I just bought a new Benq DW1655 from meritline. Based on reviews from CDRinfo, the drive looked like it had great burn quality, especially with DVD+R TY media. I just got the drive and tested it with the same TY media used in the review, and I got pretty bad results. I've been using Nero's disk quality tool to check the burn quality. The first disk I burned had 0% quality due to a couple very high PI failures. I figured I'd try again and the second one was better... all the way up to 43% quality. I also tried Verbatim DVD-R media and got a 15% quality score.
I included the graphs from a couple of the burns. So far I'm pretty dissapointed. My computer is plenty fast (P4 3.2 Ghz). I checked the Benq support site and apparently I have the latest firmware. Let me know what you guys think.
Thanks! :)