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RE: InCD Illegal Request   Logged in as: Guest
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RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/1/2002 8:49:52 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 11/29/2002
From: Greece
Status: offline

I thought something which may be very helpfull. Using FABER TOYS 2.4 - built 216, I found out the "DEPENDENCIES" for InCD when loaded.

Take a look to the following 19 modules loaded by InCD.exe (as appeared by FaberToys) :


ADVAPI32.DLL 02/09/1998 4.80.1675
CCMSGHK.DLL 13/08/2002 9.73.243
COMCTL32.DLL 01/10/2002 5.81
COMDLG32.DLL 02/09/1998 4.72.3110.2
GDI32.DLL 02/09/1998 4.10.1998
KERNEL32.DLL 02/09/1998 4.10.1998
LGMOUSHK.DLL 13/08/2002 9.73.243
LINKINFO.DLL 02/09/1998 4.10.1998
MPR.DLL 02/09/1998 4.10.1998
MSSHRUI.DLL 02/09/1998 4.10.1998
MSVCRT.DLL 11/09/2002 6.10.8924.0
OLE32.DLL 02/09/1998 4.71.1719
RES.DLL 29/10/2002 3.51.61
SHELL32.DLL 14/03/2002 4.72.3812.600
SHLWAPI.DLL 01/10/2002 6.00.2800.1106
USER32.DLL 02/09/1998 4.10.1998
WINSPOOL.DRV 02/09/1998 4.10.1998
WNASPI32.DLL 17/07/2002 4.71 (0002)
WNASPI32.DLL 05/04/2000 2,0,0,11

Any idea on above ????


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 49
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/2/2002 3:32:48 AM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline

My bet is for ASPI problems, but let's go through the list first.

1. I mentioned Via drivers only because some people update them for burning-related problems; if they worked before, keep them. As for the modem and the scanner, I simply meant not switching them on (whatever you do for "clean boot", try not to mess up your box). I'm no longer running Symantec's products, but it should be possible to deactivate NAV for your burning experiments.

2. According to Nero InfoTool, my System ASPI is

WNASPI32.DLL April 23, 1999
APIX.VXD 4.00.952 April 23, 1999
WINASPI.DLL 1.00 April 23, 1999

so this is original ASPI in 98SE; further, Nero ASPI is not installed. My non-MS drivers include

bsudfrdr 3.25

The first three drivers are the same as on your box, the last two come from my installation of EasyWriteReader, but you additionally have NeroApix Nero ASPI Driver 1.0.0.

Although my 98SE box with Nero differs from your 98 box with Nero, our ASPI difference are quite strange: your System ASPI is apparently Adaptec's 4.71 (although you said it was deinstalled!), and Nero installed its ASPI (in contrast to my case).

4. Keep both DMA and Autoinsert Notification on for now, although you may also test Autoinsert Notification off (see the parallel thread by adelphia83 in this forum).

5. Comparing our C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS, I notice the following:

A. My APIX.VXD corresponds to your NEROAPIX.VXD, but your NEROAPIX is strangely old.

B. Our BSUDF.VXD, CDRBSVSD.VXD and NEROCD95.VXD seem to be the same, so you must be running Nero, not as you wrote!

C. Your *.bak files might have been renamed by Nero; I've no idea about ACBHLPR, but apparently Cdr4vsd.vxd and Cdralvsd.vxd come with the Adaptec/Roxio burning plugin for WMP.

D. As far as I know, you shouldn't have WNASPI32.DLL in IOSUBSYS!

Your present ASPI setup looks weird. It seems you have some fairly old Nero ASPI installed at the system level, together with Adaptec 4.71 (which you wrote you had removed).

You should definitely clean up your ASPI. It would be best if you could somehow retrieve the original 98 ASPI (like 98SE in my case). If you can't, maybe you could try NEASPIEN.EXE from Ahead. There are many sites with ASPI fixes on the Web, but my recommedation is to stay away from fixes not needed by Nero and InCD.

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 50
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/2/2002 5:37:15 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 11/29/2002
From: Greece
Status: offline

1. (1) Concerning VIA drivers, it's an area on which my knowledge reaches "absolute nothing". Taking into consideration that I did not have any problems so far (either with my pc or with previous version of Nero and InCD) I would prefer not to attempt updating drivers inthere...

2. (4) Both DMA and Autoinsert Notification are ON.

