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Can't boot Win98 SE after loading InCD 4   Logged in as: Guest
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Can't boot Win98 SE after loading InCD 4 - 10/15/2003 3:06:47 AM   


Posts: 10
Joined: 7/18/2003
From: USA
Status: offline
This problem has happened to various degrees with all versions of InCD 4, but it has been more pronounced since InCD and continues with InCD

Install goes fine, I reboot for the changes to take effect. Windows 98 brings up the desktop and I see the InCD icon load into the system tray. Shortly thereafter, I get a blue screen stating "An exception OE has occurred at 0028:00770076 in VxD ---. This was called from 0028:C1C26310 in VxD voltrack(04) + 00000430."

Thereafter, Windows is completely locked. I cannot even move the mouse pointer. Only remedy is to boot to safe mode and uninstall InCD.

I reported this on previous versions (here and directly to Ahead tech support) without resolution. This happened with InCD 4 before version, but the blue screen did not occur unless I opened Windows Explorer. Now it happens before I can take any action.

I have a BUS-Link 52x24x52 CD-RW drive (which is really an AOpen drive and has been updated to such with the 1.06 firmware) and a Toshiba DVD-ROM drive. The CD-RW does not work properly with InCD 3, although it ships with it! I have no problems using Nero 5 to burn CD's with the drive.

Please help.

- Scott
Post #: 1
RE: Can't boot Win98 SE after loading InCD 4 - 12/21/2003 1:58:21 AM   


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Joined: 12/21/2003
From: USA
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I also had the exact same problem with the exact same message (Win98SE).The software (Nero Express) came with the new 52x24x52 Cd burner that I just purchased. It took me a little longer to get to the same resolution due to the fact I have may applications that load on booting and I wasn't sure which one was giving the problem, but in the end it was InCD. So I uninstalled it and everything is functioning just fine. The other problem I was having was that the driver included with the new cd-burner tried to take over my other CD-ROM and was preventing the system from issueing a Drive letter to it even though it recognized it was there. So that driver also had to be uninstalled and I let windows use the default driver and all works great now. My suggestion is although InCD may work great for newer operating systems, don't install InCD on anything less than Windows XP or plan to spend extra time uninstalling it just to get your system to run again.



(in reply to ScottAllen11)
Post #: 2
RE: Can't boot Win98 SE after loading InCD 4 - 12/23/2003 12:42:21 PM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
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InCD is not replacing any driver of windows. It is using a filter driver of the cdrom class to send its scsi command to the drive. It is difficult to say if a crash in voltrack.vxd is identical to another. Under 9x and Me, when you have a crash in voltrack.vxd, you can say that 'something' went wrong around the cd or dvd drives, but that nearly stop here (unless you have a debugger installed on your computer). Our engineers have seen for instance such bluescreen been caused by chipset signaling a command completion before real completion, thus with corrupted buffers.

A possible solution might be found by updating both InCD 4 and the motherboard driver / ide controller driver, maybe also the bios.


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to ScottAllen11)
Post #: 3
RE: Can't boot Win98 SE after loading InCD 4 - 12/23/2003 3:47:00 PM   


Posts: 10
Joined: 7/18/2003
From: USA
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Originally posted by dburg

Our engineers have seen for instance such bluescreen been caused by chipset signaling a command completion before real completion, thus with corrupted buffers.

A possible solution might be found by updating both InCD 4 and the motherboard driver / ide controller driver, maybe also the bios.

I have the latest drivers and BIOS for my system. It is an ECS K7S5A motherboard with a SIS 730 chipset. I have downloaded all fixes and patches for Windows 98 SE. I don't see anything else I can do on my end to resolve the incompatibility!

- Scott

(in reply to ScottAllen11)
Post #: 4
RE: Can't boot Win98 SE after loading InCD 4 - 12/24/2003 3:14:45 PM   


Posts: 224
Joined: 6/10/2003
From: Germany
Status: offline
And you have try with InCD


David Burg
Software Development,
InCD Project Leader

Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299


(in reply to ScottAllen11)
Post #: 5
RE: Can't boot Win98 SE after loading InCD 4 - 1/4/2004 9:16:59 PM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 1/4/2004
From: United Kingdom
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It’s been worse for me, because I maintain a dual OS machine. C:\drive has the w98se and an adjacent drive has the w2kpro OS. I have Nero installed on the w2kpro drive together with InCD v4.1.0.0, and am experiencing no problems.
However, on the w98se OS I have been inundated with problems since InCD v4 was released. Like most others here I have invariably obtained the final blue screen and SOMETIMES been able to get into SAFE mode where I’m able to uninstall the errant piece.

But recently, since I reinstalled to a much larger ‘front’ hard-drive, (where both OSs are by drive definition only able to be accessed), I’ve not been able to access safe mode, - at least in its w98se original state -, and only get the first part of the w2kpro ‘safemode’ access screen, with a choice between 98se and 2kpro which inevitably defaults me eventually to yet another visitation to the corrupt 98se blue screen.

I eventually had no choice but to replace my then current w98se installation yet once again with the latest saved Ghost image for that drive, then uninstall ALL Ahead software and install only v5.5.10.54, (Nero), and v3.5.200b, (InCD), from which point I’ve experienced no problems. But I can’t say that I’m very happy with Nero’s inability to solve what is obviously a common problem.

(in reply to ScottAllen11)
Post #: 6
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