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RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 8:11:48 AM   


Posts: 56
Joined: 2/29/2004
From: United Kingdom
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hi thanks for the help matthew i just have one more question it says you computer video driver is known to have issues with this game a newer version what is compaterbile may be available can i only download a video driver from via or any comperney thanks

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Post #: 17
RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 8:31:34 AM   


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Hi i just found out that my video card is VIA/S3G Unichome Graphics and my VIDEO DRIVER is vtmini.sys does that help

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Post #: 18
RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 1:16:01 PM   


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It does, not sure if you can avoid a new card, as the Unichrome is later than the Prosavage.
Unichrome is on this page - Released 18 February 2004, so it may be worth a try
But it seems the Unichrome still lacks T&L support.

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Post #: 19
RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 2:15:32 PM   


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thanks downloading it right now i'll let ya know what happens if i do need a new card i've read that ati radeon 9800 pro is da best but i still wouldn't have a clue how to install it i know to put it in the AGP slot but do i just slot it in and thats it or do i have to open the p.c and wire it

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Post #: 20
RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 4:42:28 PM   


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it didn't work looks like im gona have to buy a new video card i think ATI Radeon 9800 pro looks the est what do you think matthew

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Post #: 21
RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 4:57:43 PM   


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how do i find out if my agp slots is x4 or x8

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Post #: 22
RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 5:36:46 PM   


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If it's a KM400 chipset, which it would ne, if the graphics is "Unichrome" and not "ProSavage", then it looks like it's an 8x slot so it would take advantage of higher AGP transfer rates with an 8x card (though there really isn't a lot in it between 4x and 8x ... it's a marketing badge more than anything, as getting data to the card twice as fast, only helps if that was the limit in the first place).

If you are not confident/competent with anti-static protection, I'd recommend going somewhere where they will fit it at a not too extortionate fee.

Going from onboard to 9800 Pro, you'd certainly feel the difference (and the price!).
9800 Pro example

Also worth looking at DABS, and any other online computer stores you can find - not sure if PC World do fitting instore at a reasonable rate, and they do have some plain-boxed OEM parts (cheaper than glossy retail) in the parts centre.

And check some reviews
You want Halo? - you got Halo! - how do they rate on it?

Halo can run in DX9 mode, or DX8

For tests like that, the frame rates are taken with high eyecandy - the lower cards could do ok if the resolution and settings wre turned down a bit.

Note the severe, SEVERE drop on Radeon "SE" models - a 9600Pro is more powerful than a 9800SE.

In the Radeon models, "SE" is down a LOT, PRO is up a bit, XT is up a bit more.
In the Nvidia models, XT is down, and Ultra is up - remember which way those prefixes run, and maybe print that performance chart, and it'll help you judge what's hot and what's not.

If you want to play at 1024x768 resolution, with maximum visual quality, then I wouldn't go below the "straight" Radeon 9800 on that chart.
If you turn the wick down a bit (800x600), then maybe the Radeon 9600XT or the Geforce 5700 Ultra would be a fair target "performance-value".

If you really cut the pretty-pretty filtering down, or go to 640x480, then The 9800SE (note just how far down it is on the 9800), 9600Pro, or Geforce 5700 non-Ultra may do.

If they reckon it would run at all on a 32Mb/T&L card - like my Geforce 2 MX, then it must be with 90% of the graphics features turned off!

I suppose the other question is - do you have the processor speed to do justice to a high-end video card, though with the amount ow work done by the card, they aren't usually processor limited unless the base system is really feeble.

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Post #: 23
RE: p.c game help - 3/27/2004 7:27:43 PM   


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hi it says for the radeon 9800 pro it uses a lot of power an u have to pluge it in to the mains as well it uses that much so i found this one its a asus geforce FX 5700 V9570 TD 256mb whats massive but it doesn't say if its 3d t&l capable thats why i need one i found out that my graphics card at the moment is 64mb but is not 3d t&l capable thats why i can't play halo could someone tell me is this card good for £96 and is it 3d t&l capable


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Post #: 24
RE: p.c game help - 3/28/2004 9:55:59 AM   


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A lot of higher performance cards require additional power, with a socket to take power from a drive connector (which does require that the system PSU has some reserve, and a doubler cable if there isn't a spare connector). So instead of being constrained by the AGP slot power, it draws 5v and 12v in the same way as a hard disk or CD-ROM.

