OK guys, after answering all this time, this is the time for me to ask a problem I have.
I just bought a new system, P4 3.0Ghz 775, 512DDR2, and an Asus P5GD2 premioum for motherboard.
First thing I don't like with 912 chipset m/bs is that they hae only one IDE channel and several off course SATA connections. Mine has also a RAID controller, and here is my question:
Can I set my HD on the RAID controller in a way so I can boot from it? in order to set my optical devices on the single existing IDE channel? Furthermore, although I know the answer, can I set the optical devices on the RAID?
Once I managed to set to boot from my HD, set on the RAID, but just after the first screen at widows, while loading, the system restarted all the time.
Any suggestions? I know that I missing something but what is this?