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UDF and Linux - 1/30/2005 1:28:10 PM   


Posts: 21
Joined: 7/23/2003
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I've got a CDRW burnt using InCD in WinXP. Is it possible to read it in Linux. Alll I have when I mount it is system files. I do not need to write to it because my new NEC does not support packet writing anyway.
Post #: 1
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 3:39:04 AM   

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Foxy may i ask if this just something you wanted to share or you ask something?

(in reply to foxy)
Post #: 2
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 3:49:56 AM   


Posts: 21
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Oh, I forgot a question mark after

Is it possible to read it in Linux.
So that was a question...

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 3
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 3:50:57 AM   

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I think if you burn at UDF format, then it would be possible to read, i don't know if there is any InCD UDF reader for Linux...

(in reply to foxy)
Post #: 4
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 3:54:49 AM   


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ORIGINAL: emperor

I think if you burn at UDF format, then it would be possible to read, i don't know if there is any InCD UDF reader for Linux...

I did it with my old Lite-On and in Windows. Now I've got NEC and mostly do things in Linux. Thanks for your reply anyway...

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 5
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 11:16:43 AM   

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I recall that when I've mounted CD/DVD's in the past, that the kernel writes something to the console regarding UDF. You can check the exact debug string with "dmesg". Therefore I would say yes, but I don't have any UDF discs written to test it.

Although I'm wondering if it can only recognize a finalized CD/DVD that has the UDF file system on it.

Which kernel are you using? I'm running Fedora Core 2 with the latest 2.6.10-xxx kernel RPM.


M$ Windows XP SP2
ASUS A7V8X BIOS 1015.003
AthlonXP Barton 3000+
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Fw FS0J
NEC ND-2100A@2510A Fw 2.0A
NEC ND-6750A Fw 2.42
NEC AD-7170A Fw 1.O4
Plextor Premium Fw 1.07
Plextor PX-716UF Fw 1.11

(in reply to foxy)
Post #: 6
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 11:28:45 AM   


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I run SuSE 9.2 with 2.6.10-xxx I'll try dmesg when I come home... Thanks.

(in reply to tqhoang)
Post #: 7
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 11:54:40 AM   


Posts: 83
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My UDF discs work fine with Debian.

(in reply to foxy)
Post #: 8
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 11:56:58 AM   

Posts: 309
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Are those discs finalized (ex: burn a UDF or ISO/UDF CD or DVD with Nero Burning ROM) or are they an in-progress InCD (or other packet writing) disc?


M$ Windows XP SP2
ASUS A7V8X BIOS 1015.003
AthlonXP Barton 3000+
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Fw FS0J
NEC ND-2100A@2510A Fw 2.0A
NEC ND-6750A Fw 2.42
NEC AD-7170A Fw 1.O4
Plextor Premium Fw 1.07
Plextor PX-716UF Fw 1.11

(in reply to xciwmff)
Post #: 9
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 11:59:42 AM   


Posts: 21
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in my case I used InCD....

(in reply to tqhoang)
Post #: 10
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 1:25:01 PM   


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ORIGINAL: tqhoang

Are those discs finalized (ex: burn a UDF or ISO/UDF CD or DVD with Nero Burning ROM) or are they an in-progress InCD (or other packet writing) disc?

I too used InCD. What's your fstab line for this drive? Not even sure if Suse has an fstab file, as I've never used it.

(in reply to tqhoang)
Post #: 11
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 1:37:09 PM   


Posts: 224
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From: Germany
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InCD's UDF 1.02 to 2.01 discs should be read with success under Linux, at least that what we saw in our own tests.

UDF 2.50 is not supported by Linux hence InCD's discs formatted with this revision will not be readable by Linux. This is not an issue today as default UDF revision for CDs and DVDs are different from 2.50. This will soon be an issue with HD-DVD and BD who are likely to choose UDF 2.50 and/or 2.60 as standards. BD's recent DCN proposal to OSTA group was using UDF 2.50 for BD-ROM, -RE and non-POW -R, and UDF 2.60 for POW BD-R. This choice was approved by OSTA and included in UDF 2.60 document, itself expected to be official approved end of March.

There is no InCD Reader version for Linux so far. GPL license of current Linux UDF project makes it difficult for an ISVs to provide UDF support to Linux without given to competitors help you don't want to give them (or you'll get soon a business model issue).

Linux UDF project has unfortunately a certain amount of bugs, fortunately publically available at:

Some are rather serious and marked with high priority. I fear that the project is currently missing an active developer to work on.


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to foxy)
Post #: 12
RE: UDF and Linux - 2/1/2005 1:41:20 PM   

Posts: 309
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Status: offline
I typically just mount devices manually, but you can probably change the appropriate /etc/fstab line for the CD/DVD drive to use "auto" as the filesystem type. It should probe and use the appropriate fs type. i.e. use UDF


M$ Windows XP SP2
ASUS A7V8X BIOS 1015.003
AthlonXP Barton 3000+
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Fw FS0J
NEC ND-2100A@2510A Fw 2.0A
NEC ND-6750A Fw 2.42
NEC AD-7170A Fw 1.O4
Plextor Premium Fw 1.07
Plextor PX-716UF Fw 1.11

(in reply to xciwmff)
Post #: 13
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