burner1000000 -> RE: StarForce Copy Protection System (5/22/2002 9:46:03 AM)
quote: Oh Well John If they can put it on we can get it off. I don't know why they bother the same old story still applies if they didn't waist money on pathetic protection and the Publishers charge so much for services and they dropped the price of Programs to a reasonable price which most ordinary people could afford without taking a morgage out they would sell more and no one would need to copy them and everyone would be happy.
As much as I would like to agree with you that software is too high, your thinking is rather tortured. Most pirates don't steal because they can't afford to buy the software - they steal because they can. They don't care about the artist or writer of the software. They just want something for free. Sure, they rationalize it. It sounds good to the uninformed, but the truth is everyone wants something for nothing. If you really wanted prices to lower on CDs, why don't you turn in all the people that make illegal music CDs or software CDs. If everyone did this, prices would go down as there would be no need for copy protection. Besides, most people don't really need the games, etc. that they steal - they just want them. Whatever happened to "If you can't afford it, you don't need it". Unfortunately, today, everyone thinks that if they want it, then they need it. If you don't like the price of something, don't buy it. Live without it! You don't have to steal it. Stealing software is no different than stealing money from a bank.It's just harder to enforce. You are still taking something that does not belong to you. If the true test of a person is what they do when no one can stop them from doing something, the world is in a sad state. In conclusion, if software being free or inexpensive would prevent thievery, why does Olli charge for CloneCD and include a registration code to prevent thievery? Isn't the price of CloneCD reasonable? It still doesn't stop people from stealing it.