Hahaha...it was just my advice....anyway...I understand Your "Need for speed"

....because with Your current setup...You are lucky to be still on road...and not run over by some Ultra-Mega-AMD-Or-P4 alike machine...

Like I said...in case You would really want to have the latest technology available...and dont want to spend fortune on it...then my advice is still the same...WAIT WAIT WAIT...even a month could mean a lot of difference here (and in Your vallet

I believe You are gonna buy completely new system? So in that case...I have something else to say to You (and You may do as You wish offcourse

)....so...my advice here would be....never try to buy everything State-Of-The-Art....because....even if You buy todays best components...after few months....that will be obsolete...and new better,cheaper components will be available at that time....

I am telling You that because I also wanted to have everything the best...and I've had at that time (for maybe 2 or 3 months

)...its just that now after 2 years....I might throw entire system to trash....hahahahaha....its not that bad, but....I hope You understand....

So, just buy what You really need...and also...dont be fooled with some upgrade options that some motherboards (or some other components also) offer...because if You would want i.e. upgrade CPU after 2 years....You would find out that maybe socket changed or there would be like new standard (SATA 69!?

) on the market (so in that case not even faster CPU would help You to get maximum out of motherboard...).... So to finish all this...its better to upgrade on-the-go...i.e...buy completely new motherboard with CPU when needed...and so on...

Well...that were my advices....as I said...do as You wish...its Your money afterall....

ohhh...and about SAS...it will be faster yes(3.0Gbits/second and more)....but for what price and what performance increases (because its not economical to spend some 500US$ (instead of some 100US$) for a product that would MAYBE deliver 10% overall speed increase!)

Check those 2 SAS links...
SAS compared to SATA...and...
SAS Roadmap....
Thats it...have a nice day/night and enjoy!