As General manager for Alcohol soft I am personally a little tired of your unfounded accusations of spyware,Trojans, viruses or whatever else you seem to think our software contains.
1. If you downloaded and installed our trial version from our website then you have my personal assurance that there is no, I repeat
NOspyware or any form of virus,keylogger, backdoor virus or any other malignant application. As you are not as you say an expert then please feel free to send our download to those that are, take your pick there are a few antivirus\adware companies who will check a download for you and let you know if there are any malignant files lurking within the install package, please feel free to contact one of your choice and should you encure any costs i personally will reimburse you following receipt of an invoice from the company you choose. I cant say any fairer than that, and I am sure the outcome will enable you to sleep soundly at night and put your unfounded accusations to bed along side you.
2. If you downloaded and installed our software from our website and you are having a problem please contact me directly by email (removed by admin, using PM functions avoids spamm) and I will address your problem personally and resolve any issues you feel you may have. The reason why I ask you to mail me is not a cover up its simply to protect your privacy and not to post information in open forum that may not be pertinent to another's problem and could lead to creating problems on another users system if they inadvertently follow the same advice when their problem is created by a different set of circumstances. it is also possible that to resolve your problem you may be required to give information concerning your system that you would not wish others to be privy to. (please quote this post so that i am aware of the relation of your problem)
(The following excerpts are from the link:
Please note your reference to this thread is not the same problem that you are having and if you are going to make quotes of threads you really should quote the whole thread including the person with the problems final response which as you well know was
Thanks a lot!!! It works now
4. To the moderators and Admin of this forum, while I always appreciate the help and advice given by your self's and the members of your forum in relation to questions concerning our software, and I along with the Alcohol support team are at any time willing to assist your members with any questions pertaining to our software, I feel that Billy for reasons known only to him self seems to have some difficulty in actually contacting us personally to resolve his problem and endeavours to create unsubstantiated accusations concerning our software, and fails to understand the structure of any and most software install\uninstall related issues the continuance of this thread is pointless.
Having given Billy the options of points 1 and 2 there is little more I can do to help bring pointless topic to a conclusion.
Billy please take note of points 1 and 2 if you have no wish to entertain them then I can only suggest that you resolve your problem by totally formatting your hard drive and re installing your operating system, this I assure you will remove all traces of our software, however I cant promise you that Mr gates does not include some form of spyware in his windows operating system so if you really are as paranoid as you make out to be then Format your hard drive and switch your PC off at the mains.
While my last comment is totally unprofessional and most likely uncalled for, I am only human and I resent being accused of posting fake endorsements of our software, each and every endorsement can be backed up with the individuals email address. I also resent the fact that in your topic on our support forum I suggested that you contacted me by email in an attempt to resolve your problem, however you chose to continue your accusations within this forum without contacting me for a resolution, this seems to indicate your not interested in resolving your problem but just like the attention you recieve posting here.
I suggest you take up my offer in points 1 and 2 and stop wasting yours and this forums time.
If any Admin or moderator feels that my offer to Billy is not acceptable or that any of my comments are not suited to this thread please remove my post and myself from your forum, while I cant speak for other Alcohol support members I feel I can do no more than I have in this particular case and await contact from Billy should he wish to do so. .
General manager
Alcohol Soft