3. To be sure that NO wrong dlls are on my pc, I did the following :

3.1 I completelly un-installed Nero and InCD.

3.2 I deleted from every directory the files


3.3 I deleted from Registry (performing registry cleaning) every entry connected in any way with Nero, InCD, Adaptec.

3.4 I rebooted pc.

3.5 I copied from the Genuine Windows98 CD the files
WNASPI32.DLL (to c:\windows\system)

At this point, I must point out that WNASPI32.DLL contained in the original Windows98 CD has the following details (when I right click it and select "properties) :
Copyright Đ Adaptec 1995

If this is a problem, I really don't know how to find a different WNASPI.DLL file which will have no connection with Adaptec...

3.6 The contents of c:\windows\system32\drivers and c:\windows\system\iosubsys after all above are :


BDASUP SYS 4.992 08/10/01 1:59p BDASUP.SYS
CCDECODE SYS 15.264 08/10/01 1:59p CCDECODE.SYS
CCPORT SYS 31.680 23/04/99 10:22p ccport.sys
GAMEENUM SYS 10.512 09/09/99 7:00a gameenum.sys
GM DLS 3.440.660 08/01/99 6:10p gm.dls
GMREADME TXT 576 08/01/99 6:10p gmreadme.txt
HIDCLASS SYS 20.016 25/05/99 11:22p hidclass.sys
HIDGAME SYS 8.880 27/11/99 7:00a hidgame.sys
HIDPARSE SYS 40.352 15/05/98 8:01p HIDPARSE.SYS
HIDVKD SYS 5.088 15/05/98 8:01p HIDVKD.SYS
KS SYS 117.056 01/05/02 6:51p KS.SYS
LCCFLTR SYS 13.632 06/08/02 9:50a LCCFLTR.SYS
LHIDUSB SYS 43.360 06/08/02 9:50a LHIDUSB.SYS
MPE SYS 13.952 16/10/01 9:17a MPE.SYS
MSKSSRV SYS 6.368 01/05/02 6:51p MSKSSRV.SYS
MSPCLOCK SYS 4.704 01/05/02 6:51p MSPCLOCK.SYS
MSTEE SYS 4.896 01/05/02 6:51p MSTEE.SYS
NABTSFEC SYS 86.016 08/10/01 1:59p NABTSFEC.SYS
NDISIP SYS 7.872 16/10/01 9:17a NDISIP.SYS
NMUSB SYS 47.684 17/10/02 12:03p nMUSB.sys
NMUSBLF SYS 20.168 28/06/02 10:36a nMUSBlf.sys
OPENHCI SYS 22.848 25/05/99 11:22p openhci.sys
SCSIMAP SYS 5.184 15/05/98 8:01p SCSIMAP.SYS
SCSISCAN SYS 9.136 15/05/98 8:01p SCSISCAN.SYS
SLIP SYS 10.368 16/10/01 9:17a SLIP.SYS
STREAM SYS 42.016 01/05/02 6:51p STREAM.SYS
STREAMIP SYS 14.112 16/10/01 9:17a STREAMIP.SYS
SWENUM SYS 3.584 01/05/02 6:51p SWENUM.SYS
UHCD SYS 25.744 25/05/99 11:22p uhcd.sys
UPDATE SYS 17.792 15/05/98 8:01p UPDATE.SYS
USBAUDIO SYS 39.840 21/08/98 5:09p USBAUDIO.SYS
USBCAMD SYS 12.944 15/05/98 8:01p USBCAMD.SYS
USBD SYS 17.616 25/05/99 11:22p usbd.sys
USBHUB SYS 27.184 25/05/99 8:22p usbhub.sys
USBS04CB SYS 39.892 27/06/01 1:56a Usbs04cb.sys
USBSER SYS 21.296 23/04/99 10:22p usbser.sys
V3CB0109 SYS 81.796 21/11/01 12:09p V3cb0109.sys
V3CB010B SYS 81.924 24/11/01 5:11p V3cb010B.sys
VC4CB104 SYS 81.924 24/11/01 5:11p Vc4cb104.sys
WDMFS SYS 4.064 15/05/98 8:01p WDMFS.SYS
WEBC3HAL SYS 19.056 09/06/99 4:43p WEBC3HAL.SYS
WEBC3STI SYS 6.336 08/04/99 1:00a WEBC3STI.SYS
WEBC3VID SYS 137.296 20/05/99 1:00a WEBC3VID.SYS
WMIDRV SYS 10.352 15/05/98 8:01p WMIDRV.SYS
WSTCODEC SYS 18.208 08/10/01 1:59p WSTCODEC.SYS


