As far as I know...that means that this ram didnt meat all standards it was supposed to....i.e...maybe it didnt worked without problems at its standarized speeds/frequencies....or just had some other problems it isnt best suitable to be used in all systems (just imagine that they install such ram into some computer or device where life or death situation (or big loss of $$$

) could occur if it fails...), but on the other hand....its not completely it still could be used for some other devices/systems (like yours!?

I just hope you wont have any major problems with it...maybe its not best to OC it...and also I hope that you got it for fair (lower) price - so that at the end...even if it fails wont need to cry out loud....but will rather buy new ram....and maybe pay few $$$ more for really GREAT RAM! Again your choice to make....good luck and best wishes...