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To combo or not to combo that is the question   Logged in as: Guest
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To combo or not to combo that is the question - 6/24/2004 10:18:24 PM   


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I'm getting ready to build my first system, with playing graphics heavy video games in mind, is it better to go with a combo drive or get individual drives ie... CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc.....
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RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 6/24/2004 11:47:57 PM   

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Not sure it will make a difference. However, if you plan on making backups, combo drives typically don't do well with protected games.


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Post #: 2
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 6/25/2004 2:44:33 AM   

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It depends at which you are looking for...A CD or DVD Recorder?

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[Deleted] - 6/25/2004 9:51:08 AM   
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RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 6/25/2004 5:54:38 PM   


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Why a combo? - you can now get DVD Writers (most likely a 4x +R model, rather than an 8x +/-R) for the price a combo used to be - in fact, even an 8x +R / 4x -R writer is not hugely expensive, since they've been overshadowed by full 8x +/- - One drive to rule them all, if you must have only one drive, it may as well be a DVD Writer.

Though the BEST way, is to pair a DVD writer and a DVD-ROM - or if you demand good backup capabilities, A DVD Writer and a CD Writer with good EFM (to Safedisk 2.8, preferably 2.9 unassisted by "amplify weak sectors") and coverage of all kinds of protected audio between them.

A more traditional lineup, is a DVD-ROM, with a CD-RW .... the "combo" split into its two functions.

If you need to use backups (and getting a damaged original replaced is too damn hard not to), then if all your drives are writers, you do end up relying on "hide ATIP" functions in Alcohol or CloneCD.

< Message edited by Matthew -- 6/25/2004 5:55:50 PM >

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RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/9/2004 5:01:24 AM   


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Sorry about taking so long to read the replies. Thanks much for the advice, it has been very helpful

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Post #: 6
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 2:20:33 PM   

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So Copycat, what did you end up buying?

I would personally vote for a DVD Writer, I looked into a combo, and it was about the same price for a combo as a slower dvd writer so I didn't bother with the combo.


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Post #: 7
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 2:36:34 PM   

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i think a DVDWriter is a good choice, given the very low prices

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Post #: 8
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 4:06:51 PM   


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Here's what I've decided on. A CD-ROM, and a DVD-ROM, and a Plextor 712A. This should cover all the bases. I hope.

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Post #: 9
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 4:11:57 PM   
Laffin Assassin

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Why have you decided on. A CD-ROM with the other 2 you shouldn't need one !!!


Speaking Without Thinking, Is Like Shooting Without Aiming !!!

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Post #: 10
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 4:51:51 PM   

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With a DVD writer, you don't even need another drive in most cases. The DVD-ROM is overkill, there really is absolutely no need for a cd-rom drive these days if you have other optical drives. The Plextor is a good choice, enjoy!


LiteOn 1693S review
Plextor 740A review
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Post #: 11
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 5:30:38 PM   


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If you want to play a game backup (you're keeping the orginal safe, RIGHT?), then having a drive which is NOT a writer saves messing arounf with hide ATIP tricks that can disrupt writing software.

A DVD-ROM (especially if it's one supported for PI/PO testing if the writer isn't) and a writer are a good pair, and it shouldn't be necessary to add a CD-ROM, as a decent DVD-ROM should read CDs with no trouble.

If you want Mount Rainier support, may need a CD-RW, as I've yet to see a DVDRW drive that supports it, even though it's a feature that their chipsets are often equipped to do.

(in reply to digitaldoc)
Post #: 12
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 5:42:39 PM   
Laffin Assassin

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ORIGINAL: digitaldoc

With a DVD writer, you don't even need another drive in most cases. The DVD-ROM is overkill, there really is absolutely no need for a cd-rom drive these days if you have other optical drives. The Plextor is a good choice, enjoy!

So what you are saying is that a Plextor will rip Movies as fast and read as well as a Samsung 616q and supposing he wants to copy on the fly (Which I wouldn't recommend) !!!


Speaking Without Thinking, Is Like Shooting Without Aiming !!!

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Post #: 13
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/27/2004 8:43:39 PM   

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CD-ROM nowdays? No chance, grab a good DVD-ROM and a good DVD-Writer

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Post #: 14
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/28/2004 12:27:07 AM   


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My thinking is that of ware and tear. Iwould rather start and stop a cheap rom drive over and over ( which I do when I program a gamepad to emulate the keyboard and mouse for games) than I would a more expensive and saffisticated drive like the Plextor. If my thinking is wrong then yes maybe a good DVD-ROM and the Plextor is all I need. Won't constant opening and closing and starting and stopping a drive ware it out quickly?

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Post #: 15
RE: To combo or not to combo that is the question - 7/28/2004 8:49:42 AM   

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As far i remember there isn't any good CD-ROM, at least to my standards. Finding a good DVD-ROM is a possibility and as for cheap DVD writer, there are many drives you can find

(in reply to _copycat_)
Post #: 16
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