APIX VXD 29.397 15/05/98 8:01p APIX.VXD
ATAPCHNG VXD 11.311 15/05/98 8:01p ATAPCHNG.VXD
BIGMEM DRV 9.952 15/05/98 8:01p BIGMEM.DRV
CDFS VXD 59.133 15/05/98 8:01p CDFS.VXD
CDTSD VXD 13.884 15/05/98 8:01p CDTSD.VXD
CDVSD VXD 30.371 15/05/98 8:01p CDVSD.VXD
DISKTSD VXD 18.805 15/05/98 8:01p DISKTSD.VXD
DISKVSD VXD 10.194 15/05/98 8:01p DISKVSD.VXD
DRVSPACX VXD 57.654 15/05/98 8:01p DRVSPACX.VXD
DRVWCDB VXD 75.165 15/05/98 8:01p DRVWCDB.VXD
DRVWPPQT VXD 228.223 15/05/98 8:01p DRVWPPQT.VXD
DRVWQ117 VXD 91.003 15/05/98 8:01p DRVWQ117.VXD
ENSQIO VXD 23.727 01/03/99 6:55p ENSQIO.VXD
ESDI_506 PDR 24.406 15/05/98 8:01p ESDI_506.PDR
HP400A MPD 19.968 02/11/95 2:00a HP400A.MPD
HSFLOP PDR 25.741 15/05/98 8:01p HSFLOP.PDR
NECATAPI VXD 9.926 15/05/98 8:01p NECATAPI.VXD
RMM PDR 13.258 15/05/98 8:01p RMM.PDR
SCSI1HLP VXD 19.270 15/05/98 8:01p SCSI1HLP.VXD
SCSIPORT PDR 23.650 15/05/98 8:01p SCSIPORT.PDR
TORISAN3 VXD 11.067 15/05/98 8:01p TORISAN3.VXD
UMAS04CB VXD 34.171 27/06/01 1:56a Umas04cb.vxd
VOLTRACK VXD 18.503 15/05/98 8:01p VOLTRACK.VXD

