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RE: CD-RW Fans: Why Won't "InCD" Install in Win XP?   Logged in as: Guest
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RE: CD-RW Fans: Why Won't "InCD" Install in... - 4/19/2004 11:33:48 AM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
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David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to hoosier)
Post #: 17
RE: CD-RW Fans: Why Won't "InCD" Install in... - 4/19/2004 10:15:27 PM   


Posts: 31
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deburg; all I can say again and again is that I cannot download any file, be it update or user guide, or whatever, from This despite my turning-off my antivirus and firewall programs, and allowing cookies to I do not have this problem with any other web site. I enjoy using nero express and InCD, but it's frustrating being cut-off from updates and guides.

(in reply to hoosier)
Post #: 18
RE: CD-RW Fans: Why Won't "InCD" Install in... - 4/19/2004 11:03:49 PM   
G. M.


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Odd. I have no trouble downloading the files from either a Windows 2000 or Windows XP computer from their Update site.

You must have some security setting in your browser set or check out your HOSTS (search for it in your windows directory, no extension) file and see if something in there is blocking.

Back to your problem at hand, the newest version of InCD still will not format a CD-RW disk in a Toshiba laptop running Windows XP Home. Never even spins the drive up. Laptop "disk burning" icon will light-up for a few moments, but the drive never starts. Operating system still will hang up if InCD is running in the background.

Worse, it even managed to place a few desktop icons into the Recycle Bin. Luckily, I could restore them. It may have happened once the program locks up the computer and mouse operation becomes erratic.

Still way too many bugs imho.

(in reply to hoosier)
Post #: 19
RE: CD-RW Fans: Why Won't "InCD" Install in... - 4/20/2004 12:30:03 AM   


Posts: 31
Status: offline
Hello G.M.

re "You must have some security setting in your browser set or check out your HOSTS (search for it in your windows directory, no extension) file and see if something in there is blocking", I have no idea what that means, could you please simplify for me?

I have a new computer that came with Windows XP installed, and I am using the default security settings, so I assume that I have a neutral playing field.

(in reply to hoosier)
Post #: 20
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