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RE: InCD question - 1/5/2003 4:20:53 AM   


Posts: 7
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Originally posted by KCK


I would be more cautious with moving files; beware that packet writing is not totally reliable.

If you wish to re-use your disc, don't try to save time by using any quick formatting or quick erase options; always do Full Erase in Nero| Recorder| EraseReWritable.

I was experimenting with the 'use a Cd like a large floppy' hoping to replace the external zip drive. It is small .txt files and image files not anything totally vital.
That CD tested unreadable and with errors in the Nero tests. I did the eraserewritable then InCd reformatted.It was usable again.
The writer light goes red every so often and that is not the time to be sending to the drive or moving to the drive. I suspect that is the 'auto feature' referred to in other postings.
This feature should be turned off if the disk is to be used like a floppy is my thought.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 17
RE: InCD question - 1/5/2003 5:37:42 AM   


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For many burners (e.g., Lite-On), the red LED blinking indicates writing activity. For CD-MRW (Mt. Rainier) the initial formatting is very quick (typically 20-30 sec), but the remaining background formatting may take several minutes. It may start after the burner has been idle for some time, or it may be done on the fly when you start copying data immediately after initial formatting. Further, any "writes" can be delayed due to caching. Hence it is not easy to guess why the red LED blinks at any particular time.

In general, the only way I know of checking that background formatting is finished is to use Nero| Recorder| Medium Info. On some systems one has to eject the disc before calling Nero.

Other postings refer to Autoinsert Notification for Win98x, and Autorun for W2K and XP, which may cause IDE light blinks until a disc is inserted; this has nothing to do with your observations.

Your problems might have been due to a poor disc. It could be working now because reformatting might have marked bad sectors, but I would be careful with it.

Since you mentioned replacing an external zip drive, did you uninstall that drive before installing Nero and InCD? Otherwise system instabilities due to conflicts between InCD and ZIP drivers might have contributed to your failures.

BTW, if you want to report your experiences, please provide some basic information about your system (OS, burner, etc).

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 18
RE: InCD question - 1/24/2003 1:25:28 AM   


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Originally posted by KCK


Your problems might have been due to a poor disc. It could be working now because reformatting might have marked bad sectors, but I would be careful with it.

Since you mentioned replacing an external zip drive, did you uninstall that drive before installing Nero and InCD? Otherwise system instabilities due to conflicts between InCD and ZIP drivers might have contributed to your failures.

BTW, if you want to report your experiences, please provide some basic information about your system (OS, burner, etc).

System XPsp1 MSI(40x12x40x) with Nero 5.5burner & InCd
ref. to external zip drive meant - to stop using the iomega external zip so drivers are not installed on this machine

After erasing fully the copy process has been successful but this udf cd will not read in an older Compaq Laptop (win98se 8x cdrom)with udf readers installed (tried Nero and others)Works in the machine with the burner and software. The laptop would read finalized Cd-rw and Cd-r.
For those commenting about shutting down InCd the Nero site has a note that they are working on having an 'exit or shut down choice in a future update.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 19
RE: InCD question - 1/24/2003 7:11:08 AM   


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Are you using classical UDF 1.5 or CD-MRW (Mt. Rainier) formatting?

Can you provide details about the CD-ROM drive on your Compaq laptop? If it can read CD-RW discs, it should be MultiRead compliant. Normally InCD formatted discs are readable on 98SE boxes with MultiRead compliant CD-ROM drives after installing EasyWriteReader, unless there are conflicts with drivers installed by other burning programs or plugins. To haunt for such drivers, you may run a dir command on your C:\Windows\System\Iosubsys directory and post the listing here.

Finally, could you give the link for the InCD note you mentioned? I couldn't find it.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 20
RE: InCD question - 2/4/2003 10:00:40 AM   


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I also encountered problems with UDF Incd and Blips. I lsot data using these software and media. How can I recover the files. I tried CD diagnostic but it failed to recover even badcoy and CD restore. Does this have any bugs. I already tried 3 other CDRW new one but same result. I would not risk again using this InCD for backups..Help or opinions welcomed

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 21
RE: InCD question - 2/14/2003 9:26:34 PM   


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What happened to InCD?
I just upgraded to the latest version with DVD support and it slows my computer down so badly that it sometimes locks up!
I was stupid! I didn't keep the latest version just before DVD support and cannot find it on Ahead's site!

I've used InCD eVERY day for years to backup my daily work!
Perhaps my Pentium III running Windows ME is too slow!
Oh, I wish I had been more careful!
Does anyone know where I can get the latest version of InCD, but just before they added DVD support?

