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InCD Illegal Request - 12/9/2001 8:12:37 PM   
Sor D.


Posts: 2
Joined: 12/9/2001
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I have a Yamaha CD-RW 4416S with an Adaptec SCSI card running under Windows 2000. When I try to format the CDRW media I get an Illegal Request message and InCD exits. Does anyone know what this could be caused by?

Thanks, Sor.

Post #: 1
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/13/2001 3:18:28 PM   

Posts: 578
Joined: 10/6/2000
From: Sunnyvale, CA (Unite
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Try the below steps.

Trouble Shooting Steps:

1) Use Nero to do a Full Erase on the CDRW media.

2) Upgrade to InCD 2.3.2 or later, and use this to format the CDRW

3) If you have trouble with installing InCD, or its acting strange after you install. try installing in the following fashion:

a) First uninstall InCD from your system, if you have not already, through the Control Panels Add/Remove Programs Featrue.

b) Then use the CTL-ALT-DEL Keys(entered all at one time) and close all programs that show up in the window that pops up, except for SYSTRAY and EXPLORER

c) Now install InCD 2.3.2 or later, and then reboot and see if your issue is resolved.

If not:

4) Before formatting the CDRW media, use the CTL-ALT-DEL Keys(entered all at one time) and close all programs that show up in the window that pops up, except for SYSTRAY and EXPLORER

5) In some cases, disabeling the DMA for the recorder will resolve the issue.



(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 2
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/13/2001 9:20:40 PM   
Sor D.


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Joined: 12/9/2001
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Thank you Craig for the instructions. I followed them but the problem persisted. Some observations:

1. In Windows 2000 when you use the CTL-ALT-DEL Keys a screen comes up from which you may select the Task Manager, which has several tabs. There are no programs that show up on that screen.

2. The recorder is a SCSI recorder connected to an Adaptec PCI SCSI card. How do you disable the DMA option?

3. I have written two very descriptive emails to Ahead Software's tech support without receiving any answer. Is the address found in the Helptool correct and, if so, do you know what their support policy is?

Thank you,



Try the below steps.

Trouble Shooting Steps:

1) Use Nero to do a Full Erase on the CDRW media.

2) Upgrade to InCD 2.3.2 or later, and use this to format the CDRW

3) If you have trouble with installing InCD, or its acting strange after you install. try installing in the following fashion:

a) First uninstall InCD from your system, if you have not already, through the Control Panels Add/Remove Programs Featrue.

b) Then use the CTL-ALT-DEL Keys(entered all at one time) and close all programs that show up in the window that pops up, except for SYSTRAY and EXPLORER

c) Now install InCD 2.3.2 or later, and then reboot and see if your issue is resolved.

If not:

4) Before formatting the CDRW media, use the CTL-ALT-DEL Keys(entered all at one time) and close all programs that show up in the window that pops up, except for SYSTRAY and EXPLORER

5) In some cases, disabeling the DMA for the recorder will resolve the issue.



(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 3
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 12/17/2001 1:27:34 AM   

Posts: 578
Joined: 10/6/2000
From: Sunnyvale, CA (Unite
Status: offline
Ahh, Sorry. I sent you the "canned" response for Windows 95/98/and ME operating systems.

This of course will not work for NT/2000/ or XP operating systems.

We hope to have a new and more user freindly web site up ASAP.

And which Email did you send too? We have a few.

You can send to me directly at We are currently at same or next day response time for our emails. Though we were close to a week behind in November, but we have caught up. Sorry for any delays.

Can you send me a log file from your Nero software, so I can get a clear picture of your system, etc.? (

And if possible, a screencapture of the error message InCD is giving you.



(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 4
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 1/4/2002 5:06:16 PM   


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I got the same wonderful error.. Ive a little wary with Incd as of late. Its been giving me probs ever since going to 2kpro, and the latest took away the speed option which i liked having. Im using the Yamaha 2200E, Iv tried DMA on and off.. no help.. and heres a screen shot(lets see if this will let me post the screen shot of the window)

(256 color)

Iv tried having as little as running possible. Also one wierd thing.. With some TDK 10x 74 min media it formatted, and some Memorex 4x 80min media it gave me this error. I did have other errors with Incd in the past, but that mostly was in Win98 in relation to DMA.. which with dma off it worked. I dont know if its the media doing this or not.

Just wondering if there any other ideas.


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 5
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 1/5/2002 2:15:57 AM   


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Hey, just an update to my own msg. I know this isnt Incd.. but i tried DirectCD.. works with DMA on.. and works with both the types of RW media i have regardless of speed. Just wanted to note that. Nero software came with my burner.. i would like to stick with everything the same..but if one thing works then il take it. I would go back to Incd for sure once the bugs and issues are corrected with Incd.



