Thanks Donky and Tron. Tron, I did use those settings and it created an error again but I did figure out what the problem was. I was trying to burn at the maximum speed of my drive (24X) with a 16X rated Ritek disk (Newbie error
). When I set CloneCD to burn at 16X I was able to do it successfully.
I did download ClonyXXL and I have included the messages I'm getting when I try to scan my BOF3 disk. Does anyone know what they mean? Any help would be appreciated.
First Error Box:
Keine Aspitreiber geladen...
Nach defecten Sectoren Scannen...
Second Info Box:
Es wurde auf der CD: BREATH_OF_FIRE3
Im Laufwerk: G:\
kein Kopierschutz gefunden.
Hi,Try to locate and download a program called is a great program that will scan you psx cd`s identify the protection used on the disc and then it will open clonecd with the correct settings required to make a working backup.....
Good Luck...
"Memory is treachery"