I'd appreciate your help! I cannot find it on the Ahead site, and have written an email asking for their help.
If you know of a link, PLEASE email me!




Mike Tjebben

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 22
RE: InCD question - 2/15/2003 3:40:24 AM   


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InCD 3.52.00b works fine on my 98SE box with PII 333MHz, 256MB.

Some users reported that their InCD slowdowns disappear when they leave a disc in their burner (so that InCD doesn't poll the burner to discover a fresh disc), or when they change settings of network cards related to NIC polling ("Software cable detect", etc).

Anyway, you could try 3.31, since 3.37 had the infameous "rename"

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 23
RE: InCD question - 2/16/2003 9:26:27 PM   


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Thank you KCK!
Unfortunately, I get the folowing message, when I try the links you posted:
Access forbidden

Sorry, this download is for CZ and SK folks only.
Download není p#345;ístupný

Je nám líto, ale díky p#345;et#283;žování naší zahrani#269;ní linky nesmysln...

That's okay, because I got a really nice response from a guy at Ahead. He sent me the Cleantool and asked what version of InCD I need. I told him the latest version in the 3.4 series (I believe), and am now waiting for him to send it. (It was Friday when we exchanged email, and I'm in the U.S., so I'm guessing he hasn't gotten my latest email yet).

I might also try putting a blank or CD-R disc in the drive to stop it from polling for the new disk. What is interesting about this theory is that it seems to make some sense! That is, I knew that sometimes with the previous version, it would "miss" that I put in a new disk, and I had come up with clever ways to get around that. And I actually felt better about that then the way it polls now! It did seem difficult for me to believe that a 750MHz PIII would be too slow, which your post confirms that it shouldn't be, since you are running with a PII and 98SE.




Mike Tjebben

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 24
RE: InCD question - 2/16/2003 9:57:35 PM   


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I have tried leaving a CD-R disk in my drive and now everything is fast again! ...with the LATEST InCD!
I'll just swap it out whenever I want to back up my daily work to a CD-RW disk as I do everyday, nearly 4 to 8 times!

Thank you for the excellent, and workable solution!

I'm going to send an email to Craig at Ahead!



Mike Tjebben

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 25
RE: InCD question - 2/16/2003 11:17:16 PM   


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I'm glad the workaround helped!

Just remember not to leave an InCD disc in your drive, since it could be destroyed when ME hangs and you have to power down your box.

For the sake of other users, could you tell us whether the same symptoms occur when you use Device Manager to switch Autoinsert Notification for your burner between "on" and "off"?

What does Nero InfoToll say about your ASPI layers (system and Nero)?

What is the make and model of your burner?

Concerning my previous "wrong" links, here is additional information which may help other users who wish to try earlier versions of InCD.

You can download InCD 3.31 from

I have just checked that the file there is identical to mine. Other versions can be downloaded from

I would try 3.31 first, since 3.37 had the infameous "rename" bug, whereas the 3.4x versions have never been released to the general public (they were available from OEM's sites only), so few people know about their bugs, if any. Also all these version uninstall cleanly via Add/Remove Programs, so there is little danger in switching back and forth between them for your experiments.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 26
RE: InCD question - 2/21/2003 1:55:57 AM   


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Hello KCK and others.

Well, the workaround has improved things considerably, but I am still getting occassional crashes - "blue screen."
Tonight, it told me that a program called "B's CLiP" had stopped responding! Do you know what "B's CLiP" is? I did a web search using google and it appears to be some sort of Packet Writer! How did that get on my system?! Is it part of InCD or is it a part of some other program (like Windows Media Player)?

I wonder if an interaction with it is causing the problem!
It would appear that if I have two packet writer drivers that that might be the case, but I just don't know if "B's CLiP" is OEM'ed to Ahead or something. (?)

By the way, Craig at Ahead gave you (KCK) a big compliment: He said you are VERY knowledgeable.

Anyway, I apologize if I was confused when I guessed I had InCD 3.4 series, because I honestly didn't remember. I thought that that's what I had, but if it was NOT released to the general public, then I did NOT have it, as I had only updated via the website.

To answer your questions, the Nero InfoTool reports
System.ASPI. Should I have the Nero.ASPI instead and if so, how? Just copy it from the original CD or from a directory somewhere?
(When I click on Nero.ASPI it says "ASPI is not installed."

Also, it does NOT matter (for me) if Auto-Insert Notification is on or off, but I generally keep it off.

I happen to have one of those "weird" (and infamous) hp cd-writer 8230E's that appears in the Device Manager to show up as an hp cd-writer+ 8290.

