RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (Full Version)

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gatty -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (2/5/2002 2:55:18 AM)

I was able to "back up" MOHAA on my PX-W2410A
(firmware 1.02) without problems.

Settings used: Read subchannel (data and audio)
Fast Error Skip
Intel Bad sector scanner
(not sure these are optimal, just my defaults for
SD2 and they worked for MOHAA)
Plays fine in the same drive as long as I have
"Hide CDR Media" enabled.

Gotta love this Plexy.

stretcharmstrong -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (2/8/2002 6:12:55 PM)

I backed up my copy successfully with the LiteOn 24x also. Seems to work in all non CDR drives. (works in CDR drives with hide media) Game will start with either backup, disc 1 or 2.

Strikes -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (3/15/2002 11:38:38 AM)

I would like to thank you guys for the advice on backing up MOHAA. I managed to make a backup copy first try with no coasters.
What I used.
-O/S WIN XP PRO. Dell computer with PII 300 mhz cpu. 196MB ram
-Turned of extra background programs that were running.
-Cendyne CDRW lists as a Plextor CD-R W8432T. Used firmware 1.09 I upgraded from 1.05.
-Removed all old aspi files from XP. Went to the adaptec site and Downloaded the aspi for Xp ver 4.07. Ran Apsi check to make sure it initialized ok.
-Clonecd ver Have AWS activated (made copy making an image file reading at 4x made no changes at all to clonecd setting.
-Blindwrite Ver 1.01 (drag the image file into blind ad ran the patch.
-Wrote the patched image at 4x. (Used Maxell CD-R 80 XL 700MB media.
-It had taken me about 45 mins at this speed to Backup the cd.

*Note as ROBTV mentioned to use the backup copy I have to make sure cloned cd's "hide CRD media" option is enabled or I completly exit the Clone cd program so its not running in the windows tray. I dont need it on anyway when I'm playing. Haven't tested the backup on another cdrom yet. Once again thanks for the good posts you saved me several headaches worrying about my son scratching up another good game.

Strikes -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (3/15/2002 1:07:31 PM)

Sorry about mistake on my above post its not blindwrite its Betablocker program latest ver.

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