A friend managed to get away with a Radeon 9800 on a 250w system PSU, but they specify a 300 or better, which any moderm system should have.

I'd say a FX5700 is a decent mid-range - you saw where it came on the review - which also proves that it CAN play Halo. The higher up that chart, the better! - but as I said, that is at 1024x768 and with maximum eyecandy - typical benchmark mode

ALL cards that are not "no performance" relics, will have T&L support - that includes the Geforce FX series (though the 5200 and 5600XT are too weak to do it justice), and the Radeon 8500 and above.

Just found THIS rather mixed bag link

Some saying it's rubbish even on a 9800XT, and another saying it run's fine on a Geforce 4 MX440 (a really weedy and obsolete card, with only DirectX7 hardware capability - including T&L - that's the point at which it was introduced, and anything better MUST have it).

Try - there are a LOT of PC performance guys around there who can give some more pointers on a good mid-range or top end card - more ATI supporters there than Nvidia though.

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Post #: 25
RE: p.c game help - 3/31/2004 1:21:59 PM   


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Hi i've found a card what i like and i brought it its aati radeon 9600xt £90 good i thought one little problem still don't have a clue where the AGP slot is:

1)I the agp slot is on the mother board (i didn't have a book with my mother board)

2)where is the mother board i always thought it was the thing where the printer and speackers keyboard and all that in

3)Do i i have to open my p.c up to install the graphics card

4)do you know of a shop what would come to my house to install the graphics card for me and how much would they charge

thanks from reas11

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Post #: 26
RE: p.c game help - 3/31/2004 5:48:51 PM   


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Yes, you would have to open the case.

The AGP Slot will be the one closest to the connecor plate (though there MIGHT be a small slot for a connecror riser as well) - the case plate may be that one, or the one next to it - some cases have an extra plate position that doesn't meet with a slot.
The AGP slot is set back further than the PCI.

You MUST fully power off from the mains, and wait a while (or hit the power button to deplete the internal charge in the power supply).

If you do not have an antistatic wriststrap, touch bare metal on the case before handling the card or any internal parts, then touch again while holding the card by the plate only.

It would have been better to buy the card somewhere that would fit it - you may be able to find a local PC builder and repairer in the paper - rates can be pretty steep though, I've seen people charge £15 for 15 minutes, mind you, if you talk to some of the phone services, it can cost you that.

Actually, I'd have expected fitting a card bought AT a place that offers fitting, to be about £15 - it's not a big job.

I'd say you're on a hiding to nothing with a callout, unless it's a "mate who knows a bit about computers" who'll do it for a couple of beers. It'll be far cheaper taking it down to a workshop, unless the callout is reasonable and includes enough time to cover it in the minimum callout.

I was just on my way with this sig line from a guy at Driverheaven....

"Wow -- I would strongly recommend against buying an expensive video card before April/May. -- We're finally getting the cards that are made to run Doom3 and HL2. It's not a PCI Express thing, it's a 'damn these GPUs are powerful' thing."

- but a 9600XT is a pretty competent card, and that sounds like a good price

PS. What's your general area?

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Post #: 27
RE: p.c game help - 4/1/2004 6:11:06 AM   

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New graphics chipsets are to be released this summer. The new chipsets are Nvidia's NV40 and ATI's R420. The new chipsets will offer great performance having more built in pipelines. The first VGA cards that will support the new chipset will be somewhat expensive, but the previous cards' prices will surely fall.

So it may be a good idea to wait a little before you purchase a VGA card.


Friendship is love without wings

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