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What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/22/2002 8:34:42 AM   


Posts: 27
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From: United Kingdom
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I have Direct CD from the roxio easy cd creator program, but am VERY dissapointed with it! I need a program that I can use my data cd's that I created in Direct CD BUT is much more stable than the Direct CD program! I use Blank CD-Rs formatted to the Direct CD standard. Can anyone reccomend a MORE STABLE program, I can't use InCD, because it only uses the CD-RW format and all of my data cds are CD-R!!! Can anyone reccomend something else????

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RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/22/2002 4:30:40 PM   


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Actually i wouldn't reccomend packet writing with the existing status...Maybe when Mt. Rainier is implemented in Operating System things will become smoother

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RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/23/2002 12:14:02 AM   

Posts: 2151
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You could try Ahead Software's InCD. Many believe this is the best packet writing software avaliable...

I'm with John, I'm not using Packet writing until OS implimentation of Mount Rainier format happens.

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    Edited by - Clint on 08/23/2002 00:17:14

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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/24/2002 8:54:48 AM   


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    You could try Ahead Software's InCD. Many believe this is the best packet writing software avaliable...

    I'm with John, I'm not using Packet writing until OS implimentation of Mount Rainier format happens.

    You get what you pay for...

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    Edited by - Clint on 08/23/2002 00:17:14

    Like I said in my first post I CAN'T use InCD because it only uses CDRW and all my CD's are on CDR!

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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/25/2002 4:58:50 AM   

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    Oh, yeah...

    Then I dunno [:I]


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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/26/2002 6:28:55 AM   


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    Originally posted by Clint

    Oh, yeah...

    Then I dunno [:I]

    I think I found one! I was watching TECHTV the other day and they were talking about a NEW program that will use EITHER CDR or CDRW in packet writing! Not only that, but it will make high quality dvds as well! As well as CDR and CDRW. This program will even make itself COMPATIBLE with roxio easy cd creator disks! The Program is called Instant CD DVD and you can find it at You can look for the free trial download for 30 days. I haven't tried it yet but will let you know when I do, this may just be the answer I am looking for!

    (in reply to webe123)
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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/26/2002 10:27:50 AM   


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    Originally posted by webe123

    Originally posted by Clint

    Oh, yeah...

    Then I dunno [:I]

    I think I found one! I was watching TECHTV the other day and they were talking about a NEW program that will use EITHER CDR or CDRW in packet writing! Not only that, but it will make high quality dvds as well! As well as CDR and CDRW. This program will even make itself COMPATIBLE with roxio easy cd creator disks! The Program is called Instant CD DVD and you can find it at You can look for the free trial download for 30 days. I haven't tried it yet but will let you know when I do, this may just be the answer I am looking for!

    Well.....I purchased the unlock code and tried it out! It works PERFECTLY! I have easy cd creator completely uninstalled and only have the Instant CD DVD program on my computer for packet writing and my win xp pro Operationg system can't tell the difference! The CD's I created with packet writing from easy CD creator's DIRECT CD are now being used by the Instant CD DVD program! This program is an all in one package that can not only packet write in CDR and CDRW, but also burn CDR and CDRW in music and data formats and also can create SVCDs for DVD drives! If you are looking for an alternative to Easy CD Creator I would have to reccomend THIS even over Nero!

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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/26/2002 10:28:24 AM   


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    sorry, double posted...!

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    Post #: 8
    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/26/2002 11:25:51 AM   
    Laffin Assassin

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    Hi webe123
    Not to worry Mate everyone makes a mistake now and then Even Clint !!!


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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/27/2002 3:19:26 PM   
    Peter Lu


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    Does Instant CD/DVD allow one to "software" write a Mt. Rainier
    formatted CDRW in a non-Mt. Rainier drive (if this is even possible
    at all)? Does Instant CD/DVD allow one to select the formatting
    mode of a CDRW to be old-style UDF or new-style Mt. Rainier on
    a Mt. Rainier-capable drive, for compatibility reasons?

    Thanks for info.

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    Post #: 10
    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/27/2002 4:19:22 PM   
    Laffin Assassin

    Posts: 4642
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    Hi Peter
    You Say " Does Instant CD/DVD allow one to "software" write a Mt. Rainier formatted CDRW in a non-Mt. Rainier drive (if this is even possible at all)? "
    Not at the moment as you need a Writer with the Mt.Rainier Function but who Knows if you will be able to in the Future the speed things change in Computing Technology it is anyones Guess !!!
    I hope this Helps !!!


    Speaking Without Thinking, Is Like Shooting Without Aiming !!!

