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InCD question - 11/25/2002 10:02:48 PM   


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I just installed a new dcrw that came with InCD. I have tried it and like is so far, but do not like the fact that it runs in the background all the time. I can not leave InCD running in the background as it causes problems with one of the online games I play. It seems to eat resources and causes the game to lag. As long as I have InCD shut down I am fine. I have removed InCD from my startup list so it will not load at boot and now use an Icon to access InCD when I need to backup (not very often). What I am wondering is if there is a way to get InCD to shut down after I have finished my backup session. At the moment I am having to Ctrl+Alt+Del then shut down InCD. Does anyone know of a Reg. value or something that could be changed/altered to get InCD to shut down after the CD is ejected?
Post #: 1
RE: InCD question - 11/28/2002 2:38:18 AM   


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Uncheck InCD in your Startup menu using by running MSConfig. Then add the InCD to your startup program list using Add/Remove program option in control panel. Then just start InCD just like you would any other program. Note that it will remain on your tool bar until you reboot. If you want to kill it before then do CTRL + ALT + DELETE and select InCD and then End Task option.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 2
RE: InCD question - 11/28/2002 5:27:30 PM   


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Didn't give you the right info about adding InCD; was half asleep last night. Your don't have to add it via Control Panel; it's already there.

Do the following after you unchecked it in the Startup menu.

Select Start from your toolbar; then Settings; then Task bar & Start Menu; then Start Menu Programs; then Add. In the browse window type; C:\Program Files\Ahead\InCD then select the InCD application.

This will then add it to your Startup program list.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 3
RE: InCD question - 11/28/2002 10:48:03 PM   


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I doubt any registry hack could work; you would probably need a separate driver to unload InCD upon disc ejection (of course the basic InCD drivers can't be killed from Task Manager anyway). BTW, what are the symptoms of InCD interference with your game?


You are suggesting precisely the opposite of what was asked for. Get some sleep!

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 4
RE: InCD question - 12/2/2002 3:21:22 AM   


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KCK thanks for taking the time to read my post before responding. I figured there was no reg. hack, but had to ask. The problem I am/was having with InCD running in the background is a freeze/lag type of thing about every 10sec. The game is Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It has to be due to the resources sucked up by InCD or some type of scan feature built into the software. It would be nice if they would incorporate an (Exit) feature into the next build for those of us who do not need/want InCD running in the back ground all the time.

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Post #: 5
RE: InCD question - 12/2/2002 3:46:35 AM   


Posts: 289
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Could be a red herring, but did you try changing Autoinsert Notification or Autoplay? See the parallel thread

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Post #: 6
RE: InCD question - 12/2/2002 3:19:24 PM   


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Originally posted by KCK


Could be a red herring, but did you try changing Autoinsert Notification or Autoplay? See the parallel thread

Sounds good to me. Auto insert will be turned off and I will post an update. Thanks!

*EDIT* Disabled Auto insert notification and DMA. Still get hang in game. O well no big deal, I can live with running InCD just when I need it.

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Post #: 7
RE: InCD question - 12/2/2002 5:00:58 PM   


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Usually Autoinsert Notification/Autoplay check a drive every 1 or 2 seconds; if you get lags from InCD every 10 seconds, the cause must be different. Maybe there is some service running in the background, which happens to interfere with InCD? For each OS there are various system monitors, process viewers, etc., which you could use to identify the culprits. Do you also get these lags while running other network applications (just IE or FTP) instead of gaming? Does RCW need a CD in your drive to play?

I would start with simple experiments, like leaving an InCD disc in your burner or another disc (with Autoinsert Notification on) before starting the game.

Which OS are you running? How much memory do you have?

PS: I didn't tell you to set DMA off! This could hurt your performance.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 8
RE: InCD question - 12/2/2002 9:01:46 PM   


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Well lets see, No lags while running other applications, RTCW does not require the disk to run. Im running 98se with 1g cpu and 512 ram. I only turned DMA off to check, it is back on now. I will try with a disk in the drive and see if that works. The only apps I run in the backgournd are NAV and ZAF.

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Post #: 9
RE: InCD question - 12/2/2002 9:13:19 PM   


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Thats the ticket. Leave cd in burner with InCD still running and everything is fine. Well I'll be damned. Learn something new everyday.

Thanks KCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 10
RE: InCD question - 12/3/2002 12:22:42 AM   


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Glad it worked! For other users' benefit: Does it work with Autoinsert Notification on or off, and with an InCD-formatted disc, or any other disc left in the burner?

BTW, if you want to keep an InCD disc in your drive, you should first eject it after doing backups so that a proper TOC gets written; otherwise you could loose data if your system crashes during gaming!

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 11
RE: InCD question - 12/3/2002 5:54:41 AM   


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Originally posted by KCK

Glad it worked! For other users' benefit: Does it work with Autoinsert Notification on or off, and with an InCD-formatted disc, or any other disc left in the burner?

I had an InCD formatted disc (with info on it)in the drive with autoinsert ON. I did not try with an unformatted disk. Thanks again for the help!!!!!!!!

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Post #: 12
RE: InCD question - 12/18/2002 2:15:14 AM   


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Parputt, I have win 2000 in my machine. How should I turn off InCD from appearing in the systray everytime I startup? msconfig doesn't wortk with windows 2k. Any suggestions? Thanks,Sammy.

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Post #: 13
RE: InCD question - 12/18/2002 4:55:55 AM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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Although I've never tried this (had no need), here is a hack that may work for you.

You may try removing the InCD entry from your registry at


(export this key first in case you want to retrieve it later).

When needed, run InCD.exe from C:\Program Files\ahead\InCD; later you may kill InCD.exe via Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del).

This procedure is not recommended in general, since it doesn't prevent various InCD-associated services from running.

If you have system crashes at bootup, they could be due to conflicts between InCD and other burning programs. For general troubleshooting, see

If you want help in your particular case, you should start a separate thread and provide more details about your hardware and software.

Anyway, tell us if the above hack works for you.[?]

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 14
RE: InCD question - 1/4/2003 6:06:42 PM   


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From: Canada
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Originally posted by KCK

Glad it worked! For other users' benefit: Does it work with Autoinsert Notification on or off, and with an InCD-formatted disc, or any other disc left in the burner?

BTW, if you want to keep an InCD disc in your drive, you should first eject it after doing backups so that a proper TOC gets written; otherwise you could loose data if your system crashes during gaming!

I just subscribed to this forum and got my answer in this first browse through responses. The above BTW was my experience on my first successful format, drag and drop and then clicked too enthusiasticaly on file contents BIG FREEZE...crash...and the MOVED files were no longer there.Actually, I was moving files and then one .jpg would not move. It was like InCd suddenly shut off.I likely was moving things too quickly.The CD-RW is an hp cd-rw 1x2x4x
It was a major LOSE data.Now InCd regards that CD to be requiring a format. What was interesting is I retrieved all the files with Norton Protected Recycle Bin mainly because it was all in one time period.

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Post #: 15
RE: InCD question - 1/5/2003 12:03:05 AM   


Posts: 289
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From: Poland
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I would be more cautious with moving files; beware that packet writing is not totally reliable.

If you wish to re-use your disc, don't try to save time by using any quick formatting or quick erase options; always do Full Erase in Nero| Recorder| EraseReWritable.

(in reply to parputt)
Post #: 16
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