I got the same wonderful error.. Ive a little wary with Incd as of late. Its been giving me probs ever since going to 2kpro, and the latest took away the speed option which i liked having. Im using the Yamaha 2200E, Iv tried DMA on and off.. no help.. and heres a screen shot(lets see if this will let me post the screen shot of the window)

(256 color)

Iv tried having as little as running possible. Also one wierd thing.. With some TDK 10x 74 min media it formatted, and some Memorex 4x 80min media it gave me this error. I did have other errors with Incd in the past, but that mostly was in Win98 in relation to DMA.. which with dma off it worked. I dont know if its the media doing this or not.

Just wondering if there any other ideas.


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 6
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 1/5/2002 5:24:45 PM   

Posts: 578
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From: Sunnyvale, CA (Unite
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Thanks, we will keep working to improve our InCD.

And I too would go with what works. :-)

But hopefully we can resolve your issue with InCD very soon.



I got the same wonderful error.. Ive a little wary with Incd as of late. Its been giving me probs ever since going to 2kpro, and the latest took away the speed option which i liked having. Im using the Yamaha 2200E, Iv tried DMA on and off.. no help.. and heres a screen shot(lets see if this will let me post the screen shot of the window)

(256 color)

Iv tried having as little as running possible. Also one wierd thing.. With some TDK 10x 74 min media it formatted, and some Memorex 4x 80min media it gave me this error. I did have other errors with Incd in the past, but that mostly was in Win98 in relation to DMA.. which with dma off it worked. I dont know if its the media doing this or not.

Just wondering if there any other ideas.




(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 7
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 1/8/2002 9:53:58 AM   


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I have a similar problem. Here's a sshot:

Is that what you other people are seeing? I can never get it to finish formatting the disk. Using a Toshiba SD-R2002 drive, W2K.


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 8
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 1/8/2002 11:08:07 AM   


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Here's a bit of an update. Actually I saw what it did this time. It finished the format and started checking for errors I think (flashed by real quick) it then gave the error in the post above.

Not only that, but then it wouldn't uninstall! I had to go to safemode to do it. inCD kept saying that was busy and couldn't be uninstalled...that was after several reboots.

So meanwhile, I too have tried the directcd route. Its formatting now, we'll see how that works. I'd much prefer the all Nero route, as I have serious disdain for adaptec/roxio


(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 9
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 2/18/2002 5:13:44 AM   


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From: USA
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...Is that what you other people are seeing? I can never get it to finish formatting the disk. Using a Toshiba SD-R2002 drive, W2K...

Getting exactly the same error as yours except that mine is one digit off from yours:


InCD 3.23, Win2k SP2, Sony CD-RW CRX-140E

Edited by - LambdaFox on 02/18/2002 05:18:22

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 10
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 2/21/2002 6:20:40 AM   


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I tried to format my CDRW (Acer) and when Logical formating occures it popups with following error:

What shal I do ?

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 11
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 2/24/2002 12:09:39 AM   

Posts: 578
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From: Sunnyvale, CA (Unite
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I am with their Tech support team. [:-)]

You should send the information to me at



(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 12
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 2/28/2002 6:36:06 AM   


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I have formatted my hard disc installed all programs and now it is OK. InCD is now working properly. By the way, is it possible to close CDRW so it can be readable, without UDF reader, on other CD players.

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 13
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 2/28/2002 12:49:23 PM   


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I just installed a Liteon LTR-32123S and the software that came with it Nero 5.5.something, and INCD 3.1.2.

The first disk I put in was the CD-RW blank that Liteon provided with the drive and it formatted flawlessly. It is a "high speed" disk (16X I think).

I went out and bought a package of Memorex 700mb 4X CD-RW disks and have had nothing but problems with them. The format ALWAYS exits about half way through the progress bar in the physical format screen, and then when the logical format box pops up it eventually errors out with a code that is all zeros.

I did manage to download and install the Nero update but I cannot download the InCD 3.2 whatever update from the Ahead ftp site and the link on this site (software downloads) takes you to a page where the update isn't even one of the files you can download!

I found it interesting that although Nero and InCD came bundled with my new drive, my drive isn't listed as one of those that is supported.

If anybody can tell me how to fix this formatting problem with 4X CD-RW or tell me where there's a working link to the InCD update I'd appreciate it.



(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 14
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 2/28/2002 2:21:03 PM   


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This is a further continuance of my previous post. I did manage to finally download and install the InCD update (3.2.3).

I erased the 4X Memorex CD-RW I had previously tried to format by using Nero to erase the disk.

I then attempted to re-format the disk again with the updated version of InCD and got a new error regarding an Illegal Request Error. And at the same time of the error on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen was a supposedly open program called "B CLiP" that had to be closed using the task manager. Is this related?

(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 15
RE: InCD Illegal Request - 3/24/2002 12:45:42 PM   

Posts: 578
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From: Sunnyvale, CA (Unite
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Please uninstall InCD, and BClip if you find both in the Control Panels Add/Remove Programs feature.

We should have InCD 3.24.3 posted on the web site now, so please download this and install, after removeing the previous programs.

As too if InCD and B'sCLip is related, yes and no. Best to uninstall and start fresh.



(in reply to Sor D.)
Post #: 16
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