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Continual hard disk access by InCD   Logged in as: Guest
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Continual hard disk access by InCD - 4/14/2004 3:47:41 AM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 4/14/2004
Status: offline
After installation of InCD 4.x (system: Win98) this program permanently accesses the hard disk (appr. every 1-2 seconds). I noticed that by the noise of my hard disk and it is indicated by my anti-virus program (f-prot which flashes when it does a scan - now it flashes permanently).

This behaviour will on the one hand produce errors of other programs: the defragmenter of Win98 refuses to work, saying that another program accesses the hard disk. On the other hand I am concerned that it will decrease lifetime of my disk as well as reduce performance of the overall system. I therefore immediatly deinstalled InCD again. Does anyone have any clue why this happens and how to stop it?

I believe this behaviour also occurs on a Win2000 System although I did not know how to check it as this hard disk is more quiet and I have another anti-virus program installed.


(Sorry for posting this in german before)
Post #: 1
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 4/14/2004 4:17:10 AM   
Laffin Assassin

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English Only Please !!!


Speaking Without Thinking, Is Like Shooting Without Aiming !!!

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[Deleted] - 4/14/2004 9:10:29 AM   
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(in reply to levich)
  Post #: 3
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 4/14/2004 11:15:18 AM   


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The behaviour I described is independent from having the MRW feature enabled or not.

(in reply to levich)
Post #: 4
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 4/15/2004 12:21:33 PM   

Posts: 32
Joined: 12/15/2003
From: Seattle, WA, USA
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I have experienced the same problem. It is discussed in this thread:

and it seems that the newest version of InCD,, solves this particular problem.


I see the light but where's the end of the tunnel?

(in reply to levich)
Post #: 5
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 4/26/2004 11:36:56 AM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 4/14/2004
Status: offline
Thanks harper for the link.

But the problem is still present in the newest version (InCD

What is so difficult in eliminating this error - and why are there so few people complaining about it??


(in reply to levich)
Post #: 6
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 4/29/2004 7:51:21 AM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
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It is the first time a user complains that the new version does *not* fix the issue.

I suggest to try a de-install of InCD, ahead cleantool, then re-install the updated version.


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to levich)
Post #: 7
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 1/16/2005 12:48:09 PM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 1/16/2005
From: UK
Status: offline


It is the first time a user complains that the new version does *not* fix the issue.

I suggest to try a de-install of InCD, ahead cleantool, then re-install the updated version.


I have this problem with the latest InCD (Jan 10, 2005).

The summary below is distilled from C:\WINDOWS\InCD\incderr.log which tries to show that there is a continuous loop of five distinct "SCSI error" messages, each paired with the "e=2988" as long as InCD is active.
The buffer is written to HDD at two-second intervals.

The device prompting the error (LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B) will never be capable of supporting packet [or any other form of] writing :-))

? Please: OPTION NOLOG = "LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B" (or something).

I have used InCD successfully at 32x using the LITE-ON 5232K with Verbatim CD-RW 32x even though I tried to be stupid.
My second operation, after Format, was to Move (not Copy) some important data from HD to CDRW; the machine died half way through.
On re-boot, all the files which had been deleted from HD were on CD and the file that was in progress was complete on both media, as shown by a Compare Utility.
(Very useful, although I note the warnings from this forum that the data could become unreadable at any moment).

Thanks to Admins, Mods and posters for making their experiences available to be found by Goog!ers.

(I'll notify David Burg @ Nero about this posting.)


MESSAGE LIST (In order of first appearance - see next table for actual sequence)

  #0  e=0. SetEnumErrLevel: errorlevel is 1 [Dflt]
  #1  e=0. -----------  InCDfs.vxd InitComplete -----
  #2  e=2001. SCSI error: (Op 46h (GetConfigurationMmc10) => os=0h host=2h tgt=0h sns=00/00/00h
      No additional sense information Info=0h=0. @ ID=1_0_1_0 'LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B'
      CDB bytes:[46h][02h][00h][27h][00h][00h][00h][00h][10h][00h][00h][00h])
  #3  e=2988. Error getting mmc configuration from device.(EDeviceAddError os=0h host=2h tgt=0h  00/00/00h
      @ ID=1_0_1_0 'LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B')
  #4  e=2001. SCSI error: (Op 46h (GetConfigurationMmc10) => os=0h host=2h tgt=0h sns=00/00/00h
      No additional sense information Info=0h=0. @ ID=1_0_1_0 'LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B'
      CDB bytes:[46h][02h][00h][37h][00h][00h][00h][00h][10h][00h][00h][00h])
  #5  e=2001. SCSI error: (Op 46h (GetConfigurationMmc10) => os=0h host=2h tgt=0h sns=00/00/00h
      No additional sense information Info=0h=0. @ ID=1_0_1_0 'LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B'
      CDB bytes:[46h][02h][00h][2Fh][00h][00h][00h][00h][10h][00h][00h][00h])
  #6  e=2001. SCSI error: (Op 46h (GetConfigurationMmc10) => os=0h host=2h tgt=0h sns=00/00/00h
      No additional sense information Info=0h=0. @ ID=1_0_1_0 'LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B'
      CDB bytes:[46h][02h][00h][2Ah][00h][00h][00h][00h][12h][00h][00h][00h])
  #7  e=2001. SCSI error: (Op 46h (GetConfigurationMmc10) => os=0h host=2h tgt=0h sns=00/00/00h
      No additional sense information Info=0h=0. @ ID=1_0_1_0 'LG CD-ROM CRD-8160B'
      CDB bytes:[46h][02h][00h][20h][00h][00h][00h][00h][18h][00h][00h][00h])
  #8  e=0. Enqueing Notify: iDrive=FFFFFFFFh u32Info=0h evt=9h (kevtShutdown)
  #9  e=0. Dequeued Notify: iDrive=FFFFFFFFh u32Info=0h evt=9h (kevtShutdown)

