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RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/21/2004 5:25:06 PM   

Posts: 169
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
Status: offline
Go general goooooo...

It still crashes You said? it ORIGINAL VERSION ...I believe rather BUY it than to use ILLEGAL NON-WORKING COPY... **JOKE** (do as You wish)... But its really strange...maybe its some error with Your version...maybe there is some incompatibility with some of Your hardware....maybe You need to tweak something...maybe something with BIOS (I believe not but You never know)...maybe...maybe....maybe... Dont know...try to see what error You get...and search at some forum or something to see how to fix that...

About ads... Those nice ads are annoying to You? Come onnnn...cant beeeee!? I agree that not all are of some help...but at least some are...and I check them often so see whats new ...but ok...some like it...others not...but the main point is...that they help CDRInfo in many aspects (to earn big $$$ ) they should stay... And in case You hate them SOOOOOO much....just block them as You big deal with that I guess... Oh...and thanks for not blocking entire CDRInfo website...I really apreciate that...

Ohh...and just got an idea...since You have AMD Cpu and GFX (I believe You do at least!? Or havent got it yet? It may be any card actually...)...check this POST...then download demo if You wish...and post we could see how Your speedy 'puter handles graphics... (its just a demo...dont worry...but nice one...set it to max and voilaaaaa...and it also includes try it out if You wish)...

Cya around...ENJOY

(in reply to Cooler)
Post #: 17
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/22/2004 7:26:54 AM   


Posts: 150
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From: Finland
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Shame on you - it IS original version!
To be more accurate, I tried (1:1) backup and original which is only used for making play-backup.
Absolutely NO difference, so I stuck original back safe to it's case.

MB firewall will have soon certain ad-site blocked, so in future I can enjoy CDRInfo more.

CPU is AMD64 3000+ and GFX card is MSI GF4 MX440 which home page (I think) can be found via this link.
Using AGP8x, AGP aperture is 128MB. SBA on, Fast Writes on, optimized for speed.
Well, i hope this situation gets fixed when i have new GFX card...

I'm going to try that benchmark of yours...

Edit: Read last sentence as "...that HUGE benchmark..."

< Message edited by Cooler -- 12/22/2004 7:29:49 AM >


Quae dant, quaque negant, gaudent tamen esse rogatae.

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 18
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/22/2004 10:13:48 AM   

Posts: 169
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From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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Hahahahahaa....ok ok...peace bro......there are 99% of copied software I mistakenly put You into same basket...SORRYYYYYYYYYYY... But I really dont know why it isnt working then? MX440 should be fine with I really dont have any clue about why this error should appear...maybe 1Gb of Ram isnt enough? Buy 2 more and try again...

I am glad You will soon experience CDRInfo even more...

I checked the link...and its good card anyway...and with your described setup (apperture,sba,etc etc...) it should work great...also with I like I said...dont know...

Ok..try that HUGE benchmark...and let me know...ohhh...and why HUGE? its only some 109Mb long if I remember it should take no more than 5-10 minutes with DSL.......or...maybe You should upgrade that also...dont tell me You still use some dialup...

Wish You all the best with downloading...and looking forward to hear from You soon....


(in reply to Cooler)
Post #: 19
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/23/2004 4:01:35 AM   


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From: Finland
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Oh, I'm used to hear people yelling "Pirate!" when they hear I'm using burned disks instead of originals. But having a history of messed up originals taught me how expensive the use of originals can be! Surely some companies will replace damaged originals... with "small" additional fee... after waiting a too long time - It's just much more practical to use original only to make copy when needed... and use that copy instead! If copy breaks up in any way, you can quickly make new one from original and recover your losses with no time.

Oh, I'm enjoying CDRInfo more now, after adding "" to MB's firewall rules!
It's actually nice firewall... even while I would like to have a few gizmo's more in it.

The benchmark was huge... and unusable!
Installed, but did not run in Win2K at all.

With new MB and CPU the speed of Generals is 2x-5x faster - Depending what's going on the game. Not bad!

And no, I'm not on dialup - Is there someone alive who still is?
My connection is still poor and limited - I wish I could get better than 8/1 ADSL with reasonable price, but I'm not quite yet ready to change ISP. Some sompetive ISP's here are offering 12/1 and 16/1 ADSL(2/2+) connections with competive prices, but the advantage is not worth of hassle.


Quae dant, quaque negant, gaudent tamen esse rogatae.