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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/27/2002 5:08:44 PM   


    Posts: 4038
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    As far i remember, InstantCD/DVD doesn't support yet Mt. Rainier


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    Post #: 12
    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/27/2002 10:55:31 PM   
    Peter Lu


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    Laffin Assassin says:

    >Not at the moment as you need a Writer with the Mt.Rainier Function >but who Knows if you will be able to in the Future the speed things >change in Computing Technology it is anyones Guess !!!

    Doesn't this depend on the way Mt. Rainier was specified and whether
    it has some funky data dependency that old-style CD writers could
    not produce? If they did it right, then the old drives should
    be easily paired up with new driver/application software to do
    Mt. Rainier, albeit writing/formatting much slower. I'm surprised
    no one's put out such software already, if this mode is possible
    at all.

    John says:

    > As far i remember, InstantCD/DVD doesn't support yet Mt. Rainier

    Then there doesn't seem to be any advantage to using Instant CD/DVD
    over DirectCD (except for those who find DirectCD flakey/unreliable).
    Do you know if DirectCD4 (that comes with EasyCDCreator5) supports
    Mt. Rainier? I would like to keep using my DirectCD3 (from
    EasyCDCreator4) but it doesn't &%^(^@)!@@! support my new Liteon
    drive (why???, except for forcing users to spend $$$ to upgrade).

    This compatibility issue is a nightmare. I'm suprised the CDR/CDRW
    world doesn't seem to have a clean solution especially with the
    history of all the other worthless removeable archiving media out

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    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/27/2002 11:23:17 PM   
    Peter Lu


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    So, it looks like InCD is able to set up a CDRW in either old UDF
    or new UDF (Mt. Rainier) format on a Mt. Rainier drive. Hence, if
    I wanted compatibility across all drives, until Mt. Rainier
    "emulation" software is available, I just have to keep using old
    UDF and take the 12-minute format hit.

    Unfortunately, InCD doesn't seem to be able to do UDF (or UDF-like)
    operation on a CDR, the way DirectCD could. Alas... perhaps I
    can get InCD and DirectCD to co-exist, as someone has suggested.

    BTW, Mt. Rainier seems to be called MRW, but is it also called
    UDF version 2?

    The other incompatibility I think is true is that old style CD
    writers that did up to 4x CDRW writes seem not to be able to write
    CDRW media geared for 8x or higher writing. Is this true across
    the board, or only true for the two old 4x or slower CDRW drives
    I've used?

    Thanks for any reply in advance.

    (in reply to webe123)
    Post #: 14
    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/28/2002 5:14:45 AM   


    Posts: 27
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    Originally posted by Peter Lu

    So, it looks like InCD is able to set up a CDRW in either old UDF
    or new UDF (Mt. Rainier) format on a Mt. Rainier drive. Hence, if
    I wanted compatibility across all drives, until Mt. Rainier
    "emulation" software is available, I just have to keep using old
    UDF and take the 12-minute format hit.

    Unfortunately, InCD doesn't seem to be able to do UDF (or UDF-like)
    operation on a CDR, the way DirectCD could. Alas... perhaps I
    can get InCD and DirectCD to co-exist, as someone has suggested.

    BTW, Mt. Rainier seems to be called MRW, but is it also called
    UDF version 2?

    The other incompatibility I think is true is that old style CD
    writers that did up to 4x CDRW writes seem not to be able to write
    CDRW media geared for 8x or higher writing. Is this true across
    the board, or only true for the two old 4x or slower CDRW drives
    I've used?

    Thanks for any reply in advance.

    Well to tell you the truth, Instant CD Craetor's DIRECT CD is the WORST Program I have ever used for packet writing! PERIOD! (never tried InCD, but then again all of my CD's are CD-R format for packet writing and InCD uses only CD-RW) The Direct CD program locks up in win 9x and xp and I have versions for BOTH!!(Version 4 for 9x and 5.1 for xp) If you want to wait for a software that supports this "Mt. Rainier" format, then that is up to you. But as for me, I am quite happy with my new Instant CD/DVD software BECAUSE IT HASN'T YET LOCKED UP ON ME! Direct CD has.... PLENTY of times I can tell you that, and in different hardware and OS configurations too!! So if you are looking for a packet writing, burning and DVD software all rolled into one, This software may be for you. If you are not, you can KEEP Direct CD! Because as far as I am concerned, it is JUNK! I am speaking from experience here, and have used it on two SEPERATE motherboards and cd burners and the result is the same....a bunch of matter what OS or hardware you have! So as you can tell, I am not a big fan of Direct CD, the program is just too ustable for me.

    (in reply to webe123)
    Post #: 15
    RE: What kind of packet writing program do I use?? - 8/28/2002 7:32:20 AM   


    Posts: 4038
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    As a last solution i would reccomend Write CD-RW! from Software Architecs (


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