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RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/18/2005 4:36:09 PM   

Posts: 1299
Joined: 7/21/2005
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This seems to be ok. With all this running the 50 degrees for your 630 seems to be ok.

Have you done anything with the thermal paste?


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 49
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/18/2005 4:46:06 PM   

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From: Holon, Israel
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This seems to be ok. With all this running the 50 degrees for your 630 seems to be ok.

Have you done anything with the thermal paste?

No .. I dont have the arctic silver .. nor alcohol 99% :(
I need to buy some on sunday ...
mannnn I hate paste and such .. :(
I wish I used a thermal pad ..
maybe on sunday I will go to some store next to my home and buy the original intel HSF with its thermal pad .. and they will install it for me :(

(in reply to Antonio)
Post #: 50
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/18/2005 5:41:28 PM   

Posts: 5448
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Actually, I would "NOT" go with the Intel stock cooler, it does not cool as well.


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 51
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/18/2005 5:48:49 PM   

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From: Holon, Israel
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Actually, I would "NOT" go with the Intel stock cooler, it does not cool as well.

hmm ..
as it instructed here ..
it aint so hard to apply the paste .. unlike in some other guides and tutorials where the say to put it on the corner and use credit card to do a layer ..
here its just say to put on the heatsink .. and press on it abit Clockwise and counterCW ... and then wipe it and leave a little layer ..
now on the cpu itself just put a dot of paste .. and then press the HSF on it .. rotate once CW and once CCW .. and push all the 4 pins down ...

am I right ?

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 52
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 6:09:49 AM   

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This guide is for AMD 64 whwere the actual size of the core is much more smaller than the surface. In a P4 do the same but put twice the volume you read in the above link. If you could apply it it would be great but even if not as soon as you put the cooler on, due to pressure, it will go on all surface.


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 53
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 8:21:06 AM   

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From: Holon, Israel
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I opened up my pc today .. tidy my room .. vaccum the dust .. swept 4 times ..
vaccumed again ..
vaccum the pc again ..  (case)
connected the side door generic fan ..
hmmm .. it seems as the HSF wasnt attached very good .. one of the pins was messed up so it took me 15min to fix it .. and then I attached it better ... pressed it .. make sure all the 4 pins are attached good to the board ..
I havent took the HSF off the cpu .. cause I dont have any 99% alcohol nor arctic silver 5 ..
I made some more room inside the case for air circulation .. attached some cables and hide some others ..
and ..
CPU temp. on idle : ~35
MB temp. on idle : ~30

hmm .. I still plan to replace all the generic fans to the orange thermaltake fans .. and maybe even buy some white .. silent something .. from thermal take for the upper side of the case ..
I also moved the case from under the table to next to it .. so it has more room and air ;)
hmmm .. I will soon check the temp. on heavy use .. (time to play FEAR -> I wonder if it will run with my onboard VGA ha ha ...)

after about an hour the cpu temp. is : ~36
and the MB is : ~32

< Message edited by major9686 -- 11/19/2005 9:34:55 AM >

(in reply to Antonio)
Post #: 54
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 2:08:54 PM   

Posts: 169
Joined: 7/4/2003
From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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I am glad you finally make by my opinion your CPU fan wasnt installed properly...I know I also had some problems when i removed mine to clean it completely...

We just need to be very carefull and take some time to properly put it back...

So...what more to say....ohhh yeah...Welcome to ~30 & ~35 degrees celsius clubs m8...

Hopefully F.E.A.R. wont burn your cpu (or gpu)...or make you run away from computer (when being chased by that little sexy girlie...)...

Best wishes...


(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 55
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 2:28:18 PM   

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From: Holon, Israel
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ORIGINAL: SiliconFreak


I am glad you finally make by my opinion your CPU fan wasnt installed properly...I know I also had some problems when i removed mine to clean it completely...

We just need to be very carefull and take some time to properly put it back...

So...what more to say....ohhh yeah...Welcome to ~30 & ~35 degrees celsius clubs m8...

Hopefully F.E.A.R. wont burn your cpu (or gpu)...or make you run away from computer (when being chased by that little sexy girlie...)...

Best wishes...


little sexy girl ? where !?!??
and FEAR looked crappy .. like doom 1 .. or duke3d .. :(
I must get me some graphic card ..
I might buy x800*** something  ..
hmmm .. well .. the cpu was installed properly ..
the HSF wasnt .. one of the pins wasnt fully attached to the motherboard ..
:) and .. now to my other issue ..
how do I get the temperatures even lower ?

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 56
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 2:50:35 PM   

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From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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Which girl you asked? hahahahahaha....well maybe she isnt that sexy....buttttttttttt....if you played FEAR you would know which one for sure....hahahahahaha....r u sure the game you played was FEAR????

Also...crappy??? You need to adjust resolution you at least some 1280 (at least that my minimum for games)....and also set other details to higher than LOW.... Then it surely wont be that crappy anymore....hahaha...

Not X800...X1800 is the key to success...or 7800GTX 512....

I didnt say your CPU was not properly installed...i said CPU fan....CPU cooler to be precise....little misunderstaning here but its ok....