3.7 I installed Nero and InCD 2.28.0 from the OEM CD.

3.8 The contents of c:\windows\system32\drivers and c:\windows\system\iosubsys AFTER INSTALLING NERO AND InCD are :


BDASUP SYS 4.992 08/10/01 1:59p BDASUP.SYS
CCDECODE SYS 15.264 08/10/01 1:59p CCDECODE.SYS
CCPORT SYS 31.680 23/04/99 10:22p ccport.sys
GAMEENUM SYS 10.512 09/09/99 7:00a gameenum.sys
GM DLS 3.440.660 08/01/99 6:10p gm.dls
GMREADME TXT 576 08/01/99 6:10p gmreadme.txt
HIDCLASS SYS 20.016 25/05/99 11:22p hidclass.sys
HIDGAME SYS 8.880 27/11/99 7:00a hidgame.sys
HIDPARSE SYS 40.352 15/05/98 8:01p HIDPARSE.SYS
HIDVKD SYS 5.088 15/05/98 8:01p HIDVKD.SYS
KS SYS 117.056 01/05/02 6:51p KS.SYS
LCCFLTR SYS 13.632 06/08/02 9:50a LCCFLTR.SYS
LHIDUSB SYS 43.360 06/08/02 9:50a LHIDUSB.SYS
MPE SYS 13.952 16/10/01 9:17a MPE.SYS
MSKSSRV SYS 6.368 01/05/02 6:51p MSKSSRV.SYS
MSPCLOCK SYS 4.704 01/05/02 6:51p MSPCLOCK.SYS
MSTEE SYS 4.896 01/05/02 6:51p MSTEE.SYS
NABTSFEC SYS 86.016 08/10/01 1:59p NABTSFEC.SYS
NDISIP SYS 7.872 16/10/01 9:17a NDISIP.SYS
NMUSB SYS 47.684 17/10/02 12:03p nMUSB.sys
NMUSBLF SYS 20.168 28/06/02 10:36a nMUSBlf.sys
OPENHCI SYS 22.848 25/05/99 11:22p openhci.sys
SCSIMAP SYS 5.184 15/05/98 8:01p SCSIMAP.SYS
SCSISCAN SYS 9.136 15/05/98 8:01p SCSISCAN.SYS
SLIP SYS 10.368 16/10/01 9:17a SLIP.SYS
STREAM SYS 42.016 01/05/02 6:51p STREAM.SYS
STREAMIP SYS 14.112 16/10/01 9:17a STREAMIP.SYS
SWENUM SYS 3.584 01/05/02 6:51p SWENUM.SYS
UHCD SYS 25.744 25/05/99 11:22p uhcd.sys
UPDATE SYS 17.792 15/05/98 8:01p UPDATE.SYS
USBAUDIO SYS 39.840 21/08/98 5:09p USBAUDIO.SYS
USBCAMD SYS 12.944 15/05/98 8:01p USBCAMD.SYS
USBD SYS 17.616 25/05/99 11:22p usbd.sys
USBHUB SYS 27.184 25/05/99 8:22p usbhub.sys
USBS04CB SYS 39.892 27/06/01 1:56a Usbs04cb.sys
USBSER SYS 21.296 23/04/99 10:22p usbser.sys
V3CB0109 SYS 81.796 21/11/01 12:09p V3cb0109.sys
V3CB010B SYS 81.924 24/11/01 5:11p V3cb010B.sys
VC4CB104 SYS 81.924 24/11/01 5:11p Vc4cb104.sys
WDMFS SYS 4.064 15/05/98 8:01p WDMFS.SYS
WEBC3HAL SYS 19.056 09/06/99 4:43p WEBC3HAL.SYS
WEBC3STI SYS 6.336 08/04/99 1:00a WEBC3STI.SYS
WEBC3VID SYS 137.296 20/05/99 1:00a WEBC3VID.SYS
WMIDRV SYS 10.352 15/05/98 8:01p WMIDRV.SYS
WSTCODEC SYS 18.208 08/10/01 1:59p WSTCODEC.SYS

That means that in this directory NOTHING CHANGED !


APIX VXD 29.397 15/05/98 8:01p APIX.VXD
ATAPCHNG VXD 11.311 15/05/98 8:01p ATAPCHNG.VXD
BIGMEM DRV 9.952 15/05/98 8:01p BIGMEM.DRV
BSUDF VXD 135.344 24/07/01 11:24a bsudf.vxd
CDFS VXD 59.133 15/05/98 8:01p CDFS.VXD
CDRBSVSD VXD 8.783 20/09/99 1:11a CDRBSVSD.vxd
CDTSD VXD 13.884 15/05/98 8:01p CDTSD.VXD
CDVSD VXD 30.371 15/05/98 8:01p CDVSD.VXD
DISKTSD VXD 18.805 15/05/98 8:01p DISKTSD.VXD
DISKVSD VXD 10.194 15/05/98 8:01p DISKVSD.VXD
DRVSPACX VXD 57.654 15/05/98 8:01p DRVSPACX.VXD
DRVWCDB VXD 75.165 15/05/98 8:01p DRVWCDB.VXD
DRVWPPQT VXD 228.223 15/05/98 8:01p DRVWPPQT.VXD
DRVWQ117 VXD 91.003 15/05/98 8:01p DRVWQ117.VXD
ENSQIO VXD 23.727 01/03/99 6:55p ENSQIO.VXD
ESDI_506 PDR 24.406 15/05/98 8:01p ESDI_506.PDR
HP400A MPD 19.968 02/11/95 2:00a HP400A.MPD
HSFLOP PDR 25.741 15/05/98 8:01p HSFLOP.PDR
NECATAPI VXD 9.926 15/05/98 8:01p NECATAPI.VXD
NEROCD95 VXD 33.882 02/08/01 5:41p nerocd95.vxd
RMM PDR 13.258 15/05/98 8:01p RMM.PDR
SCSI1HLP VXD 19.270 15/05/98 8:01p SCSI1HLP.VXD
SCSIPORT PDR 23.650 15/05/98 8:01p SCSIPORT.PDR
TORISAN3 VXD 11.067 15/05/98 8:01p TORISAN3.VXD
UMAS04CB VXD 34.171 27/06/01 1:56a Umas04cb.vxd
VOLTRACK VXD 18.503 15/05/98 8:01p VOLTRACK.VXD

The bolded files are the ones who were added by installation of Nero and/or InCD.

