Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003 From: Germany Status: offline
Right now I am using a w2k sp4 with InCD 4.1 install to access this forum, and my CPU charge at idle is between 0% and 1%. 85% charge is really abnormal and unexpected. If you re-install InCD, when you have the problem of high cpu charge, can you go in a dos shell (start|execute|type cmd in the box and return key), and execute the command line: net stop incdsrv (the service should stop with success). Does then the cpu charge drop?
David Burg Software Development, InCD Project Leader Nero AG Im Stoeckmaedle 18 76307 Karlsbad Germany fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299 email: dburg@nero.com http://www.nero.com