Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002 From: Poland Status: offline
Concerning Hi-Val burners, Ahead's site lists only two fairly old models as supported by Nero: H2242 and H4242, without mentioning InCD support. Further, I couldn't find any traces of Hi-Val burners in the database of InCD 3.52.40. On the other hand, since your Hi-Val burner came with Nero, it should have been supported by the version of InCD that came on the CD with your burner. So do you remember your initial InCD version number? What is the model of your Hi-Val burner? Did you try to contact Hi-Val tech support to check if your burner was supported by InCD? At this stage, I can only guess that your Hi-Val burner is a re-badged version of another manufacturer's drive which may or may not be supported by InCD officially.