RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (Full Version)

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wakemonkeypimp -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/28/2002 5:34:21 PM)

yes cause the safedisc protection has been under a lot of revisions....when max payne came out the bastards at macrovizion put another check inside safedisc..that check is to see if there is what is called an (atip) present on the cd....well all cd-r's have an (atip) the atip has information about the cd stored on it manufature..speed..etc...and only cd-writers can read the atip when you copied the copied fine and when installed on a cd rom the game remmeber any game that uses safedisc remember as a precautiion to install it with a cd rom

wakemonkeypimp -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/28/2002 5:37:34 PM)

also can you get the game to start with both cds?? i have a problem starting the game with my second cd....but i can get the game running with the first....maybe i copied something wrong or the game needs to be ran off of the first disc

Clint -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/28/2002 6:01:10 PM)



have you tried using the latest version of Betablocker like the other guy suggested?

I could try it, but I can't as Medal Of Honar Allied Assault isn't avaliable here in Australia yet. Thats why I wrote "<reportadely>".

Will try everything ASAP when the game comes in

@ per son, Don't get rid of your Plex yet, there's someone out there that writes a VERY good bit of code (you know who I mean!), who may be able to fix this, or further still, Plextor may release a firmware to enable the drive to copy it perfect

You get what you pay for...

per_son -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/28/2002 6:35:53 PM)


also can you get the game to start with both cds?? i have a problem starting the game with my second cd....but i can get the game running with the first....maybe i copied something wrong or the game needs to be ran off of the first disc

First of all, thanks for the info. What you said makes perfect sense! Anyway, I can't get the game to run off of second (even with the original) so I would have to say the game must be run off the first. Also (at least with my burner) I MUST copy at 1x or the copy does not work. Anyone else have this problem?

wakemonkeypimp -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/28/2002 11:51:17 PM)

i'll try starting the game with the origianl second disc ...i have been trying with my copied disc....but i think reading is the big slow and write at whatever speed...i burnt this game at 4x with an plextor 8/4/32...

wakemonkeypimp -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/28/2002 11:54:46 PM)

all in all per_son dont get rid of the plextor...with all the cd writers i have started out with...hival then hp ...i will have to say i love my plextors..**** i sold my hival to get the 24x plex and one of my hp for the 8x speed plex...but hey this is just my opinion...either plex, clone, or blindwrite by the end of this week will have a fix to this problem dont worry game come out too slow anyway

Clint -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/29/2002 12:24:52 AM)


either plex, clone, or blindwrite by the end of this week will have a fix to this problem dont worry game come out too slow anyway

Lets hope so!

You get what you pay for...

j00k -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/29/2002 3:38:03 AM)


also can you get the game to start with both cds?? i have a problem starting the game with my second cd....but i can get the game running with the first....maybe i copied something wrong or the game needs to be ran off of the first disc

I think you're only suppose to use Disc1 for playing the game. Just like NOLF, you would only need the 2nd cd during installation.

Damn game takes up 1.2GB! The only other game I have that even comes close to matching this is AvP2.

regarding selling your plextor for another cdrw, there's no point in doing that unless you have a lot of cash to throw around. Companies like Macrovision will always be one step ahead. As soon as some cdrw is able to copy their code perfectly, they'll come up with something new that'll show up in the next game. While people like you and me have to scramble around for software/hardware that can defeat the new protection. It's a never-ending battle.

I just hope my LiteON can last me as long as my Plextor 8/4/32A did.

Clint -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/29/2002 4:00:36 AM)


It's a never-ending battle.

The consumer WILL will always win!

Until they wake up to themselves, and give up thier cheap-assed anti-copy bullsh!t, it will always be the same!

You get what you pay for...

RobsTV -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/29/2002 7:13:46 AM)

If you wish to play the backup using the Plextor, you should be able to. CloneCD tray gives you the option to "hide CRD media". Works well here.

This is disabled during CloneCD install if you live in the US or Japan.
Simple workaround is to change region settings in control panel to Canada. Then remove and re-install CloneCD.

wakemonkeypimp -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/29/2002 12:39:37 PM)

i have found something out that might be interesting.....since i copied MOHAA and installed it (the copied version that is) on my 56x cd-rom correctly using the latest betablocker i have noticed that when i try to run the game off of the second copied disc i get and error; however, when i use the first disc then MOHAA starts is my point!!!

since i own the original i tried to start MOHAA off of the second and first cd and both i was wondering wether there is a different set of weak sectors on both cds and that betablocker only could fix the set on the first cd and not the second cd...maybe macrovizion has came up with a new system; sort of like a key generator that every game might have a different set of weak when black and white: creature isle comes out ( an Electronic Arts game) the weak sectors will be an off set to the ones that betablocker is looking for...but anyway i might have copied the second disc wrong...if anyone can try this out and correct me if iam wrong; would be much appreciated!!! peace and good luck burning

per_son -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/29/2002 4:37:31 PM)


since i own the original i tried to start MOHAA off of the second and first cd and both i was wondering wether there is a different set of weak sectors on both cds and that betablocker only could fix the set on the first cd and not the second cd...maybe macrovizion has came up with a new system; sort of like a key generator that every game might have a different set of weak when black and white: creature isle comes out ( an Electronic Arts game) the weak sectors will be an off set to the ones that betablocker is looking for...but anyway i might have copied the second disc wrong...if anyone can try this out and correct me if iam wrong; would be much appreciated!!! peace and good luck burning

First of all thanks robstv! I did what you said and now I can read the disk in my plextor!you just saved me from buying a cd-rom drive just so that I could use my backup. Anyway my #2 disc will also start the game. Both my original and the copy. I did use betablocker on it before I burned it.

netman -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/29/2002 8:43:58 PM)


i'll try starting the game with the origianl second disc ...i have been trying with my copied disc....but i think reading is the big slow and write at whatever speed...i burnt this game at 4x with an plextor 8/4/32...

i think you're right about the reading being the key. i just made a perfect copy with a philips 804k from an image i read with a liteon ltd-163. read at max speed with fes set to 0 retries and hardware correction. burned at max speed with only 'always close last session' checked. installed and ran from a dvdrom on that machine and a cdrom on another.


darnit -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/30/2002 6:52:10 AM)

I've successfully copied it using my 24x Lite-on. No need to use beta blocker or whatever,,it copied fine and as long as i use my dvd 106s to read it it plays not a worry. GO LITE-ON CDRW'S!

RobsTV -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/30/2002 7:57:52 AM)

you and I should be thanking netman, as he is the one that steered me toward the clonecd hide media solution.

you too could probably still use your LiteOn as the player, if you do the CloneCD hide media thing. The nice thing about it is it uses less than 700k of memory!

darnit -> RE: Medal of Honor Allied Assault (1/30/2002 7:23:44 PM)

Why use the lite-on as a player when the dvd drive is faster and it works any way??

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