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internal temperatures - 8/11/2004 7:48:06 PM   


Posts: 36
Joined: 8/9/2004
Status: offline
Just wondering if anyone knows what the safe temperatures are for hardware components, i recently d/loaded 'speedfan' which gives detailed info on temperatures and gives fan control. My CPU is reading 83C and my hard drives both read 53C. Im pretty sure this is too hot. I would be glad to hear peoples views, and maybe some advice on this subject.
Post #: 1
RE: internal temperatures - 8/11/2004 8:43:16 PM   

Posts: 7002
Joined: 4/28/2004
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83 is way high, maybe speedfan is not monitor correct your motherboard settings, most motherboards include such utilities at the bulked CD, what is your motherboard?

(in reply to aslok)
Post #: 2
RE: internal temperatures - 8/12/2004 4:20:20 AM   


Posts: 36
Joined: 8/9/2004
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As far as I can workout the manufacturer is MSI, it is version 1.40, and model number MS-6741.
Also the last time I checked the BIOS the temp read 78C. I bought this computer from who had a dubious reputation in the past, since being taken over by Time, I thought I would take a gamble,and my only gripes are: the chassis is very poor, the DVD-RW WILL NOT BURN, and I have been posting on this forum for 5 days to try and resolve it. And now the temp seems to hot. I am considering fitting one of those fan regulators with dials and small screen, but the spare compartments on the chassis are rivetted!
What ever next.

(in reply to aslok)
Post #: 3
RE: internal temperatures - 8/12/2004 5:01:45 AM   

Posts: 7002
Joined: 4/28/2004
Status: offline
78c is also very high...why you don't return the PC back and complain that is not working properly?

(in reply to aslok)
Post #: 4
[Deleted] - 8/12/2004 7:09:28 AM   
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  Post #: 5
RE: internal temperatures - 8/12/2004 3:50:31 PM   

Posts: 31
Joined: 5/24/2004
From: Greece
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It could be the case that the mobo has a faulty thermal probe... Anyways, many motherboards do not measure cpu temps accurately, even the ones coming from big manufacturers. Usually they are about 8-10 degrees off. In your case 80 degrees is way too much if it is the true temperature. My overclocked p4@2.6 woking now at 3.2, reaches 50 under full load during summertime (30-40 degrees ambient temperature).
So, check the temps in the bios to see if they are reported high there as well. If No, try to use some other software, like Motherboard Monitor (a.k.a MBM) and see if your temps get more realistic. If Yes, maybe you need to have a word with the people where you bought it.

I assume that you have checked if the heatsink is installed properly (is in full contact with the cpu core) and thermal paste is applied on the cpu core.

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Post #: 6
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