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RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 10/31/2006 7:06:40 PM   


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Yes, my BIOS is up to date.

Don't think I know enough about computer components to comment on your dilemma though I'm afraid, what I've learned about computers is mostly from trouble shooting. You really start wonder weather computers are really worth all the hassle when you got your nose stuck in something like this.. but in the end they are.

(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 17
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 10/31/2006 10:33:54 PM   

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Something I forgot to ask you... what kind of PSU do you have?  Not that I think it has anything to do with it at this point, but it might be good to know what it is and what it is rated at... I am guessing it is an Antec that came with the Sonota II... I have the original Sonata and quickly tossed aside the PSU that it shipped with in favor of the Antec Neo 480.

< Message edited by SithTracy -- 10/31/2006 10:34:34 PM >

(in reply to SWETiger)
Post #: 18
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 11/1/2006 3:28:52 AM   


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It is indeed the one that came boxed with the chassi, it's rated at 450W seem to be of part of the product line Smartpower. I feel 450W should be more than enough for my system as most of the components were driven by a 300W PSU before I upgraded.

As a sidenote, the Sonata II isn't as good at reducing noice as I had hoped, but the biggest disappointment was the Zalman CNPS9500 cooler which is quite noisy and a lower setting for the fan control would be desirable as my box is now cooler than it need be when running low-demand applications.

< Message edited by SWETiger -- 11/1/2006 3:35:18 AM >

(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 19
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 11/9/2006 5:12:47 AM   


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I just can say that I have same problem with NERO already since almost two years!
First I was using some 6.x OEM and then every 7th version.
Almost every verification of Video-DVDs fail because of one or more "Sector NNNNNN on disc has different content to source".
Following quality check with NERO CD/DVD Speed says that the recording quality is quite perfect, almost always above 95%.

I have two DVD recorders- Pioneer and BenQ - and one DVD-ROM, WinXP Home, ABIT mainboard.

Almost a year ago I've sent a request to the NERO "VIP Support" and got nothing in return just a confirmation that the problem is being investigated. Right now I have send another bug report to them.

(in reply to SWETiger)
Post #: 20
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 11/9/2006 5:15:14 AM   


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P.S. contents on the burned DVD are also always identicat to the source, so "Sector NNNNNN on disc has different content to source" is simply not true... at least in my case!! Nero's verification is faulty, not the burning!

(in reply to vygi)
Post #: 21
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 11/13/2006 6:52:58 AM   


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I think the problem here should be the motherboard, try to update BIOS and check around the web for similar problems, the specific motherboard has a history of problems...

(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 22
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 12/16/2006 2:38:00 PM   


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I have been having the exact same problems as Swetiger.  My hardware is as follows:

Gigabyte P965-S3
Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB DDR2-800 OCZ Platinum Ram
Western Digital 160GB IDE 7200 Rpm Drive
Pioneer 106D DVD Rom Burner

I've noticed that since upgrading to the above mobo, ram and cpu that every burn I make will burn successfully but verification fails.  I even notice that when trying to the extract data from the dvd, it doesn't do so accurately.  I'm not sure if it's the IDE controller or the ram so what I did was as follows:

- Had Memory Replaced For New OCZ Ram (All memory tests pass)
- Swaped the motherboard for another one (2 bad mobo's in a row? Unlikely)
- Purchased new 600W OCZ GameXtream PSU (new psu didn't solve the problem)

I'm running the latest bios for both the dvd burner and my mobo.  I'm at a loss for what it might be. I'm open to any and all suggestions....


P.S - I wonder how much of this might be related to memory running in dual channel mode.  Just a suspicion/hunch I have.

(in reply to alexmacris)
Post #: 23
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 12/16/2006 5:29:54 PM   

Posts: 1493
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How did you test you memory?  I suggest Memtest86+... also you may want to pick up a new ribbon cable for your optical drive...

Another thought, what kind of media are you burning on?

Forgive me if I seem short tempered... a bit on the ill side and was sleeping... phone rang and woke me.... so I decided to check in.  Hope we can help you.

< Message edited by SithTracy -- 12/16/2006 5:34:52 PM >

(in reply to PJStyles)
Post #: 24
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 12/16/2006 7:13:51 PM   


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I've tried changing the ribbon cable with the same result occuring.  I'm using the Ritek DVD's which have never given me any issues previously.  I even tried burning at 1X and still same results - that being:

1. Burns successfully
2. Verification fails once it reaches about 90-97%, everything before that is fine.

I'm growing extremely frustrated.  I'm starting to wonder whether my ram is incompatable with my motherboard because I don't see it on the compatability list.  That said, there's no reason why it shouldn't work.  My mobo supports DDR2-800 which is what I'm running.

I'm going to run more memory tests tonight.  The memory tests I ran previously were MemTest86+ and Prime95... they passed... so not really sure where to go from here.


(in reply to SithTracy)
Post #: 25
RE: Data burns ending up faulty, going nuts trying to l... - 12/16/2006 8:05:33 PM   

Posts: 1493
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Ritek media does not impress me at all.  I suspect you got a bad spindle of media.  Go get some Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media and give it a go.

(in reply to PJStyles)
Post #: 26
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