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 20
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/23/2004 12:45:03 PM   

Posts: 169
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From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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Pirateeeeeeeee!!! Ahoyyyyyyyyyyy...

I understand Your concerns...and its totally true as You said...better to make copy and run programs or games from it...and not worrying if it get scratched or something....cause You still have the original.... I dont have those problems...because first of all...I use CD&DVD drives that dont scratch media on daily basis......and I also dont borrow them to there goes something wrong...I could blame only myself... And finally...after I install some game...and finish it all the way to the end...I very rarely play it again one less worry for me to take care as long as this media survives for those 10 days till the game is finished...everything is OK... And its the same with programs also...we install it once...and then only if something crashes or so...(guess You have lots of practice in the last (crash) areas...)....

Glad once again You enjoy us even more...

Benchmark? Huge, unusable,...???? Huge not...unusable? How? It works with all WIN systems! So it should also work with 2K! Ohhhhhh...completely forgot...You are that Error guy....sorry...then its non-compatible with Your 2K (but how...isnt 2K soooooooooo error proof?...really strange...)....well works fine with me...try it should work...

2-5 times faster? Come onnnnn...You didnt bought AMD12800+ !?? Or have You? Because going from 1700+ to 3000+ isnt neither 2 times and even less 5 times I said before..."maybe" 50% faster...but I know its hard to estimate speed gains with pure eye...i.e....if game was going with some 25FPS was was playable but also stopped from time to time....if there were more action and stuff...and if its 50% faster now...that would be 37FPS which is completely smooth...and which would look like much much faster than just 50%, to untrained eye...
There could be even more speed gain by ram upgrade You did...but...You had 512Mb even before...which was more than enough at that maybe some 2-4% gains in speed from ram...but nothing more... (btw...Can You play the game now or how? Because You said You still have error messages that appear..!?)

And finally...about dialup...dont know...there are quite few people still on dialup I guess...I am glad we arent one of them... I asked You that because because You were crying about how HUGEEEEEEE that benchmark is...come on...100Mb...whats that those days? Nothing! I.E. I dont even wanna play new games that are less than 2 or 3Gb in lenght...because I know that they dont have proper graphic details that I'd like to enjoy in...or...that there is something else missing (in case that graphics is OK)...

I guess we are all getting spoiled too much...thats it... I mean...were our grandparents changing their TV sets in mid 50s every 2 years?

Cya arround...ENJOY.

(in reply to Cooler)
Post #: 21
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/23/2004 11:21:26 PM   


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Joined: 5/1/2003
From: Finland
Status: offline
Erm... borrowing original software is not always even allowed... and borrowing non-original (commercial software) is nearly always illegal here - Usually licensing terms forbid it, if nothing else.

You play games only once? When I got Generals, I played it thru quickly... with all three "sides"... and n+1 skirmish games. When I got Zero Hour, same thing again... plus every Generals Challenge, even while only one is neccessary for medal. Nowadays I only play different skirmish games and user maps... and yes, I can play few games a row.

For benchmark it IS huge. 100MB of that download is a waste anyways, as benchmarks in general are useless waste of time.
There are gigs and gigs stuff to download... and use connection much better in that way.
Nowadays games are nearly all about graphics. In the good old days games were all about playability!


Quae dant, quaque negant, gaudent tamen esse rogatae.

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 22
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/24/2004 9:28:58 PM   

Posts: 169
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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I will be short on this one...since I am in a hurry......yes...borrowing originals is illegal...thats why i dont borrow them...plain and them in almost all possible situations...then later again with Zero Hour pack...and actually it was superb game...and thats why I am looking forward for new release...just cant wait! Really! (Maybe I really should relive good old days and install them again...what do You think? least till the new edition is released...)

And lets leave that benchmark alone...let it rest in peace...

Finally...Games should be very much about graphics(my opinion)...but i also agree that same ammount of playability is urgently needed also...

Need to run...catch ya later...bye.

(in reply to Cooler)
Post #: 23
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/28/2004 2:35:09 AM   


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Joined: 5/1/2003
From: Finland
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If tension grows too much while waiting new games, you should play old ones again... or the ones you never tried.
Next thing to install is Totalk Annihilation with add-ons.


Quae dant, quaque negant, gaudent tamen esse rogatae.

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 24
RE: ECS K7S5A - 12/28/2004 7:26:10 AM   

Posts: 169
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
Status: offline You are talking...

Just dont Annihilate our website over here...

(in reply to Cooler)
Post #: 25
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