Cheers fellow forumers
...minos...thanks for such a fast reply
...commenting in the order of your reply...of course if a drive fails the preliminary tests there is no need for further tests...i stated that in a case drive passes the tests further ones should be done in order to see what else is it capable of point in beating a dead horse
...choosing the Alcohol for the tests is the right choice because in my opinion it IS the best backup software on the market and with most features and most powerful one...making a working backup in 99 % of cases is not the problem...the problem is burning it to a burner in a correct way so the backup is cd cracks have numerous disadvantages...they are often badly made and non-usable...of course there are exceptions
...secondly for example wating for a no cd crack for a game patch just released is grueling...once i had to wait months just for a crack to be released...everybody else moved to another game by that time...grrrr...
...and with cracks you cant play online and on non-cracked that LAN or internet you that case if a working backup is made and cant be burned correctly the only solution is to save it on a media in form of a file and load it later in Alcohol in form of an image in the Alcohol virtual works like a charm...and something else i wanted to add...i mentioned earlier a so-called "sheep test" for a is widely used for testing drives and is accepted as a good indicator of a quality of a burner...heres a great example... it is also a SD protection related test so i dont see any reason why you guys shouldnt use it in your reviews too...i mentioned earlier in a post a link how its done and where to download the software for the test...also if you come up for another test for backing up protected software...hey...who am i to interfere...i hope you guys consider my suggestions...thanks anyway...CDRInfo site rocks