I hope this info answers all of your questions.
I apologize for not responding sooner; I am not as regular as checking my email which I check VERY often and respond to much more regularly.
I'm DEFINITELY going to go back to the InCD 3.31 as you suggest to see if all problems disappear. In the meantime, if you figure out how "B's CLiP" fits into things, I'd appreciate hearing about it! I'll try poking around to see if I can figure out where it is coming from.



Mike Tjebben

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 27
RE: InCD question - 2/21/2003 7:05:28 AM   


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B's CLiP is another packet writer produced by B.H.A., but this company also delivers some drivers used in InCD, so your error message may be due to BSUDF.VXD installed by InCD in C:\Windows\System\IOSUBSYS (or other drivers if you installed Ahead's EasyWriteReader).

If you have never installed B's CLiP (check Add/Remove Programs in Device Manager), you may be suffering from typical driver conflicts between InCD and other burning programs or plugins (usually those coming from Adaptec/Roxio).

I guess your HP writer came with Easy CD Creator and DirectCD, but I assume that you have already removed them, since you wrote initially that you had been using InCD successfully for years. BTW, this makes me wonder whether your problem started after the latest upgrade of InCD, and whether you have recently installed other burning programs or plugins; e.g., Windows Media Player (WMP) 9.0 comes with the Adaptec/Roxio plugin.

If you have WMP 7.1, try uninstalling the Adaptec plugin via Add/Remove Programs (Components); for WMP 7.0 and 9.0 removals are more complicated, so first tell us which version you have.

To haunt for conflicting drivers, list the contents of your C:\Windows\System\IOSUBSYS by running the dir command in an MS DOS window, and post them here; similarly run "dir c*.dll" in C:\Windows\System and post the result.

Further, once Nero is run, the file NeroHistory.log in C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero lists useful information about system files. Since this file can be rather long, you may concentrate on its last session. Thus you may extract the initial information section (which ends with "Wizard: Off or On") and the final "Existing drivers" section from the Nero log file and post it.

Please tell us again in detail what Nero InfoTool| ASPI reports when you click on "System ASPI" and "Nero ASPI". And don't meddle with ASPI until we know its current setup (normally Nero/InCD handle ASPI automatically).

To reduce the number of variables, I would stick to InCD 3.52.00b for now; anyway, if you do switch to 3.31, tell us.

Finally, please provide as much information as possible about the error messages, other symptoms, etc. For instance, do you get the same error message whenever your system crashes? Do you get BSOD-s only while accessing an InCD disc via Explorer or another program?

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 28
RE: InCD question - 2/21/2003 5:08:31 PM   


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Hi again.

Last night I uninstalled the latest InCD and reinstalled

Specifically, I mean:
* I do not have to have a CD of any sort in my drive and the computer remains FAST! (No "polling" of the CD drive.)
* I have "fast recognition" of a CD that is inserted. Often, with 3.5-series InCD I was finding that I could eject a CD-RW, put in another (to continue to my next set of backups, and it would not mount the new CD-RW as writable, even when it correctly listed the new disk's contents. I had to eject the disk, wait until the window refreshed saying "nothing in the drive" and THEN put in the new disk and only then would it mount as writeable.)
* I was getting all kinds of random erros that I cannot way any one was consistent. I had see problems where the blue screen would list a BSUDF error as you mentioned. I had even had my computer spontaneously reboot three times over the case of three days, especially if I'd hot-plug in my USB CD drive or insert a CD-RW into a different DVD/DRIVE. Because none of these were consistent, I didn't write down the problems as I usually do when I have problems and can narrow it down to something I can search for with google to solve the problem by research.
* Sometime during this period of experimenting with InCD 3.52, my computer would not hibernate! I'd get a message that I was connected to network resources that I couldn't figure out when I used some simple network reporting tools. It puzzled me, but I had recently installed another program (ghostsurf) to try and I guessed it was associated with that and figured I'd tackle that in the future. Well, now that I've gone back to InCD 3.31 my computer HIBERNATES and RECOVERS *PERFECTLY!*

You are correct: When I bought Nero to replace the simplistic software that came with the Hp8230e, I followed the FAQ's on Ahead's website to carefully remove all of the junk behind by HP's software, Roxio's Adaptec stuff, and everything else that I could find. I had NEVER installed B's CLiP and it does NOT appear in my programs (when I look at "add/remove programs"), but I HAD added Nero's EasyWriteReader to allow my SonyDVD/CD reader (mentioned above) to read my UDF-formatted disks (which had always worked beautifully before).

I still have the EasyWriteReader installed with my InCD 3.31 and so far, everything is working perfectly!

