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Sony DRU-700A   Logged in as: Guest
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Sony DRU-700A - 3/24/2006 4:06:11 PM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 3/24/2006
Status: offline

I'm new here, so here's hoping I put this topic in the right category. 

Anyway, my problem is is I've been unable to produce any good quality DVDs using my Sony DRU-700A burner.  I'm only trying DVD+R DL dics, which is what I need for the information I'm trying to put on it. 

You see, what I'm trying to do is create a menu based DVD using the DRU-700A burner and Sony DVD Architect 3.0c.  Problem is, is my Architect project is 6.5 GB in size and REQUIRES a double-layer dics to get the whole thing onto it.  I've tried a Lite-On drive to no avail, and now I've been trying this Sony drive with no success.  It's really frustrating, since I figured the Sony drive would be made  to do double layer burning, since thats it's primary function.  I also thought it would work the best with DVD Architect since Sony recommended it specifically for that purpose.

The main problem is when it makes the DVD, it does make the whole thing, but upon playback in a DVD viewer it works fine until it gets to where the break point in the DVD layers is.  When that happens there is a 1-2 second pause (normal for double layer discs), but then after that it's as if it never burned the 2nd layer properly, as it gets real choppy and stutters and delays, and these little glitches show up all over the footage.  It most cases it flat out freezes up.  I've made about 9 coasters already, and considering the price of DVD+R DL media, it's getting rather expensive.

I have the latest firmware for the drive, and the latest updates for the software.  Is it perhaps the blank DVD+R DL media I'm using?  I've only tried 2 types of DVD+R DL media, Memorex and Verbatim, and neither of those yielded a good copy.  The Memorex discs aren't even read by the drive!  Verbatim gets the closest, but it still has choppy and flawed performance when the playback gets to the 2nd layer.   Are there other media that would work better than the two I've tried?

I really hope someone can help me, because this has me very discouraged.  Sony refused to help me, and what little help they did offer solved nothing.

Thank you very much for your time, and for your help.
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RE: Sony DRU-700A - 3/24/2006 6:19:16 PM   


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Joined: 2/12/2006
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Have you tried making a backup copy of a dual layer DVD (via DVDshrink)?  If that works, then it's probably the software.  The Verbatim blanks are the best.  I've burned dual layers onto the DRU-700A w/o any problems.

Also, are you playing the movie in a standard DVD player or your computer's DVD-ROM drive?  It could be your standard DVD player not being able to support the 2nd layer very well.

(in reply to Selavast)
Post #: 2
RE: Sony DRU-700A - 3/24/2006 7:07:20 PM   

Posts: 5448
Joined: 4/11/2002
From: Retired Moderator
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If you're going to be burning Dual Layer DVD's (DL) you should really try Nero.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

(in reply to itchy)
Post #: 3
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