PREFIX__ DATE____ TIME_______  MESSAGE SEQUENCE______________

c29202b0 05:01:15 22:01:08:00  #0, #1
  :                            (any change in PREFIX /or/ DATE /or/ TIME starts a new line)
  :                            (# refers to messages from the list above and are identical)
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:01:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:02:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:03:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:04:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:05:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:06:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:07:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:08:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:09:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:10:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:11:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:12:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:13:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:14:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:15:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:16:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:17:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:18:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:19:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:20:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:21:00  #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3, #2, #3, #4, #3, #5, #3, #6, #3, #7, #3
c172bcd0 05:01:15 07:01:22:00  #8
c1749e90 05:01:15 07:01:22:00  #9

My setup
HP Vectra VL5/200 Series 4
Pentium 200 MHz (Don't laugh [:)] ) + 128MB; Windows 98se

Primary IDE Channel
Description           : GENERIC IDE  DISK TYPE40  (Cable Select, DMA off)
Description           : GENERIC IDE  DISK TYPE41  (Cable Select, DMA off)

Secondary IDE Channel
Drive (F:)            : LITE-ON  COMBO SOHC-5232K (Master, DMA off)
Drive (G:)            :    LG    CD-ROM CRD-8160B (Slave,  DMA off)

Adapter 3             : Adaptec AHA-150X/1510/152X/AIC-6X60 SCSI Host Adapter
Attached Device       : IBM DORS-32160W     

Nero Burning ROM      : 6, 3, 1, 4   (LITE-ON OEM bundled)
InCD                  : 4, 3, 11, 1  (Latest update from Web)

Driver                : InCDrm
Description           : InCD MRW Remapper
Version               : 4, 3, 11, 1

Driver                : nerocd95
Description           : Nero CD driver for Windows 95/98/ME
Version               :

System ASPI           :  ASPI is installed and working properly
WNASPI32.DLL          :  1, 0, 0, 0 36864 bytes April 23, 1999
APIX.VXD              :  4.00.952 29497 bytes April 23, 1999
WINASPI.DLL           :  1.00 3536 bytes April 23, 1999
Nero ASPI             :  ASPI is installed and working properly
WNASPI32.DLL          : 160016 bytes December 17, 2003

Installed OS Patches  : "No" to all

< Message edited by deeb -- 1/16/2005 2:29:28 PM >

(in reply to dburg)
Post #: 8
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 1/26/2005 7:10:08 AM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
Status: offline
Deeb, I have a workaround for your issue:

Get the tool from run it and set the error logging level to Off. (Later you can use the same tool to turn the logging back on if you need to generate a log file to report an issue).


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to deeb)
Post #: 9
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 1/26/2005 5:14:14 PM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 1/16/2005
From: UK
Status: offline


[...] workaround:
[...] [...]

Works very nicely. Thank you.
(Much safer than editing the Registry manually)


Note to Admins:
Perhaps there could be a "Celebrity Member" (e.g.) category.

(in reply to dburg)
Post #: 10
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 1/27/2005 3:51:27 AM   

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Celebrity member for which members exactly?

(in reply to deeb)
Post #: 11
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 1/27/2005 3:04:51 PM   


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ORIGINAL: emperor

Celebrity member for which members exactly?

Sorry to take this off topic

Say, a "Junior Member" who holds a Senior position in the company whose product is the topic of discussion ?

Celebrity - being a person of distinction; distinct from another "Junior Member" with a similar post count.

To my thinking, "Junior Member" seems no more respectful than "New Member".

(You still have the star system to grade between unproven and totally reliable.)

I hope this might encourage other product support representatives to face their customers in public.
We're not always hostile and, often, forums like this one can save them time.


(in reply to emperor)
Post #: 12
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 2/1/2005 1:24:27 PM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
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Well, I do not mind the Junior status. As far as I understand it is related to my post count, so likely once I will have helped enough people here this will evolve.

Btw, I am actually not a support representative. I am a project leader who like to hear the concrete problems his end-users are facing (I don't like that problems exist, but like to know then what I have to make better in the product).


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to deeb)
Post #: 13
RE: Continual hard disk access by InCD - 2/1/2005 5:29:05 PM   

Posts: 7002
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Yes the user rankings are related to the post count, more posts, the higher ranking

(in reply to dburg)
Post #: 14
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