Unfortunatelly, beside all the above procedure, InCD DOES NOT WORK again (though it is the OEM version which was working properly up a week ago)...

4. I downloaded NEASPIEN.EXE from Ahead, I unzipped it (did not install it) and I reallised that even the contained dlls are from ADAPTEC !!!

5. I did not upgade to Nero and InCD 3.51.61 as problem allready appeared to the OEM installed version. Would it make any sence to upgrate to and 3.51.61 with the problem allready existing ?

My knowledge stops here ! I cannot imagine what other may happened and even the OEM version refuses to work...
Maybe it's the proper time to throw to the waste Nero InCD and start using either a removable HDD or a JetFlash module ...

I must say that I am quite dissapointed from Ahead, because :
1. I am still waiting for a reply from them to my repetend emails on the problem. [}:)] [}:)] [}:)]
2. I am sure that they read this forum and should provide a solution to all of us having varius problems (we are many indeed).
3. They depveloped really "user-friendly interfaced" software, but they ruin it with this complete absence of support.

Back to You again, I want to thank you deeply for all your valuable help and efforts to find a solution to this problem.
It was really kind to spend so many hours to reply to my posts and provide me solutions.

I really thank you deeply !
My kindest regards

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 51
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/3/2002 2:42:54 AM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline

I'm afraid the next stop could be to look for some ASPI fixes, or just reinstalling 98...

Let's go back over some previous points; this might help you or other poor readers in the future.

1. Acbhlpr.vxd apparently comes from the Adaptec/Roxio burning plugin for WMP as well.

In general, on Win98x, one should look for the following suspect drivers in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS:

Acbhlpr.vxd, Cdr4vsd.vxd, Cdralvsd.vxd, Cdudfrw.vxd, Cdudf.vxd, Cdrpwd.vxd

as well as for these DLL-s in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM:

Cdral.dll, Cdrtc.dll, Cdr4dll.dll

The usual fix is to rename .vxd to .vx_ and .dll to .dl_.

2. Some people report also problems with the IOSUBSYS drivers

Drvwppqt.vxd, Drvwq117.vxd

which come from MS/Seagate Backup (parallel-port type), but might also be installed for SCSI devices. You do have them, possibly from the scanner adapter, but if they worked in the old configuration, you needn't touch them.

3. The original Win9x ASPI layer comes from Adaptec, and the usual headaches are due to too many versions distributed by both Adaptec and other companies (which choose a version which works best or conflicts least with their products).

Thus removing all Adaptec entries from the registry might have been too harsh. Second, ASPI reinstallation doesn't boild down to copying files; one needs proper registry adjustments as well.

So can you check if ASPI is installed and working correctly? Well, even if an ASPI check utility says OK, the only sure way of getting ASPI back to its pristine state is reinstalling Win98... If you let Google search for "Adaptec ASPI layer", etc., you'll find a lot of fixes; maybe some of them could work for you.

4. Relative to the already waisted time, upgrading Nero and InCD is peanuts, and who knows, it could help. Remove InCD 2.28 first, then upgrade Nero, then install InCD 3.51.61 (this is "upgrading" in Ahead's terms).

5. I agree with your comments on Ahead's support, but I don't believe they peruse this or other forums regularly. As you noticed, Ahead concentrates on development at the cost of documentation and support.

Thus it wouldn't suprise me if you decided to call quits at this time. Maybe some the next version will work for you. I had problems with 3.31, which were fixed by 3.51.61.

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 52
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/3/2002 4:41:04 AM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 11/29/2002
From: Greece
Status: offline

Acbhlpr.vxd apparently comes from the Adaptec/Roxio burning plugin for WMP as well.

1. I searched for the following suspect drivers in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS:

Acbhlpr.vxd, Cdr4vsd.vxd, Cdralvsd.vxd, Cdudfrw.vxd, Cdudf.vxd, Cdrpwd.vxd

NONE was present inthere !

Also I searched as well as for these DLL-s in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM:

Cdral.dll, Cdrtc.dll, Cdr4dll.dll

I DID FIND Cdrtc.dll , which I renamed to Cdrtc.dl_

Acbhlpr.vxd was NOT found anywhere.

Although, InCD insists NOT working...

2. Next step was to rename Drvwppqt.vxd, Drvwq117.vxd to Drvwppqt.vx_, Drvwq117.vx_ . Reboot and again InCD did NOT work...

