It work for me too
In reading some of the post above, I used a trial vers. of clone cd to create the image then I used alcohol 120% to burn the image to cd,
Here are the steps I used from reading the above post.
Using Clone CD, make sure you select "Game CD", but edit the default settings by right -clicking on "Game CD" and choosing edit. Make sure "Regenerate Data Sectors" is unchecked, and also make sure "Fast Error Skips" is off. Click browse to select the folder where you want the image to be stored then click ok to create the image and then close clone cd when done, then open alcohol 120% and click image burning wizard and browse to the folder were you have stored the image, hit next and under datatype select "securom *new" and write speed select 4x leave everything else alone and hit start,close when burn complete,good luck.This is what worked for me and thanks to the above members post above, i used there input and now have a working copy of warcraft 3.