TDK502sakuM3/00 [ 2x ]
TDK601saku /00 [ 4x ]

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by emperor -- 8/27/2004 2:46:05 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/27/2004 7:43:16 AM   

Posts: 7002
Joined: 4/28/2004
Status: offline
And here is a small gift for our visitors, the ripped firmware BY01 of the drive (fixed to enable cross flashing/auto bitsetting and increased reading speeds for -/+R/RW media.

Users of LiteON SOHW-1213S (and relative OEM drives) may want to try the firmware that will transform their 1213S to a 1633S drive, enable 16X +R writing speed and 2.4X DL writing!!!

Note that first you should backup your firmware with LTNFlash (included at the RAR file) and afterwards flash with the SONY firmware, your drive will named as DRU-710A but of course you can go back with the backup firmware

I wouldn't suggest to upgrade to the LiteON 832S and relative OEM (DRU-700A) cause the new 1213S/1613S/1633S are using totally different chipsets, of course if you wish to try, AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by emperor -- 8/27/2004 2:48:28 PM >

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 2
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/27/2004 5:50:20 PM   


Posts: 805
Joined: 1/2/2002
From: United Kingdom
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73 +R codes (instead of 63 in TS0C) - 10 more
25/25 +RW
87 -R codes (instead of 73 in TS0C) - 14 more
28 -RW codes (26 in TS0C) - 2 more

Anyone not wishing to risk cross flashing, should expect to see these codes make an appearance SOON in the 1213S firmware, just as the other "same chipset" drives stay in reasonable sync - one report at CDfreaks has a REALLY sweet burn on crappy media - has the Liteon firmware finally reached respectability, and will this improvement manifest itself across the "3S" range - untill now, the poor relation compared to the much better evolved firmware on the "2S" based drives.

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 3
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/27/2004 7:47:16 PM   

Posts: 8
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Thanks for the dump emperor

I flashed my drive and I am the guy with the crappy media ;)

I wish I had some better stuff, I will buy some tomorrow and if noone has posted I will burn some and post better results, here are two scans I have done so far.

Here it is


On the junky AN31 Media

Burned @ 4X using default strat

And I have been playing with the Strats a lil

Here is AN31 with Strat set to RitekG05 burned @ 8X

Thanks for the firmware once again :)

< Message edited by elfdood -- 8/27/2004 7:52:52 PM >

(in reply to Matthew)
Post #: 4
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/27/2004 8:37:07 PM   

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Here is another scan

Here is a another AN31 strat set to Sony08D1 burned at 8X

(in reply to elfdood)
Post #: 5
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/27/2004 9:31:06 PM   

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and one last one using the same strat and burn speed as above.

all in all good burns considering the media

(in reply to elfdood)
Post #: 6
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/28/2004 2:10:39 AM   


Posts: 14
Status: offline
emperor, thank you very much for the gift.

Just posting to share that there's something rather strange about the scanning consistency of this firmware, the results are very much worse at 8x scanning speeds compared to 4x and to earlier firmwares. The 3 following scans were done on the very same disk but note the firmware and speed settings.

TDK fw

Sony fw
The 4x scan with the Sony fw is almost unbelievable, jaw dropping in fact.

< Message edited by MacClipper -- 8/28/2004 10:11:27 AM >


'He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose' - Jim Elliot
Sony DRU-500A | TDK 440N | 880N |882N | 1616N | ex-1280B |1682B | LTN 1633S | 1653S | NEC 3500 | ex-2500 | Benq DW1620Pro | 1625 | LG GSA-4163 |

(in reply to elfdood)
Post #: 7
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/28/2004 9:10:00 AM   

Posts: 7002
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Thanks for your comments, for sure we want our viewers to enjoy the 16X +R Writing...

As for the scanning issue with different firmware, that the problem with LiteON based drives, not consistency with reading speeds and various times

PS. You can attach pictures to this forum, instead of linking them

Anyone tried to burn DL with 1213s->1633S?

(in reply to MacClipper)
Post #: 8
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/28/2004 11:03:29 PM   


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I was wondering if the orginal firmware could be posted that did not include any tweaks.

I'm thinking perhaps the media reading speedups changes kprobe scans?

Edit: Flashed my drive and did some scans.

Burnt a disk (glossy white top with pink markings) with media code mcc003 at 8x with the BY01 firmware. Scanned at 4x in Kprobe 2.4.0.


But what's funny is this:

The same disk scanned at 8x:

I dug out a older scan of another disk on the same media:


Would really like the orginal firmware to test out, given my results.

< Message edited by Zoomer -- 8/29/2004 6:33:37 PM >

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 9
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/29/2004 10:32:46 AM   

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You can set the reading speed at KProbe by simply selecting the desired speed, the tweak only enables up to 16X DVD±R reading.