3. I Uninstalled InCD 2.28, then I updraded Nero to, then Installed InCD 3.51.61 . Rebooted, again InCD NOT working...

4. I serached over the internet and found a fix for aspi and apix.
It's Adaptec's aspi_v472a2 which was properly installed and now the respective files are :
Wnaspi32.dll version 4.71 (0002) 45056 bytes dated 17/07/2002
Apix.vxd version 4.71 (0002) 23115 bytes dated 17/07/2002 .

Nero's Info Tool returns the message : " System ASPI is installed and working properly "

After that reboot again, and ... of course InCD NOT working.

Furthermore, NERO is ALSO NOT WORKING NOW !!!

I put a brand new TDK 4X RW disk, formatted it with NERO (it was properly formatted), but when I burned some sample files (of a total around 118 Mb) burning procedure started and ended problem-free, Lead-in and Lead-out burning was succesfull BUT then NERO STACKED, windows task manager delivered the message "Programm not responding", the green light of Yamaha 8424E was blinking and even when I killed the program thru the task manager, the green light was still blinking, medium was locked into burner, and I had to reboot to release it.
Of course nothing was finally burned on the cd...

After all above, you can realise that the complete burning ability collapsed, so the only solution is to format the entire 60GB HDD of my bussiness server. I presume that a very hot weekend is waiting me...

What else can I say ??? [:(!][:(!][:(!]

Once more I would like to thank you very much for your valuable help.


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 53
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/3/2002 6:50:53 AM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline

Sorry to hear about the latest trouble, probably due to Adaptec's ASPI 4.72 (or 4.71 in view of your point 4).

First, let's analyze what happened relative to the configuration described in your previous message.

1. I told you to check if ASPI was OK. So did you check before uninstalling InCD 2.28, upgrading Nero, etc.?

2. ASPI is part of your OS, but some applications (Nero included) may prefer to install their own ASPI, depending on what they see during installation. Hence in general it is a bad idea to change ASPI after an application is installed. In other words, if an application misbehaves, you first remove it, then change ASPI, then reinstall it. Yet you changed ASPI after installing Nero.

3. My general recommendation was to get back your original W98 ASPI; however, you jumped for the latest Adaptec version. I thought I had warned you earlier that the latest ASPI is not always best; see, e.g., for basic info. Well, not knowing if your previous ASPI was OK, it's hard to say if deinstalling your latestASPI would suffice, but you may try (check Add/Remove Programs before you try manual removal). Otherwise, you could use utilities such as Force ASPI to install a different ASPI, but they may only install versions such as 4.6 instead of original Win98. Yet another option is to run NEASPIEN.EXE without removing 4.72, or after removing it.

As I wrote earlier, if all the ASPI fixes fail, the only remedy is to reinstall Win98. I can't be more specific, since I've never had to meddle with ASPI. BTW, do you know why your original ASPI was changed?

It may be worthwhile to experiment with ASPI before reinstalling Win98.

I don't understand your final remarks: Using Nero to burn a new CD-RW disc should not require any formatting.

As for reinstalling Win98, my memory is fuzzy, but I believe I booted into DOS, removed C:\WINDOWS and C:\Progra~1, and then installed Win98 and my applications without disturbing my own files.

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 54
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/4/2002 2:34:27 AM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 11/29/2002
From: Greece
Status: offline
KCK and ALL fellows here :

InCD Illegal Request problem SOLVED !!!

After almost one week full of excausting installs, un-installs, reboots and searching to the Internet and with the valuable help of KCK, I finally solved the problem !

I describe in detail all followed steps :

1. Un-install InCD

2. Un-install Nero (no matter what version is)

3. Reboot pc

4. Go to and download AspiCheck and Force Aspi files.

5. Run Aspi Check to find out Version Information and Operational Status of current ASPI installation

6. Un-zip to a new directory Force Aspi (zipped file name is frcASPI17 )

7. In the directory where Force Aspi has been unzipped, among other files you will find Killaspi and Instaspi files.

8. Execute (run) Killaspi . This will kill all aspi related drivers of your current configuration.

9. Reboot (There is a possibility to get some warning screens while booting on, ignore them, windows will load properly).

