reply to bob's old prob...
i read a review (technical) on adaptecs burning s/w way back when. got all fidgety and excited...[:p]
looked good so bought an acer drive with the s/w, after all, adaptec invented udf and the review said there would be regular updates patches...
me and a hundred thousand others ran into that d*** formatting problem. the scandisk option was supposed to fix it, but all it did was read![:(!]
me and a 100k ppl wrote emails to adaptec, instead of replying, they sold out to roxio. but the s/w itself stated that we were entitled to a WORKING version of the scandisk. adaptec did nothing, but they fwrded the mail to roxio. somebody decided that they bought it lock stock and barrel, they had to back the third party contract. but years went by...[|)]
i refused to fix my disks...i'm stubborn...[}:)]a friend had the same prob, i told him to make a bin of a blank rewriteable and do a seemless burn...he went away...i kept emailing and checking both roxio and adaptecs page...[:(!][:(!][:(!]
about 3 months ago, I found something new on the roxio site...its nowhere near the downloads stuff
scandisk v 5.01.exe standalone package, it seems to have been pulled now, but i have my (legal) copy! oh well, i guess i'll stop sending them emailsemailsemailzzzzz[|)]
a good scandisk program is the first step to file recovery (pompous nose in the air smiley)
it seems to work with everybody elses proprietary direct systems...
oh yeah, if anybody knows a prgrmr who does file systems, I do packets, i'm interested in working on a "streaming" udf project...
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- ******be-right-back****** -
beer: its good for what ales ya