Finally....dont get spoiled got superb why you want lower ones???? You surely wont get lower temperatures with any air cooling solution (maybe 2-3 degrees but surely not more) next step is either water cooling or subzero cooling....(how about -50 degrees? sounds ok? you can have all that and more for some $ if you really want lower temperatures...go ahead....hahahahahhahaa...i believe its not worth it...but you need to do math for yourself...)...

Good luck and cya around...

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 57
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 2:58:57 PM   

Posts: 258
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From: Holon, Israel
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ORIGINAL: SiliconFreak


Which girl you asked? hahahahahaha....well maybe she isnt that sexy....buttttttttttt....if you played FEAR you would know which one for sure....hahahahahaha....r u sure the game you played was FEAR????

Also...crappy??? You need to adjust resolution you at least some 1280 (at least that my minimum for games)....and also set other details to higher than LOW.... Then it surely wont be that crappy anymore....hahaha...

Not X800...X1800 is the key to success...or 7800GTX 512....

I didnt say your CPU was not properly installed...i said CPU fan....CPU cooler to be precise....little misunderstaning here but its ok....

Finally....dont get spoiled got superb why you want lower ones???? You surely wont get lower temperatures with any air cooling solution (maybe 2-3 degrees but surely not more) next step is either water cooling or subzero cooling....(how about -50 degrees? sounds ok? you can have all that and more for some $ if you really want lower temperatures...go ahead....hahahahahhahaa...i believe its not worth it...but you need to do math for yourself...)...

Good luck and cya around...

I want my CPU temp. to be 30 on idle .. and the case\motherboard to be 25c :)
and .. FEAR ran crappy cause Im usin an onboard VGA ... so ..
and I dont have the $$$ for x1800 .. I live in israel .. I dont think that x1800 arrived here yet .. and if it is .. with will cost twice than the price in the US ...
Im tryin to get some1 from my family that comin here to visit on nov.30th .. to buy it for me .. and I will pay him ..

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 58
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 3:37:12 PM   

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From: Melbourne, Victoria, AUS
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I can buy it here and send it to you...but i guess you would have to pay high taxes (custom duty) which will end the same as if you buy it there!? So dont know...maybe wait a little until prices drop down (cause it's heavily overpriced (not as GeForce 7800GTX 512, but anyway) at the moment - although it's a superb graphics card!)...

And second thing....i doubt you could acchieve that...hardly...maybe with 10 fans....but then you will have so much noise like sitting in a racing i think its not worth it...30 and 35 are very good numbers...better than average for your cpu!...but do as you wish....your choice....


(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 59
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/19/2005 3:52:32 PM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
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ORIGINAL: SiliconFreak

I can buy it here and send it to you...but i guess you would have to pay high taxes (custom duty) which will end the same as if you buy it there!? So dont know...maybe wait a little until prices drop down (cause it's heavily overpriced (not as GeForce 7800GTX 512, but anyway) at the moment - although it's a superb graphics card!)...

And second thing....i doubt you could acchieve that...hardly...maybe with 10 fans....but then you will have so much noise like sitting in a racing i think its not worth it...30 and 35 are very good numbers...better than average for your cpu!...but do as you wish....your choice....


Oh .. and I still havent applied Arctic silver 5 .. and havent gotten some kick @$$ cooler\HSF  for my CPU ..
the currant HSF has only 2400rpm .. it aint enough .. its like all my semi-generic-chieftec-fans .. :)
GPU - and if my family member will get it for me and bring it when he comes .. he\I wont pay taxes .. :)
ha ha ..

(in reply to SiliconFreak)
Post #: 60
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/20/2005 7:47:10 AM   

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I use the Vantec Mach 1 on my P4's it also works for AMD... and we actually reviewed it here:


LG GSA H22L Firm 1.02
Samsung SH-203N Firm SB01
LiteOn SOHD-16P9S Firm FS0D

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 61
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/20/2005 7:52:30 AM   

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Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
Status: offline


I use the Vantec Mach 1 on my P4's it also works for AMD... and we actually reviewed it here:

1. Didnt find it here ..
2. its noisy ..
3. the most common HSF here are : thermaltake, thermalright, zalman ...

(in reply to MP3Mogul)
Post #: 62
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/20/2005 12:36:08 PM   

Posts: 258
Joined: 6/28/2005
From: Holon, Israel
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Ok .. found the specs. for my 4 chieftec-generic fans :






Noise db

kinda lousy specs as you can see, should I replace them ?
if so .. so what do you think of this :
or those :
or those :

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 63
RE: CPU Temp. Issue :( - 11/21/2005 4:41:39 AM   

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It seems the the Tt fans are more silent and have higher CFM, so they are better.

Sorry, in the beginning I thought it was about 120mm fans but it is 80mm.

Keep on mind that you won't have then to maximum since the noise levels will be even more than your 26dB, at 31dB, this is a great difference, but if you don't care about noise...

The CFM for the Tt is close to 47 while yours at 19, so even with the Tt working a little lower, for less noise, I think the CFM would be much more than the 19, probably more than 30. In that case you'll have better air flow in your case. However don't expect too much difference for your CPU temprature. I saw in a picture you rosted it was close to 35 degrees. This is very good.


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to major9686)
Post #: 64
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