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RE: InCD not running   Logged in as: Guest
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RE: InCD not running - 3/19/2003 5:34:40 AM   


Posts: 13
Joined: 3/12/2003
From: USA
Status: offline
Thank you for all your patients. Here is what I have so far:

How do I check if System ASPI is installed and working correctly? This is all it says about ASPI on Nero InfoTool:
Software Information
Operating System : Windows 2000 Professional
ASPI : Win32 Nero Aspi Library Ahead Software AG

I upgraded to Nero, and just reinstalled InCD 3.52.20b. I do not need CD-MRW support, I just need CD-packet writing. How can I uninstall EasyWriteReader? On Add/Remove Programs EasyWriteReader seems to be part of InCD.

Registry editor could not find LowerFilters or UpperFilters.

When I rebooted, the CD-R and CD-WR hardware was missing from Explorer.
How do I get the CD-R and CD-WR hardware back onto Explorer?

(in reply to wolfv)
Post #: 17
RE: InCD not running - 3/19/2003 8:46:32 AM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline
Concerning ASPI, I told you to report what you see on the screen after calling Nero InfoTool | ASPI | System, the reason being that sometimes the (saved) report file doesn't list everything. The Software Information section in the saved file doesn't list full ASPI. So call up Nero InfoTool again, select the ASPI tab, list the files and tell us if you see "System ASPI is installed and working correctly" at the bottom of the screen.

You need EasyWriteReader to read InCD discs on your CD-ROM drive. This may be useful: sometimes a damaged disc can't be read in a burner, but is readable in a CD-ROM drive. Hence I suggest that you leave EasyWriteReader as it is. You won't save much be uninstalling it; yet if you wish, just use Add/Remove Programs (it's separate from InCD).

Please understand that nobody will be able to help unless you describe in detail what you do after each post.

Since you can't find LowerFilters or UpperFilters in the registry, I guess you have somehow managed to delete these entries. Anyway, you should now uninstall Nero, InCD and EasyWriteReader via Add/Remove Programs, and install them again. This should retrieve correct values for LowerFilters and UpperFilters.

This should also take care of "hardware missing from Explorer".

Finally, you should re-read my previous post, and report carefully which actions you have taken.

(in reply to wolfv)
Post #: 18
RE: InCD not running - 3/24/2003 1:21:46 PM   


Posts: 13
Joined: 3/12/2003
From: USA
Status: offline
I got InCD running. Thanks for all your help.

Problem was I did not find the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values. They were in the following registry key:
Once those were removed, it ran fine.

Thank you.

(in reply to wolfv)
Post #: 19
RE: InCD not running - 3/24/2003 5:21:43 PM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline
Glad to hear you got InCD running!

It's quite strange why you couldn't find "lowerfilters" in the registry on March 19, since you later discovered them in the standard key; note that both this key and MS KB article 270008 are listed in S11.5 of the InCD guide. Further, you might have cleaned the filters by using the file ulfilter.reg given in S11.5 of the InCD guide.

In your special case, there was no need for reinstalling InCD after the filter cleanup, since InCD doesn't use LowerFilters or UpperFilters under W2K. However, EasyWriteReader does use LowerFilters, so you would have to reinstall it (but I guess you had removed it earlier).

BTW, the W2K version of the InCD guide has been moved to CDRLabs:

(in reply to wolfv)
Post #: 20
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