We have said many times that reading at 4X and 8X with 1213S and generally with any LiteON drives produces totally different results. There isn't a correct or false scan, the drive simply reports what it measures internally...

Now at which reading speed you should read the discs or not, its your decision...

* Many people suggest the famous 4X CLV reading speed with 812S/832S drives.
* We have found (and proved) that this combination much less error rates compared with previous LiteON series ,and in any case, doesn't seem to report scans similar to the ones that CATS (professional testing equipement) reported at some measured media.
* Its known that two LiteON drives from the same series (812S/832S) cannot give identical scans, with the same media, at the same speeds!

This subject is probably one of the biggest mis-understood things, we try to clear up things by our own research, too bad others tend to suggest combinations that simply...are untested

(in reply to Zoomer)
Post #: 10
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/29/2004 12:56:40 PM   


Posts: 805
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From: United Kingdom
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They are consumer drives which can report errors, and not precision measuring equipment.

Two factors tend to come into play:
1. Reading IS more difficult at higher speeds, hence the increase at the end
2. Reporting may be more accurate at lower speeds - the 8x read has a lower PIF average, despite the peaks, and a PI plot which rises badly at the end.

Another issue is graph scaling, which makes comparison difficult.

What the two plots are saying to me, is that I'd expect a speed plot to dip towards the end.

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 11
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/30/2004 9:43:38 AM   


Posts: 14
Status: offline

I was wondering if the orginal firmware could be posted that did not include any tweaks.

This seems to be another possible firmware link if you are interested in trying, good luck.


'He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose' - Jim Elliot
Sony DRU-500A | TDK 440N | 880N |882N | 1616N | ex-1280B |1682B | LTN 1633S | 1653S | NEC 3500 | ex-2500 | Benq DW1620Pro | 1625 | LG GSA-4163 |

(in reply to Zoomer)
Post #: 12
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/31/2004 7:53:40 AM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 8/28/2004
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ORIGINAL: emperor

You can set the reading speed at KProbe by simply selecting the desired speed, the tweak only enables up to 16X DVD±R reading.

We have said many times that reading at 4X and 8X with 1213S and generally with any LiteON drives produces totally different results. There isn't a correct or false scan, the drive simply reports what it measures internally...

Now at which reading speed you should read the discs or not, its your decision...

* Many people suggest the famous 4X CLV reading speed with 812S/832S drives.
* We have found (and proved) that this combination much less error rates compared with previous LiteON series ,and in any case, doesn't seem to report scans similar to the ones that CATS (professional testing equipement) reported at some measured media.
* Its known that two LiteON drives from the same series (812S/832S) cannot give identical scans, with the same media, at the same speeds!

This subject is probably one of the biggest mis-understood things, we try to clear up things by our own research, too bad others tend to suggest combinations that simply...are untested

But how does this explain the wildly differing error rates of the two scans at 8x? They are burned with the same media; I wouldn't expect such a big difference as they are right next to each other in the same spindle.

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 13
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/31/2004 9:32:58 AM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 8/28/2004
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: MacClipper


I was wondering if the orginal firmware could be posted that did not include any tweaks.

This seems to be another possible firmware link if you are interested in trying, good luck.

Just fyi, I compared the two posted firmwares - they are exactly the same.

(in reply to MacClipper)
Post #: 14
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 8/31/2004 10:50:38 AM   

Posts: 7002
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But how does this explain the wildly differing error rates of the two scans at 8x? They are burned with the same media; I wouldn't expect such a big difference as they are right next to each other in the same spindle.

As i have mention before, the reading speed DOES affect the reported error rates, i think you done one scan at 4X and one scan at 8X with the same emdia, correct?

(in reply to Zoomer)
Post #: 15
RE: SONY DRU-710A first information and impressions - 9/30/2004 11:44:04 AM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 9/30/2004
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I have the Sony DW-D22A, 16x DL dvdrw, i think its the OEM of the 710a ? right? im not too sure myself
I have been havin problems with this drive reading a DVD-r which was burnt quite a while ago, that dvd-r reads and plays fine on my laptop dvd combo drive though and all other drives that i have tried. Last night i have tried writing something to a dvd-r , verbatim 2x dvd-r's , it failed , this was done using Nero Any ideas what is causing this? Do u think i should get the DRU 710a firmware and flash it because my firmware version is not showing BY01 , mine is showing BYS1 , but everything else is the same as the nero info tool screenshot in this page.
My system specs are as follow

Shuttle SN95G5
Athlon 64 3500+
Crucial Balistix 2.5-2-2-5 @ 227fsb
2x Maxtor 160gb - RAID 0
and lastly , this Sony DW-D22A 16x DL DVDRW

I would appreciate any help at all at this moment

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 16
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