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Boot question... - 11/19/2004 1:22:03 PM   

Posts: 3349
Joined: 7/22/2004
From: Jupiter
Status: offline
OK guys, after answering all this time, this is the time for me to ask a problem I have.

I just bought a new system, P4 3.0Ghz 775, 512DDR2, and an Asus P5GD2 premioum for motherboard.

First thing I don't like with 912 chipset m/bs is that they hae only one IDE channel and several off course SATA connections. Mine has also a RAID controller, and here is my question:

Can I set my HD on the RAID controller in a way so I can boot from it? in order to set my optical devices on the single existing IDE channel? Furthermore, although I know the answer, can I set the optical devices on the RAID?

Once I managed to set to boot from my HD, set on the RAID, but just after the first screen at widows, while loading, the system restarted all the time.

Any suggestions? I know that I missing something but what is this?
Post #: 1
RE: Boot question... - 11/19/2004 4:18:05 PM   

Posts: 5448
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Sounds like you have a jumper problem (probably jumperless and configures in the BIOS)

Yes, you should be able to do this without any problem....

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 2
RE: Boot question... - 11/20/2004 9:17:10 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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Do you thing I should try to change the jumber on the m/b? I 'll try this. Thanks.

It's the first time I get a m/b with a RAID controller.

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 3
RE: Boot question... - 11/20/2004 6:45:41 PM   

Posts: 5448
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Yes, if your MB has jumpers, this is what I would try. The ASUS I have is jumperless and everything is in the BIOS.

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 4
RE: Boot question... - 11/21/2004 5:41:30 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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Unfortunately the same here.

Last night I was trying to install the OS again, but it couldn't boot from the CD. I would return it if I was sure that the m/b is the problem, but if I am me the problem this don't changes anything.

I 'll try to contact Asus and ask them to provide me with the appropriate settings, if they do this off course.

Thank anyway for your help MP3Mogul, I appriciate it.

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 5
RE: Boot question... - 11/21/2004 11:24:59 PM   


Posts: 150
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From: Finland
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I wonder... perhaps this is the old "press F6 and give driver floppy while installing OS" problem?

When I installed Win2K for a friends A7V133, I had to go thru several steps before OS was installed. Note that this may differ, because MB was different.
- Set MB using RAID (BIOS? I had to use jumpers)
- Create RAID set (use keyboard shortcut to enter RAID BIOS etc.)
- While installing OS, you may need to press F6 to load additional drivers from floppy!

Without nearly no knowledge, I had hard times getting OS installed and it took ages!


Quae dant, quaque negant, gaudent tamen esse rogatae.

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 6
RE: Boot question... - 11/22/2004 1:20:44 AM   

Posts: 3349
Joined: 7/22/2004
From: Jupiter
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I should get a floppy, funny, isn't it?

(in reply to Cooler)
Post #: 7
RE: Boot question... - 11/22/2004 11:17:44 AM   


Posts: 150
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From: Finland
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I hate floppies! One should think that USB memory stick could be used to supply all the drivers which are needed while installing OS, but last time I tested, noooo way!

Oh... and I can't even get my current (replacement) MB to boot from USB memory stick, so I have to keep that darned floppy drive at my system...
I'd love to keep some old hardware going on, but surely floppy drive is not one of them!

< Message edited by Cooler -- 11/22/2004 11:19:46 AM >


Quae dant, quaque negant, gaudent tamen esse rogatae.

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 8
RE: Boot question... - 11/23/2004 1:55:39 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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So I needed a floppy in order the bios recognizes it and let me boot from the CDROM. The funny thing is that after it asked me if I want to install the driver in the disc or keep the existance, those of XP.

Anyway, I setup successfully the OS, install all the software I need and everything seemed to be ok. BUT, although after some restarts due to the installation of the ATI drivers, audio etc. after all those I CANNOT REBOOT AGAIN.

I am planning to return the Asus motherboard and get a Gigabyte. Something is wrong with the RAID drivers, you could say that they have left.

I don't know who to blame, the m/b or the 915 chipset? or even maybe new technology.

I am desperate, and the funny thing is that I don't have a PC although I need it so much.

(in reply to Cooler)
Post #: 9
RE: Boot question... - 11/23/2004 8:39:50 AM   

Posts: 5448
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From: Retired Moderator
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Wow... very strange problem.... it could possibly be a bad motherboard itself.

