Posts: 2
Joined: 1/3/2006 Status: offline
I use win2000 sp4 on a kt266pro-r MB. I just disconnected my sec. slave on that i could flash the firmware on my LG dvd gsa-4163b. The problem is...when i reboot..i get 2 beeps with the error message that my secondary slave is not atapi compliant. The quirky part is that i disconnected the sec. slave..there is none there! i unattached cable and power cable. (the bios only detects the sec. master and not the phantom sec. slave --as should be) Pressing F1 --to resume. computer boots normally...and no other error messages. I flashed my DVD successfully. Every time i boot now..i get the sec. slave phantom error. so my question has two parts: a) Why do i get this error message when there is clearly no secondary slave to begin with? b) Could this problem by a symptom of something wrong with my system that has been inteferring with my game install problems? (usually insisiting i do not have proper game disk in drive when i do) To be clear..all i have to do is plug in my secondary slave (lg cd rewriter) and all is well again (or maybe not..since alot of games do not install well. I had thought it was a copy protection thing). Its quirky! TIA :)
< Message edited by RedStar -- 1/5/2006 5:11:10 PM >