Solution from Kill SYmantec products !!!
----- Question ------
I get the following error at what seems to be the end of formatting a CD-RW using B's Clip (any version, including the latest download you offer).
Error code: 00a8-0005-0064-0000
Details: llegal request error occurred
Reboot the system or drive and try again.
Insert a new disk
My PC:
- Windows 2000 with SP2
- Sony CD-RW drive (CRX1650L/A2) external firewire
- Symantec's SYMEVNT DLLs have been updated to the lastest version
- Works fine, except it cannot complete formatting a CD-RW disk
----- answer ------
To delete the offending Symantec DLLs from Windows 2000 and Windows XP:
1. Uninstall all Symantec products.
2. Reboot.
3. Scan your hard drives for SYME*.* - they will be left in 2 places: In a folder under c:\program files\symantec folder and in the c:\windows\system32 folder. You cannot just delete them. There is a registry entry you must replace first. I have attached a .REG file that can be run in WIN 2000 and WIN XP to fix this entry.
4. Delete all SYME*.* files from both directories.
5. Reboot.
6. CD-RWs should work fine now.