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 10
RE: Boot question... - 11/23/2004 10:31:59 AM   


Posts: 250
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I say contact asus first, not all motherboards are capable of using the raid controllers as regular ide controllers. some may or may not have the function to enable or disable raid.
your manual should specify this.
as said you need to use the correct driver and select those from floppy when installing windows.
also check to see that there maybe different drivers for the raid chip so that it maybe used as regular ide controllers

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 11
RE: Boot question... - 11/23/2004 1:41:21 PM   

Posts: 309
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Which SATA controller are you trying to use? Intel or SI? Also I'm assuming that you've updated to the latest 1007 or 1008 beta BIOS and initialized the array if you're using the RAID-0 mode...albeit with a single HD.

If on the Intel ICH6R controller, are you using the latest RAID driver?

If on the SI 3114 controller, are you using the latest ATA or RAID driver?

Also you installed the latest Intel Chipset INF drivers right (v6.2.1.1001)?

PS Finally my first post!

< Message edited by tqhoang -- 11/23/2004 1:58:59 PM >


M$ Windows XP SP2
ASUS A7V8X BIOS 1015.003
AthlonXP Barton 3000+
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Fw FS0J
NEC ND-2100A@2510A Fw 2.0A
NEC ND-6750A Fw 2.42
NEC AD-7170A Fw 1.O4
Plextor Premium Fw 1.07
Plextor PX-716UF Fw 1.11

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 12
RE: Boot question... - 11/24/2004 2:02:01 AM   

Posts: 3349
Joined: 7/22/2004
From: Jupiter
Status: offline
So after all this attempts I can say that the behavior of my system is unstable. Yesterday it worked again but eveytime I shut down the PC and open it I am praying to work. Not good especially for the money I have paid on this.

Yes, I have updated my bios to the 1007 version, which was the latest before three days. Is there a 1008? I will check this.

The controller is the ITE 8212.

I am also planning to install the inf drivers for the chipset. I just try to find a fast connection for this this.

Thank you guys, I really appriciate your help.

I will tell you what will happen.

(in reply to tqhoang)
Post #: 13
RE: Boot question... - 11/24/2004 5:02:14 PM   

Posts: 309
Joined: 11/19/2004
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Latest beta for your board is available on the ASUS Germany site:

ASUS also carries a multi-lingual copy of the Intel INF chipset drivers:

ASUS Germany hard drive (ATA, SATA, RAID, etc) controller drivers:

I would probably also move any non-RAID hard drives to the SI 3114 controller. First set the option in the BIOS to config it as a normal SATA controller, install the SATA (non-RAID) driver, and then shutdown and move the drives over.

< Message edited by tqhoang -- 11/24/2004 5:05:17 PM >


M$ Windows XP SP2
ASUS A7V8X BIOS 1015.003
AthlonXP Barton 3000+
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Fw FS0J
NEC ND-2100A@2510A Fw 2.0A
NEC ND-6750A Fw 2.42
NEC AD-7170A Fw 1.O4
Plextor Premium Fw 1.07
Plextor PX-716UF Fw 1.11

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 14
RE: Boot question... - 11/25/2004 1:50:49 AM   

Posts: 3349
Joined: 7/22/2004
From: Jupiter
Status: offline
I don't have any SATA HDs, only two PATA installed on the ITE8212 controller.

The funny thing is that, no matter if it sounds strange, when I try to open my PC yesterday for installing the above suggestions again it could not boot.

One day works the following is not, without off course changing anything, I didn't even open the case.

(in reply to tqhoang)
Post #: 15
RE: Boot question... - 11/25/2004 10:12:03 AM   

Posts: 309
Joined: 11/19/2004
Status: offline
Sounds like you have a bad power supply or the motherboard isn't getting the proper signal from the power switch. Either that or perhaps there's a motherboard mounting anchor that's not in a grounded screw hole? My friend had that problem when he had a metal mounting anchor just holding up the corner of his motherboard...should've either gone without one or used a plastic one & clipped the arrow tip off.


M$ Windows XP SP2
ASUS A7V8X BIOS 1015.003
AthlonXP Barton 3000+
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Fw FS0J
NEC ND-2100A@2510A Fw 2.0A
NEC ND-6750A Fw 2.42
NEC AD-7170A Fw 1.O4
Plextor Premium Fw 1.07
Plextor PX-716UF Fw 1.11

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 16
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