10. Execute (run) Instaspi . This will install Adaptec's ASPI 4.60 .

11. Reboot

12. Run Aspi Check again, to find out Version Information and Operational Status of the newlly installed ASPI.

In my case information appeared as follows :

WNASPI32.DLL 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 45056
WINASPI.DLL 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 5600
APIX.VXD 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 22603
ASPIENUM.VXD 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 7743

You may save the log, which in my case was saved as follows :

LOG0143: *****************************************************************
LOG0144: Starting ASPICHK installer on Wed Dec 04 00:55:05 2002
ASPICHK0438: OS = Windows 95 (4.10.1998)
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\wnaspi32.dll dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 45056 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\wnaspi32.dll version
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\winaspi.dll dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 5600 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\winaspi.dll version
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\iosubsys\apix.vxd dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 22603 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\iosubsys\apix.vxd version
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\aspienum.vxd dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 7743 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\aspienum.vxd version
ASPICHK0582: ASPI is properly installed and is fully operational. A total of 2 host adapters have been detected.
LOG0218: Closing installer log on Wed Dec 04 00:55:05 2002
LOG0219: *****************************************************************

13. Install Nero

14. Reboot

15. Install InCD

16. Reboot

After all above, Nero and InCD finally works !!!

I tested all functions (InCD formatting, Nero Formatting, Data burning) using :
MAXELL CD-RW 74 650Mb 1-8X multispeed
TDK CD-RW 650Mb 1-2-4X multispeed
CREATION CD-RW 650Mb 4x-10x High Speed
and a new mini PRIMEDISC CD-RW 21min 185Mb 1-4X
and the results were just PERFECT !

I hope this may provide a solution to many of you and end your troubles.

KCK, great thanx once more. Your help and advices were valuable.


Windows 98 (FE) O/S
Intel Pentium III 450MHz
Yamaha 8424E burner

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 55
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/4/2002 3:19:14 AM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline

Glad Force ASPI worked! If Ahead's tech support eventually replies to your messages, let us know if it is more than "Please install the latest version".

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 56
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/4/2002 4:20:03 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 11/29/2002
From: Greece
Status: offline
Originally posted by KCK


Glad Force ASPI worked! If Ahead's tech support eventually replies to your messages, let us know if it is more than "Please install the latest version".

Thanks !
I'm not intented to leave this nice forum. Even having no problems, it's quite nice to visit it every day.
Concerning Ahead's tech support possible reply, be sure I'll keep you informed (if finally any reply comes...)


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 57
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/18/2002 4:04:59 AM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 12/18/2002
From: Argentina
Status: offline
Sorry, but that donīt solve the problem in XP

Originally posted by CDL

KCK and ALL fellows here :

InCD Illegal Request problem SOLVED !!!

After almost one week full of excausting installs, un-installs, reboots and searching to the Internet and with the valuable help of KCK, I finally solved the problem !

I describe in detail all followed steps :

1. Un-install InCD

2. Un-install Nero (no matter what version is)

3. Reboot pc

4. Go to and download AspiCheck and Force Aspi files.

5. Run Aspi Check to find out Version Information and Operational Status of current ASPI installation

6. Un-zip to a new directory Force Aspi (zipped file name is frcASPI17 )

7. In the directory where Force Aspi has been unzipped, among other files you will find Killaspi and Instaspi files.

8. Execute (run) Killaspi . This will kill all aspi related drivers of your current configuration.

9. Reboot (There is a possibility to get some warning screens while booting on, ignore them, windows will load properly).

10. Execute (run) Instaspi . This will install Adaptec's ASPI 4.60 .

11. Reboot

12. Run Aspi Check again, to find out Version Information and Operational Status of the newlly installed ASPI.

In my case information appeared as follows :

WNASPI32.DLL 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 45056
WINASPI.DLL 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 5600
APIX.VXD 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 22603
ASPIENUM.VXD 4.60 (1021) 09/10/99 7743

You may save the log, which in my case was saved as follows :

LOG0143: *****************************************************************
LOG0144: Starting ASPICHK installer on Wed Dec 04 00:55:05 2002
ASPICHK0438: OS = Windows 95 (4.10.1998)
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\wnaspi32.dll dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 45056 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\wnaspi32.dll version
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\winaspi.dll dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 5600 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\winaspi.dll version
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\iosubsys\apix.vxd dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 22603 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\iosubsys\apix.vxd version
UPGRADE1004: c:\windows\system\aspienum.vxd dated 09/10/1999 10:06:00, 7743 bytes.
UPGRADE1062: c:\windows\system\aspienum.vxd version
ASPICHK0582: ASPI is properly installed and is fully operational. A total of 2 host adapters have been detected.
LOG0218: Closing installer log on Wed Dec 04 00:55:05 2002
LOG0219: *****************************************************************

13. Install Nero

14. Reboot

15. Install InCD

16. Reboot

After all above, Nero and InCD finally works !!!

