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ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 6/30/2005 10:31:12 PM   


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I have a new ASUS P5GD2 Premium Mobo. I've installed one HDD on the Primary IDE connector to function as the system boot drive. I also installed two drives from an older system (both IDE, ATA100, 40 & 80Gbytes). on the secondary RAID connector. I'm confused as to why they do not show up in the IDE listing during the IDE search function by the ITE IT8212 - only the drive on the Primary IDE(not RAID connector) shows up or is detected. If I enter the Board BIOS Setup , they do not show up as being detected, but will show up in the BOOT sequence selection?? I have been able to access them through WinXP after installing the Windows ITE Driver. But they just aren't detected as an IDE device during boot up!! 
Any Explanations???        Thanks in advance!
Post #: 1
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 7/1/2005 4:43:17 AM   

Posts: 3349
Joined: 7/22/2004
From: Jupiter
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Check the jumber settings.

(in reply to sojorner)
Post #: 2
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 7/1/2005 9:18:58 AM   


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    Thanks for the reply!
The two drives are jumpered as Master & Slave on the IDE-RAID connector, as well as the two devices on the Primary IDE. Went through that a couple times, changed from the Primary RAID-IDE to the Secondary RAID, swaped the master and slave HDD's (as well as jumpers). It's just weird - I can access them through Windows, see all my old files, change them, add new ones, etc. but they just don't show up in the BIOS as being detected!!!!
The other interesting thing I noticed too is that in the Device Manager under Windows, they show up as SCSI devices - not IDE devices!! These are NOT SCSI drives - Standard Western Digital 7200 rpm Caviar Drives that were detected & fully functional in my old system as IDE Devices on the standard IDE ports. I even swapped the drives from the RAID connectors to the Single Primary IDE connector and they were both detected then!So it's not the drives themselves that are the issue.
One other thing as I was thinking about this. I did not install the '3rd party" RAID driver during the installation of Windows via the F6 function during Windows Set-Up. I installed the ASUS provided ITE Win driver after I installed Windows and that is when the drives were available to Windows. The problem is that you need another Computer to create the required floppy disks. My old system developed some hardware problems and I could not create the Floppies Seems that they should be included with the software from ASUS! [I was not interested in setting up a RAID array on the system, I have some good backup processes so I wasn't concerned about a drive going down. I do however have my multiple drives organized into a number of logical drives. I also use one of the drives (on the Primary IDE) as the system drive with no critical data (other than system files )on it. I just wanted the capability to add / increase drives if needed. 
I also did not see where loading a windows driver would impact the BIOS detection of the drives - Am I wrong on that score?

< Message edited by sojorner -- 7/1/2005 9:23:36 AM >

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 3
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 7/1/2005 10:23:31 AM   

Posts: 3349
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From: Jupiter
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I have the Asus P5AD2-E Premium which has the same ITE controller for the RAID. I either don't interest in RAID array so I use it as IDE controller. Now I don't have ay problem but in the past I have. How about a newer bios update?

(in reply to sojorner)
Post #: 4
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 8/21/2005 7:08:53 PM   


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Hi! I'm just having the same problem as Sojorner with the difference that my motherboard is an ASUS P5GDC-V Deluxe, but I'm wondering how you Iggy can use the IDE RAID connectors as IDE controllers??
I had tried to do it but with no success!!

(in reply to Iggy)
Post #: 5
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 8/21/2005 7:49:41 PM   


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In reply to AGrillet,
    Still haven't found a way to 'configure' the IDE Raid as an IDE Controller. However, when I loaded the Driver associated with it in WINxP, the drives appear and work just like regular secondary IDE drives!! So, make sure that you install the ITE Raid Drivers, restart Windows and your drives should show up in Windows. Still don't show up in the BIOS.. but then, as long as they are working - not worried. ONe thing also. When you check you rdrives under windows device manager, they show up as SCSI drives under the Disk Drive listing for some reason???


(in reply to AGrillet)
Post #: 6
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 4/21/2006 2:24:54 AM   


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Im sorry for bringging this topic again. I just bought the ASUS P5GD2 deluxe motherboard and having the same problem. I have two IDE HDD and a LG-GSA-H1OA dvd drive.

This motherboard only have one PRI-IDE slot and two ITE-IDE(PRI & SEC)(red color).The bios didnt detect my HDD as primary or secondary drive but it shows up in the boot priority option. But if i connect these drive to the one PRI-IDE slot, it will detect. So I connected my HDD and DVDdrive to the IDE slot, as master and slave. But when this two drive are connected, the DVD reads any disc very slow. Sometimes it just hangs.

I am trying to install windowsXP. I also tried booting with other bootable disc, same thing, very slow and somtimes just hang. But if i disconnect the HDD, the cd@dvd boot up normally. So I dont know how can I install the OS if I cannot connect the HDD.. I checked all the jumpers, tried other cables, 80pins 40pins... Is it my HDD or cable or the BIOS or other things? any suggestion is really appriciated.

(in reply to sojorner)
Post #: 7
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 4/21/2006 7:05:36 AM   

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Put the main HD on the Primary channel as master, with an ATA100 cable. On the same channel put as slave the drive. Make sure the jumbers are on the appropriate position for each one, Master and Slave respectively and not CS.

Make sure DMA is also enable.

Put the second HD you have onto the ITE controller, using once again an ATA100 cable.

I used to have this on my office for a while and with this setup I didn;t have any problems. Now I have all in SATA.


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to monzagreat)
Post #: 8
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 4/22/2006 8:05:32 AM   


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thanks for the reply. i tried it but still slow reading on my dvd rive. but now what i did was, i connected my HDD to the ITE IDE. and dvd drive tu PRI IDE. i downloaded the driver for the ITE controllers for windows. copied it on a floppy disc. when installing windows, i press f6 to install 3rd party driver. put in the floppy disk, and windowsXP detected my HDD! now everything is running fine. thanks

(in reply to Antonio)
Post #: 9
RE: ASUS P5GD2 HDD IDE RAID - 4/22/2006 8:11:17 AM   

Posts: 1299
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great, well done.


salute proffessionista!

(in reply to monzagreat)
Post #: 10
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