As I said, I have used InCD for several years SEVERAL TIMES EVERYDAY to backup my work and I LOVE it so much that it is part of my methodology now, because it has been robust and workable. It really "scared" me when I had problems with 3.5x versions. Now I'm pleased that 3.31 is giving me robust performance and I've burned that version to a CD to keep for posterity!

By the way, I use a very nice cataloging program called "Where is It?" to tell me all of the contents of my offline CD's.

Do you know, was it from the very first of the 3.5x series that Ahead added DVD support? Could that have caused some new challenges that we are seeing problems with? Maybe they should keep separate versions for CD's versus DVD's or maybe we're just seeing temporary "growing pains." Anyway, I still REALLY like Ahead and their Nero and InCD!



Mike Tjebben

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Post #: 29
RE: InCD question - 2/21/2003 6:40:03 PM   


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Again, I'm glad that downgrading to InCD 3.31 helped!

In view of your experience with the previous workaround, I hope you won't need to come back for help. But if you do, please provide all the necessary information.

For instance, I have just realized that your HP CD-Writer Plus 8230e is an external drive connected via USB (apparently 1.0 or 1.1). It doesn't appear on Ahead's list of supported recorders, so I am wondering whether Nero InfoTool identifies it as HP CD + 8290 (an IDE/ATAPI drive). I mean, if the HP USB drivers fool Nero into thinking that your drive is on IDE instead of USB, you can't expect much, especially hot-plugging.

As far as I remember, DVD support was first included in InCD 3.51.92. But your challenge is "old" rather than "new": competition forces Ahead to concentrate on new hardware, rather than on maintaining compatibility with quite obsolete drives. The number of users of 4x drives is diminishing quite rapidly...

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 30
RE: InCD question - 2/21/2003 8:48:07 PM   


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Hi yet again.

Well, I spoke a bit too soon. I ended up also uninstalling the Nero EasyWriteReader and putting back on Roxio's UDFReader v., because I had a few more "BSOD's" when I put a CDRW in my DVD/CD drive at the same time that I had a CDRW in my HP8230e.

Now I'm quite sure I'm back to the configuration that I've run with several years and it seems the most stable yet.
I do agree that my 8230e is old and I don't feel too bad if Ahead doesn't keep supporting old 4x drives, as long as I am smart enough to keep my software that works until I buy that DVD writer!

The 8230e wasn't on the list of supported drives way back when I decided to buy Nero, but I had tried Nero and everything, including InCD worked beautifully, hence I went ahead and bought it. In fact, I bought it to help me solve the problem with burning "coasters" with the slower drive and it was the only one that I tried that NEVER caused a coaster!

The 8230e is also "infamous" for appearing as an 8290.
In my opinion, it is not a very good drive at all, but it was VERY cheap when I bought it and has worked VERY well if one learns to get past it's "quirks!"

Do you have any opinion on what DVD writer to get? I understand that the new SONY DRU-500AX burns DVD-R/-RW, DVD+RW/+R, and even CD-R/CD-RW discs! Have you heard anything about it? Any good?
Seems like it may be the most universal, so far!
Perhaps it'd be a GREAT candidate to replace that 8230e?!;sid=aqKgadmEWUqgTOfSGVWqYpaJLdl2_IJhP7c=?CatalogCategoryID=mR8KC0%2eNbb4AAADz0wZypn_6&ProductID=bw8KC0%2eNRFoAAADz0nJypn_8&Dept=cpu

Thank you for your help!



Mike Tjebben

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 31
RE: InCD question - 2/22/2003 2:02:19 AM   


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Well, we are getting a pattern here: consecutive "fixes" seem to work at least for a while, and you are gradually providing more information about your hardware and software, yet not all that I asked for.

So again, if replacing EasyWriteReader by Roxio's UDFReader helps in the long run, we don't need to worry further.

However, I wouldn't advise anybody to run Roxio's UDFReader together with InCD.

Which version of EasyWriteReader did you use? There are several versions around, and in general one should download the latest one from Ahead's site (unfortunately Ahead doesn't provide consistent information about the various versions). Thus, unless you used the latest version, you should try it after removing UDFReader.

Otherwise, I can only repeat from my previous message: If you come back for help, please provide all the necessary information. There could be something else wrong with your setup. For instance, we still don't know your system ASPI (it's OK if Nero ASPI is not installed), IOSUBSYS, c*.dll in C:\Windows\System, Nero log extracts, etc.

I can't recommend any DVD writer (I'm still waiting until DVD burners and media become cheaper).

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 32
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