I tested all functions (InCD formatting, Nero Formatting, Data burning) using :
MAXELL CD-RW 74 650Mb 1-8X multispeed
TDK CD-RW 650Mb 1-2-4X multispeed
CREATION CD-RW 650Mb 4x-10x High Speed
and a new mini PRIMEDISC CD-RW 21min 185Mb 1-4X
and the results were just PERFECT !

I hope this may provide a solution to many of you and end your troubles.

KCK, great thanx once more. Your help and advices were valuable.


Windows 98 (FE) O/S
Intel Pentium III 450MHz
Yamaha 8424E burner

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 58
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/18/2002 5:23:32 AM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline
I could add "It doesn't solve the problem in linux", but why state the obvious? CDL dealt only with Win98, which has little in common with XP. E.g., InCD works under XP without additional ASPI layers. There are many recent threads on InCD under XP; please read them before posting ambiguous messages.

BTW, you should remove the second (separate) copy of your message.

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 59
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/18/2002 11:37:17 PM   


Posts: 12
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From: Greece
Status: offline
Originally posted by KCK


...If Ahead's tech support eventually replies to your messages, let us know if it is more than "Please install the latest version".

I have to announce that Ahead Deutschland answered to my email and within 10 days we exchanged more than 6 mails.
They were very quick and very helpfull :

Initially they emailed me attached "Drivers CleanTool.exe" programm to fully remove all Roxio drivers.

In their next email, they attached a brand new update for InCD ( InCD 3.51.90)

Then after one day they forwarded me "CleanTool for InCD" which completely removes any version of InCD so it is possible to make a "clean install" of a previous version.

Finally they ensured me that they will versy soon provide a new version of InCD which will be solving all problems so far.

After all above I have to withdraw my initially expressed opinion about Ahead's customer care.

KCK : if you need any of the files sent to me by Ahead, please inform me which mail to forward it to you.


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 60
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/18/2002 11:46:35 PM   


Posts: 12
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From: Greece
Status: offline
Originally posted by coto

Sorry, but that donīt solve the problem in XP

I am sorry to hear that, but unfortunatelly I work under Win98 and I cannot provide you any further help concerning XPs.

Hope you solve the issue really soon.


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 61
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/19/2002 1:00:00 AM   


Posts: 289
Joined: 9/4/2002
From: Poland
Status: offline

Glad to hear Ahead Deutschland are improving! BTW, when did you get your first answer from Ahead?

Apparently your InCD had been working before Ahead replied, so why did Ahead kept sending files to you?

I don't need any cleaning tools myself, and I'll wait for the next official version of InCD, but thanks for your offer!

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 62
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/19/2002 2:14:00 AM   


Posts: 4038
Joined: 12/24/2000
From: Greece
Status: offline
Btw, just to mention that InCD is not developed from Ahead but from their partners at BS


Visit - The Recording Authority

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 63
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 3/6/2003 2:18:38 AM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 3/6/2003
From: New Zealand
Status: offline
I have just upgraded to an AOpen 52x24x52 CDRW Drive. OS=WinME, CPU=AMD XP1800, ASPI Layer=4.57(1013)
I was already using InCD & Nero
When using InCD to format my first disc, a Mr Data 1-4x compatible CD-RW, I got the error 0004-0005-0026-0000 after about 5 seconds & the disc ejected.
So I installed the OEM software that came with the drive, they are InCD 3.51.91 & Nero The same thing happened. I did an internet search on my error # & found this site.
After reading some of this thread I Used Nero to Erase that same Disc using the quick option & removed the DMA checkbox on the CD-RW drive from system properties & restarted the PC. The disc formatted in less than a minute & I copied 70MB of files to it & ejected it. It took 1 minute to eject the disc. I Put the disc back in and it's all readable.
Yahoo,, this fixed my problem. BTW the checkbox on InCD page settings for CD-MRW is ticked. I assume this is the Mount Rainer format which the drive supports which would be why it formatted so quickly. Hope this helps some of you.

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 64
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