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asus a8v-mx opinion needed - bios settings   Logged in as: Guest
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asus a8v-mx opinion needed - bios settings - 1/31/2006 12:43:34 PM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 12/27/2005
Status: offline
good evening from greece.

please, let me have your opinion about the asus a8v-mx motherboard fitted with an athlon64 3200+ venice core.

I bought recently this motherboard and the cpu for just euros 230 as a replacement of my old but trusty asus a7n8x with athlon xp1900+.

it seems that asus a8v-mx have some strong points like athlon64/64fx compatibility, sata raid but the overall performance is very low and I am wondering why.

I feel that my a7n8x haa a much a better performance than the a8v-mx with the same hd, the same amount of ram etc...

also, I have notice that you "must enable" acpi 2.0 support in order to install windows and I am wondering why.

the manual does not mention this !!!

please, if this is possible let me know about the best bios settings.

I am not interested in games so can I use only 8 mb of video ram ?

I am a musician-composer.

my ram vary from 512 ddr333 kingston-nanya to samsung 128 ddr333 dimms.

also, I wish to know if anybody of you have found any web site that have a review of the asus a8v-mx.

I thanking you very much in advance.

< Message edited by Nocia -- 1/31/2006 12:48:59 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: asus a8v-mx opinion needed - bios settings - 2/1/2006 2:20:40 AM   

Posts: 1299
Joined: 7/21/2005
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Firstly you can try upgrading the mobo's bios version. Asus have great utils for more convinience.

Which performance is not good to you, I mean what exactly did you noticed?

What memory do you have? Do you have to identical modules set them as Dual channel?


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to Nocia)
Post #: 2
RE: asus a8v-mx opinion needed - bios settings - 2/1/2006 6:50:43 AM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 12/27/2005
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hi Antonio and I thank you for your reply.

regarding ram I have kingston value ra, 2x512 ddr333 with nanya ram chip, 4x128 samsung ddr333 and 2x128 corsair ddr333,

as for the performance I think tha my old athlon xp1900 could render much faster a wave file 24 bit 230 mb than my new athlon64 3200+ venice core.

I have tried several configuration of ram lik single channel, dual chanel but it seems that my athlon xp 900+ outperfom athlon64 3200+ .

I have tried also my hd, wd 200 gb sata, seagate barracuda 160 gb ide, wd 80 gb sata etc.

it seems that motherboards that have integrated agp graphics are slower.



(in reply to Antonio)
Post #: 3
RE: asus a8v-mx opinion needed - bios settings - 2/1/2006 9:52:47 AM   

Posts: 1299
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My friend this is not possible, an athlon xp1900 to be better than the athlon64 3200+.

Set your kingston 2x512 ddr333 in dual channel, according to the motherboard's guide. Don't install any other since their performance will be reduced.
Do you also know the timings for this RAM?


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to Nocia)
Post #: 4
RE: asus a8v-mx opinion needed - bios settings - 2/2/2006 1:16:58 AM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 12/27/2005
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hi Antonio,

I have followed your advice but again my athlon xp100+ outperfom athlon64 3200+.

I have done some edits on some very big wave files on athlon xp1900+ and it took about 3 minutes to be rendered, tha same files on athlon 64 3200+ took nearly 4.23 !!!.

I have called the vendor who sold me the motherboard and the cpu and after a long conversation confessed me that asus a8v-mx motherboard is not a "fast" motherboard unless you install a separate vga card and 1024 ddr400 ram !.

I think that this explanation is true but I really didnt know that before I decided to buy this board.


(in reply to Antonio)
Post #: 5
RE: asus a8v-mx opinion needed - bios settings - 2/2/2006 5:52:11 AM   

Posts: 1299
Joined: 7/21/2005
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??? what? Is he an idiot?

What on hell has the audio conversion  to do with the graphics card?  Couldn't he find anything better to tell you?
DDR 400MHz RAM is sure faster than the 333MHz but it doesn't such a difference. As for capacity you already have 1GB...although this is not also the problem.

I don't think the motherboard slowers this.

My opinion is that you haven't made all the appropriate adjustments in BIOS.
Do you have the latest drivers for your motherboard's chipset.

It is 100% a software or OS issue, not hardware...


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to Nocia)
Post #: 6
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