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Installing Windows XP on new hard drive   Logged in as: Guest
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Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/6/2004 6:49:09 PM   


Posts: 82
Joined: 6/24/2004
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If you used an XP CD to load windows on a computer that has already been melted down in the scrap yard, can you use it again on a new computer?


I know the answer must be in here somewhere*#&%*...but where?...#%*&%#
Post #: 1
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/6/2004 7:21:22 PM   

Posts: 7002
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Sorry can you explain what you mean? Usually WinXP needs to be activated, so if you have already activated them once, you cannot do it again, at least with legal ways

(in reply to _copycat_)
Post #: 2
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/6/2004 7:23:40 PM   

Posts: 5448
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From: Retired Moderator
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If you are the original user, and the original registar of the disc, a simple telephone call to Microsoft will allow you to reinstall Windows. This may be done (telephone calls to MS) a total of 5 times. This would allow you, if you are the original registar to reinstall your disc. I did verify this with MS.

(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 3
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/6/2004 8:05:47 PM   

Posts: 7002
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I thought that activation could happen once?

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Post #: 4
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/6/2004 9:03:25 PM   


Posts: 82
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That's good news! I was hoping that would be the way it works. I don't have enough money to buy another OS. But I have a windows XP Home Edition that I bought years ago for my First computer. I'm glad I held on to the CD and Product key number.
Thanks Guys


I know the answer must be in here somewhere*#&%*...but where?...#%*&%#

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Post #: 5
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/7/2004 2:56:43 AM   

Posts: 2151
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From: Australia
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ORIGINAL: emperor

I thought that activation could happen once?

Windows XP family can be re-activated multiple times via the registry, also.


You Get What You Pay For...

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Post #: 6
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/7/2004 11:28:20 AM   


Posts: 250
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do you mean registered thru the registry or reactivated?
never new you could reactivate it thru the registry

(in reply to Clint)
Post #: 7
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/9/2004 4:41:37 PM   


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Hello Clint... What do I need to do to re-activate via the registry? I'm getting a message every few minutes telling me that I have xx amount of days to activate windows. Yet when I try The automated system tells me the numbers are invalid.I tried contacting HP, they installed it originaly, and all they say is " the warranty expired" Is an OS just leased on a perticular computer or do you purchase it along with a computer? Microsoft is really pissing me off!!!!!!!!!


I know the answer must be in here somewhere*#&%*...but where?...#%*&%#

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Post #: 8
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/9/2004 4:44:19 PM   


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you have to call microsoft to reactivate not hp. however I still would like to know how to activate thru the registry.

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Post #: 9
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/9/2004 4:57:07 PM   


Posts: 82
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Can you give me a number in the U.S. where I can call and talk to a live person and not an automated response


I know the answer must be in here somewhere*#&%*...but where?...#%*&%#

(in reply to S33K3R)
Post #: 10
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/9/2004 7:48:04 PM   

Posts: 5448
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From: Retired Moderator
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I know how you feel about the telephone. Last time I called I just put it on speakerphone by the PC and it took 2 hours in a wait before I got a human.

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Post #: 11
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 9/9/2004 8:39:39 PM   


Posts: 150
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From: Finland
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do you mean registered thru the registry or reactivated?
never new you could reactivate it thru the registry

I guess anyone really wanting to do it will find the way to do it.
I'm not the one to make walk-thru of this, because I'm a bit suspicious about the legality of that procedure.
As I said, anyone really in need of this information can find it from the 'net...


Quae dant, quaque negant, gaudent tamen esse rogatae.

(in reply to S33K3R)
Post #: 12
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 10/12/2004 6:01:38 AM   


Posts: 23
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From my research on "going to buy" Win XP the original purchaser can install the OS on as many machines (uninstall from one and reinstall on another one) as often as he wishes. After so many such reinstalls (like 5 or 6) you may have to call Microsoft and confirm to them what you are doing===but this is a license which allows you to use the OS on ONE machine.

My question is somewhat similar. I would like to buy a used computer running WinXP but I want to be sure it is a valid copy of XP. I want to confirm that WinXP can be sold to a second user. Has anyone done this and confirmed their purchase with Microsoft? What number did you call?

Below is some info that might answer some of the other posts. I got these from newgroups for future use of XP so I can't confirm they work.

1. 100% Legit, Partial Workaround For Product Activation

It's not a crack or a
malicious way to foil Windows Product Activation (WPA), but rather is a
way that legitimate users of XP software can avoid having to reactivate
the software after a full install:

The trick is to copy and re-use the c:\windows\system32\wpa.dbl file.
It's small--- mine is just 13K long--- so it will easily fit on a
floppy. Or, you can copy it to another safe location on your hard drive.
Once that's done, go about your reinstallation task normally.
After you've reinstalled XP, either boot to a DOS floppy or start in
XP's Safe Mode/Command Prompt (i.e. hit the F8 key when your system
"beeps" during the boot process). Then copy your original wpa.dbl from
its safe location back into the c:\windows\system32 folder, and then

Because nothing on your system has changed--- it's the same BIOS, CPU,
RAM, etc., and because you're installing the same copy of XP that was
previously installed, the "old" WPA key should be accepted as valid,
saving you the hassle of re-Activating the software.

Note that this won't work if you try moving the file to a different
machine, so it's not a way to pirate software. But if you want to simply
reinstall a valid and already-activated copy of XP onto the same
hardware on which it was originally installed, this may save you from
having to re-Activate the new installation.

2. Quick method to see if a system has been activated or not.

Ever wonder about a system's activation state? This will pull up the activation window for you.

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type the following in the textbox and then hit OK:

%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /A


(in reply to _copycat_)
Post #: 13
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 10/12/2004 5:37:57 PM   


Posts: 805
Joined: 1/2/2002
From: United Kingdom
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I have a vague recollection of something like 4 activations in 120 days, will result in you having to explain yourself to MS to get another.

There is a bit of a "hacker trick" that works with WPA.DBL - if you understand how the 10 items are counted - since ADDING an item that was not activated, is no chnge, while removing or replacing one is.

Declaring the system to be dockable, grants you a couple of extra changes (to account for dockable items).
Having the SAME Ethernet card MAC (not sure if "locally assigned address" counts) grants you 2 more changes, while having a different one cost you one of the existing changes.

Optical drives count, so maybe better to copy the install to HD, then disconnect the optical drives, remove a SCSI card if it's only there for peripheral support, and if you don't want to tie it strongly to the same ethernet card (unless it's onboard!), remove that, use a modem.

Basically, if you strip it down and tweak, you can make an activation which is very hard (but not impossible) to lose - given the growing amount of licence checking in Windows update, it's unlikely to be useful for piracy, but a smartly set up initial activation will give you an almost free hand in changing anything.

By the same token, if you were GOING to upgrade to a 10/100 Ethernet card, do it FIRST - you do not want temporary parts included in your activation, as that will just waste changes for nothing.

(in reply to leaglebob)
Post #: 14
RE: Installing Windows XP on new hard drive - 10/12/2004 6:21:13 PM   


Posts: 82
Joined: 6/24/2004
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Hello leaglebob! I have two numbers for Microsoft 1-800-426-9400 & 1-800-936-5700. That's great information that you posted.. Thanks. Unfortunately for me it's too late. I had to nuke the hard drive and install a new windows XP OS, because I bought the computer from HP and they would not help me with the Key number for the OS because the warranty was expired. They treated me like I was trying to steal somthing. I finally just gave up. I guess if you buy a computer and the OS is OEM you are SOL.


I know the answer must be in here somewhere*#&%*...but where?...#%*&%#

(in reply to leaglebob)
Post #: 15
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